(62% Winrate) Kazakus C'thun Renolock
- Last updated Dec 6, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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- 22 Minions
- 8 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Renolock
- Crafting Cost: 15240
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 10/3/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
- skoj
- Registered User
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Hi! I am Xenimal.
This is C'Thun version of popular Renolock deck and also runs Kazakus in it. Deck is made by me few seasons ago and im now updating it to fit better to Gadgetzan meta. I had 62% winrate with this deck (Yogg-nerf update build) few seasons ago
Try to mulligan for early cultists and Reno Jackson. If facing aggro save Demonwrath. If youre going second Twilight Drake and Mountain Giant are superior to save.
How to play
Early game: Play cultists and tap tap tap. Play 2 and 3 cost minions based on situation. If you got nothing to play early just tap. Dont worry if youre playing from behind, this deck wins in very late game.
Kazakus: Greater potion (5-mana one) is almost always best to pick. Pick your effects based on situation. Felbloom and Ichor of Underdeath are amazing.
Mid game: Play Mountain Giant or Twilight Drake and try to TAUNT IT! Play Twin Emperor Vek'lor. Most important thing is just surviving whatever your opponent smORCs you with.
Late game: Heal with Reno Jackson and finish opponent with C'Thun and Ragnaros the Firelord. If everything goes wrong play Lord Jaraxxus. OBLIVION!!!
This deck is beast against any control deck. Wrecks midrange. It also wins aggro with good draws. Hardest matchups are Malygos and bursty decks.
I have every card on this deck except
Lord Jaraxxus, Rag, Vek'lor and right now I'm only able to craft one of them, who should I craft first?
How's this do against midrange shaman? I know you said "it wrecks midrange", so I'm assuming it does pretty well. Any important notes on the matchup?
I thought i was the only one playing a deck like this lmao.
You can use faceless for second sylvanas or for second big taunt to board
its also flexible af so you can do miracles with it
Yes it is playable and wont weaken much. 2nd Hellfire could be awesome but it would ruin many games due Reno antisynergy. Run Power overwhelming. Its awesome but it didnt have place in deck. It has 7 mana mindcontrol synergy with Sylvanas.
Mountain Giant
is there any replacement for giant...? just disenchanted mine, only card i miss for the deck
Just put in another big minion.
Theres no replacement for Mountain Giant. Without it you lose early game threat and huge midgame taunt.
If your going to play faceless and emp, why not play with lerroy and power overwhelming? So far looks solid going to go play it, thanks man! +1
I liked this version of deck lot more than leeroy P.O version. You can use faceless for second sylvanas or for second big taunt to board
looks like my yogg is turning into a jaraxxus