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[HEROIC] Easy and Cheap Shade of Aran

  • Last updated May 11, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: PvE Adventure
  • Deck Archetype: Secret Mage
  • Boss: Shade of Aran
  • Crafting Cost: 3300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/2/2016 (Karazhan)
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  • CaHgO
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    • 21
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Hello, this is the deck I used to beat Shade of Aran on heroic. I tried with other decks on the site, but they were not good and I was consistently losing.

I decided to create a version of my own, and with it I got it on second try (first try I had a really bad draw). I then tried 7-8 times more and lost only once.

The deck revolves around Eater of Secrets, Kezan Mystic, burst spells, secrets, and minions that cannot be targeted by spells.

Yes, I'm missing Flamewaker, but in this fight it is absolutely useless.


Mulligan for Mad Scientist and Eater of Secrets or Kezan Mystic.

In early game Kezan is better, while in late game Eater of secrets. If you manage to steal the "deal 10 damage to all enemies" secret, it's almost a guaranteed win. 

Your secrets are also extremely important, especially Counter Spell and Spellbender - you want to have one of these active always. Stealing Counter Spell with Kezan Mystic is also very good. 

Don't proc his secrets with minions, wait until you get Kezan or Eater. Try to play Mad Scientist as early as possible. Faerie Dragon also helps a lot with the early game. 

Early to mid game focus around surviving and destroying or stealing his secrets. Use Counter Spells often and wait till he runs out of steam - then finish him off with your big minions and/or burst spells like Fireball and Firelands Portal

Frost Bolt is flexible and can be used as burst or clear, but if you manage to steal his Flamesomething secret, then you won't need a lot of removal and it will end much quicker.

The flexible slots are Antique Healbot, Illuminator, and Ice Block. These are used for stalling/surviving until you get your Kezans and Eaters and until you start pulling out your big minions. 

If you don't have Dr. Boom, you can use Ragnaros, but boom is better because of the deathratlles on bots. 

I hope this deck works for you. Let me know if you like it or dislike it and feel free to suggest improvements.