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The Curator Paladin (Dragons, Beasts, Murlocs)

  • Last updated Sep 3, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 7840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/26/2016 (Karazhan)
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Thank you for all the support guys! I've added specific match-ups mulligan like promised and some extra card swap decisions based on what you're facing a lot on ladder. 

Newly Added: - Specific Match-up Mulligans and Match-up Swap Outs

Currently Working On: This week we see the release of the final wing of the Kharazan adventure and thus the release of a couple new dragon syngery cards. I will be testing them out on ladder and see if any of them fit this deck! Also working on specific match up strategies. 


If any of you know me, I love the dragon decks, and with some of the new cards released this week I bring to you guys a twist on the "dragon" theme. 

I will write a specific matchup strategy and tips section at 50 upvotes. 

Went from rank 9 to rank 3 with this fast deck midrange deck so far, its 30-12, which is sitting nicely just above 70% winrate. It's essentially a midrange / tempo dragon paladin deck with a dash of murlocs and beasts, in order to make The Curator gain insane value. It almost always draws 3 cards in this deck, sometimes 2 but even then it's great because we aren't forcing too many weak cards into the deck while The Curator remains a great play at 2 draws.

Remember 2 draws is like the mage card  Arcane Intellect which almost every mage runs for 3 mana. That combined into  The Curator is like playing a 4 mana 4/6 taunt that also casts arcane intellect for useful creatures! Combining it into one card is also worth more than playing these 2 things separately. So imagine how much value we are gaining over the opponent when we draw 3 with The Curator

Explanation of Why I run Sir Finley Mrgglton and Possible Replacement:

So a lot of people are asking why I run Sir FInely Murgleton instead of Vilefin Inquistitor or at all. The first reason is due to the fact that this deck does not run Zooboth, lowering the value of  Vilefin's hero power. If you run a faster deck with zoobots you could swap in Vilefin's for Sir Finely and one Bluegill Warrior. 

The second reason is that Vilefin Inquistitor does not do anything except change the type of your hero power until you play Menagerie Magician or if you swapped out a couple of cards for them, Zoobot. Sir FInely Murgleton on the other hand will give you a chance of choosing a hero power that benefits your match up - card draw against slower decks, removal / heal or armor against faster decks. Yes the paladin hero power is good, but this deck does not utilize them in any way, and having a mage, rogue, or druid hero power is better for removing something immediately rather than making a 1/1 on the board.


Match-Up Card Swaps (for when you're struggling against certain deck types):

If struggling or facing on ladder more against:

Control Match Ups: Swap out a Bluegill Warrior and Consecration for Ysera or Ragnaros the Firelord for more late game, and another copy of Blackwing Corruptor for more mid-game stability. 

Aggro Match Ups: Swap out a Blackwing Corruptor or Menagerie Magician (test out both and see what works for you better) for Blackwing Technician for more early game contesting, and add a Doomsayer and swap out a copy of Bluegill Warrior to halt early board development. Also consider having Ivory Knight instead of Sylvanas for a heal or potential second heal / board clear.


General Deck Design and Strategy:

So The Curator draws a murloc, beast, and dragon, so it obviously easily draws a dragon for us in a dragon paladin deck - but what about the beast and murlocs you say? Well a card that is naturally good for paladin is a beast! And that's the Stampeding Kodo! We still play 2 Aldor Peacekeepers like most paladin decks and so this combos well with the kodo, and there are quite a few 2 or less attack minions that it can usually snipe off as well (Acolyte of Pain, Flamewaker, Tunnel Troggs, etc). 

We also have 2x Huge Toad to make this deck even better against aggro and tempo that is flooding the ranked ladder atm (also can be drawn for value later with The Curator!). 

As for the murlocs, we use one of the best murlocs for tempo play in Sir FInely Murgleton and the Bluegill Warriors to trade into minions as a kind pseudo-removal or perhaps help us hit that lethal during late game. 

The rest of the synergy comes in the form of dragon syngery, with the new card Nightbane Templar pushing the midrange dragon dream closer into reality. Play this deck like a tempo deck - play on curve and trade efficiently, using dragon synergies to gain advantage and value. Gain even more value with The Curator, and then see your opponents crumble as you reach late game and drop Ysera or Tirion Fordring.


General Mulligans:

Against Aggro: Bluegill Warrior, Loot Hoarder, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Faerie Dragon, or Nightbane Templar (with coin or at least one other 2 drop).

Against Control: Loot Hoarder, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Nightbane Templar, or Twilight Guardian (with coin or at least one other early game card). Mulligan for curve. 



Main Mulligan - Bluegill Warrior, Huge Toad, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Faerie Dragon.

Situational - Nightbane Templar or Blackwing Technician (with coin or at least one other main mulligan card). Also consider keeping consecration if you have another main mulligan card and or a good curve (e.g. 2 and 3 drop). 

Aggro / Midrange Shaman 

Main Mulligan - Bluegill Warrior, Huge Toad, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Faerie Dragon.

Situational - Nightbane Templar or Blackwing Technician (with coin or at least one other main mulligan card). Also keep Consecration if you have a good hand with 2 main mulligan cards or a main mulligan along with a 3 drop. 

Dragon Warrior 

Main Mulligan - Bluegill Warrior, Huge Toad, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Faerie Dragon, and Nightbane Templar.

Situational - Twilight Guardian (with coin and least one other main mulligan card).

C'thun/Control Warrior 

Main Mulligan - Bluegill Warrior, Huge Toad, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Faerie Dragon,  Nightbane Templar and Blackwing Technician.

Situational - Cards to fill the curve, or keep a dragon as an activator if you have a main mulligan card along with a Nightbane Templar that may need activation.

Token / Beast Druid 

Main Mulligan - Huge Toad, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Faerie Dragon and Nightbane Templar.

Situational - Blackwing Technician with coin or Twilight Guardian(with coin and at least one other main mulligan card).

Tempo Mage

Main Mulligan - Bluegill Warrior, Huge Toad, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Faerie Dragon.

Situational - Nightbane Templar or Blackwing Technician (with coin or at least one other main mulligan card).

Midrange / Secret Hunter 

Main Mulligan - Bluegill Warrior, Huge Toad, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Faerie Dragon.

Situational - Nightbane Templar or Blackwing Technician (with coin or at least one other main mulligan card). 

Control Priest

Main Mulligan - Bluegill Warrior, Huge Toad, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Faerie Dragon,  Nightbane Templar and Blackwing Technician.

Situational - Cards to fill the curve, or keep a dragon as an activator if you have a main mulligan card along with a Nightbane Templar that may need activation.


Note: Please also bear in mind that while I have done well with this deck and you will most likely be able too, this is a very new deck theory in a meta where people are trying new stuff! So report back any changes or weaknesses, and I will be updating the deck very soon. 

Hope you enjoy the deck guys.

 Edit 1: Tried with decent success to add in some beast, dragon, and murloc syngery with the new card Menagerie Magician. Temporarily added Huge Toad as extra beasts instead of loot hoarder, and swapped in an Azure Drake for a Blackwing Corruptor for more stable dragon activation as well as make up for the lost in card draw from removing loot hoarders.  the two extra 5 drops are making our curve 5 drop-heavy. Shall make more changes soon depending on how this performs on ladder.