[Writeup] Xixo's Malygos Druid
- Last updated Sep 15, 2016 (Karazhan)
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- 12 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: Tournament
- Deck Archetype: Ramp Druid
- Crafting Cost: 7440
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/28/2016 (Karazhan)
- Xixo
- Pro Player
Tournament Decks:
Ladder Decks:
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Here is the deck of the 2nd place of Insomnia TrueSilver Championship III - Xixo.
He played well by this deck on the final day, but not in the main game of tournament.
Anyway it is a strong deck.
Win conditions:
1. Malygos + 2x Moonfire + 2x Living Roots = 26 dmg (you should reduce cost of at least one card Malygos or Roots to cast all in one turn).
2. 2x Arcane Giant can win many matchups after Big Game Hunter became 5 mana cost.
3. If nothing works we have Yogg-Saron, Hope's End.
It is a fast deck. We need to draw, to draw and to draw again. We should find our "Win condition №1" and reduce its cost with Emperor Thaurissan.
Gadgetzan Auctioneer play like in Miracle Rogue, because we have a lot of cheap spells. Also the coin has more value for this deck.
1. Innervate. If you have it, you can keep Nourish or Mire Keeper to gain more mana crystals.
2. Wild Growth.
3. Wrath
4. Swipe vs Warlocks
5. May be Mire Keeper + coin, depends on opponent.
We have no Mulch here, so if we need to remove something Big, we should find it with Raven Idol.
I don't think that we can do any replacements, because we can lost our temp.
Don't forget to play Fandral Staghelm in the right time and right place. Remember, that he is more stronger after Emperor Thaurissan and we can make several combos in one turn.
And in the end of writeup my favourite game Xixo's Maly Druid vs Ostkaka's Ramp Druid.
I cut 1x Auctioneer for 1x moonglade portal, seems to be OK. I found 1 Auctioneer is more than enough and I draw my whole deck against control every game. And he's not that relevant against aggro.
You Don't need to ramp early to guarantee a win against aggro. Look at hand lineup and decide if ramp is the best option(no Wrath or swipe in hand) to combat aggro drop a turn 1 saplings from living roots this will combat most turn 1 and two plays except totem golem(and coin or innervate plays). Use your mire keeper to drop a slime to contest board instead of ramp early if needed. Use Moonfire if absolutely needed as often against aggro your not going to have time to Malygos burn finish your opponent anyway.
cuz its not shaman
Feral rage is strictly better. Why? because it can always heal for 8 unlike healing wave; ie: if your at 26 kind of thing. Also the flexability if you draw bad and need to remove a trogg or mana wyrm ect..
Healing wave can potentially heal more though, especially if youre playing a control-style deck with lots of big drops. Better I can agree with, but im not sure about strictly better.
i run pretty similar deck. 60-70% win rate so far.
but i removed 1 feral rage for ragnaros, and 1 nourish for bloodmage thalnos
I'm having a great time playing this deck. Solid win rate too, 6-2, but I'm still climbing up from the bottom of the ladder, rank 19, so take that for what it's worth. I'm mostly seeing slow Mage, Warrior, and Pally decks
Shaman is hard to beat. people saying they win 70%+ vs shaman obviously had the perfect opening and the opponent a crappy one. But other that shaman, I have a better win rate that my hunter yogg+giant deck.
Shaman have multiple 4hp+ body and this deck have a hard time to deal with that. If shaman have the perfect opening, I cant see how you can win seriously.
(sorry for my bad english skill, it's not my native language).
would curator work to draw out maly?
Instead of?
Yep. However i feel that the deck is made in such a way for you to control the game till it reaches the late game, hence you will always be able to draw malygos in time for the moonfire/living roots malygos finisher.
Thoughts on +Barnes, -Yogg?
Barnes can play, there are a lot of cards for him
It would be nice, but there are no cards to remove
I took our a Mire Keeper for him. I don't know if it's better, but it's fun.
Hey man! Nice deck, but what do you think about adding a Bloodmage Thalnos in this one? I guess, it would play good. But I don't know instead of what shall I put it.
Yeah, Bloodmage Thalnos seems very good. Both of SPD and draw. But I don't know what we can remove. May be one Mire Keeper, koz we have 5x 4th drops?
Maybe a Azure Drake since they hold a similar purpose. I don't know if I would recommend Thalnos though, he would be a ok anti aggro tech because you could Thalnos wrath a early totem golem or something.
Other than that I think Azure drake is better for this deck overall.
now, can go to rank 5 with this deck ? sry for my bad english ...
if you will play good - for sure