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UNDEFEATED Mirror Entity Value Mage Deck (In-De...

  • Last updated Jun 7, 2014 (Live Patch 5506)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5400
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/7/2014 (Live Patch 5506)
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This is the Mirror Entity control/value Mage deck I have been using in ladder. Currently it has gone 10/0 from rank 13 to 9 in various match ups such as Zoo, Handlock, Miracle Rogue, and Druid. Now of course 10 games is not a big enough number to say this deck is unbeatable, and I'm not saying you will win every game, but winning 10 games in a row is pretty good in my opinion in Hearthstone and this deck should net you a lot of wins.

Now what makes this deck good in the current meta is Mirror Entity, a secret not often used. I'll get into why and how it is good as well as every other card in the card explanation but besides that, this deck is mainly focused on good value to win the game. Mage has some of the best value cards and has answers to anything.

Make sure to follow me on Twitch as I'll be using this deck probably to legendary: http://www.twitch.tv/TheJordude

Card Explanation:

Arcane Missiles x2: This card can get very good value with good RNG. It is free when Sorcerer's Apprentice is on board and can do a lot of wrecking with addition spell damage. This card is good early on for clearing minions in aggro match ups as well as late game to trade it in for fireballs with Archmage Antonidas.

Mirror Image x2: This card is similar to Arcane Missiles in a way that it is free with Sorcerer's Apprentice and can proc fireballs with Archmage Antonidas. This card has save and won me the game as the 2 taunts can be annoying to get rid of, buy time, and save your other minions.

Mana Wyrm x2: A very good card to open up with, especially if you get the coin. This card being the 1/3 body for Mage can get very good value as it is not very easy to kill early on, and it can get a very good trade/damage when buffed up from using your spells.

Frost Bolt x2: One of Mage's best spells. For 2 mana you can deal 3 damage and freeze?? OP. This card is good for clearing minions early on, or freezing something to stall it out to kill later. It can also fits nicely mana wise as you can double FireballFrostbolt for 10 mana and 15 damage. Also as it is one of your cheaper spells, it can also be used to trade for fireballs with Archmage Antonidas.

Bloodmage Thalnos x1: A great legendary used in any mage deck. For 2 mana you can combo this earlier on for stronger Arcane Missiles, Frostbolt, and Fireball, and it can even buff your Flamestrike. This card will never be bad for you as the spell damage is always good and this card cycles when it dies. For

Sorcerer's Apprentice x2: This is a great card as it can improve your tempo push. A 3/2 body for 2 mana is standard but if you can play this card and follow it up with spells to saturate and efficiently use your mana then this card gains a lot of value. It is actually quite surprising how 1 less mana on your spells can effect the game in your favor by a lot.

Arcane Intellect x2: This is one of your draw engines for the deck. As you use quite a bit of spells and mid game minions, your hand will start to lose fuel, which is why this is in here... plus 1 is valueee. There are also 3 cycling cards in this deck as well as Acolytes to get hand advantage.

Mirror Entity x2: Now this is the card that differentiates my deck from other value mages, and this is why I made and play this deck. This card had Handlocks in mind, but works well and rewards well to knowledgeable players. If you know your opponents deck (which you would by at least turn 3) well as well as their class, this card can get your some goodies. Playing this card, especially for the first time in the game, at the right turn is very important. For example against Handlocks, turn 4 is usually a big turn for them as they keep drawing for Twilight Drake or Mountain Giant. Playing Mirror Entity before their 4th mana turn will then get you their big drop and allow you to trade easily, wasting their turn, or get a good minion that will get you good value for 3 mana. Also, since you get to attack with that minion first you are more flexible with your options and turn 4 for mages allow you to have Polymorph or Fireball ready.

Acolyte of Pain x2: This card will always at least cycle, or will get you good card advantage. Playing this card against aggro decks is very good as it can normally take 2 hits. Playing this card on turn 5+ is also not bad as you can play it, hero power it, then instantly cycle it through + the additional draw it gets when it gets killed.

Harvest Golem x2: Harvest Golem represents value. A very sticky minion that can take a lot of hits, trade decently with minions and annoying to get rid of after board clears, etc.

Fireball x2: One of the strongest spells in the game. You can use this card to clear most minions in the game, or burn your opponent down for lethal. Use this card appropriately and for the most value or tempo control, save it for a good value trade or for the ender. If you can get Archmage Antonidas steady, you can have an infinite loop of Fireball.

Polymorph x2: This card is very good in the control aspect and is quite self explanatory. Save this card for big threats to really set back your opponent. Players sometimes will not expect 2 Polymorph so you can really punish them for playing recklessly.

Water Elemental x2: A high value 4 drop minion. The body is jCard Nameust perfect being a 3/6 as it can trade with usually 2-3 early-mid game minions and freeze bigger threats. A very annoying minion that is hard to get rid of for your opponent. The freeze is also very useful in blocking incoming damage for strong minions or from the opponent itself if they have a weapon or druid power.

Azure Drake x2: This card fills the 5 mana drop curve perfectly. The 4/4 body is not bad and it cycles itself. Also the spell damage is very relevant since this is a mage deck and you have a lot of spell damage spells, most which you can play in combination with this card later in the game.

Cairne Bloodhoof x1: Instead of yeti's I play Cairne, which is a bit more consistent and more useful in a way. It is very annoying to get rid of since 4/5 is a magical body number, unless it gets silenced. This card is especially valuable in match ups against control warrior and priest. It survives board clears and trades well... so again value.

Flamestrike x1: I believe 1Flamestrike is very useful as it is the strongest single board clears in the game. This card works great in aggro/zoo decks and even does well in midgame control decks. 4 damage can clear most minions and you can even spell buff this card or follow it up with hero power to clean up bigger threats. Normally you want to get the most of this card, I usually try to kill at least 3 minions if possible.

Archmage Antonidas x1: The last "boss" minion in this deck. If you can play this card safely or gain at least 2 Fireball, this card is very worth and valuable. I normally do not play this card on turn 7 unless I am far ahead or desperate, I usually play this card on turn 9 when I net 2 Fireball from using Arcane Missiles and Mirror Image. If using Arcane Missiles and Mirror Image is not necessary earlier in the game, save it for Archmage Antonidas to get cheap Fireball.


I will always mulligan for my low mana cost cards first. Try to get Mana Wyrm, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Arcane Missiles and Mirror Image. Mirror Entity can also be a crucial card to open up with if your matched up against a Handlock, Druid or anything that has an important turn where they have a strong minion drop.


This deck plays basically the same in all matchups, and does well at them! Try to keep board control as much as possible and trade efficiently. Use your spells to get the most value as possible, your opponent will start to run out of resources before you do.

Handlock: Try to build up a board as they set up their big turns, be aware of possible Hellfire. Try to set up Mirror Entity before their turn 4, or if you see they have a big hand, or low health. Save your Polymorph for giants and use Fireball if you have to. I typically try to keep my Fireball if possible to try to burn the Warlock down as they will be low in health from all their life tapping. Overall the match up is quite easy.

Zoolock: Zoo will try to spam their board with minions, your job is to clean them up. Trade efficiently, and sometimes I like to play greedy against zoo. Use your spells such as Frostbolt and Arcane Missiles to clean minions as best as possible. Save your Flamestrike when the Warlock over commits and has no back up resources in their hand. Try to save Polymorph for big buffed minions or Doomguard. Overall the match up is quite easy so long as you get good clears.

Shockadin: Shockadin focuses on rushing you down with 1 health minions. This is easy for mage to clear with the hero power and Arcane Missiles. You will get good value off all your minions and you should be able to survive with good timing Mirror Image and freezes. Overall this is a easy match up.

Druid (Ramp, Watcher): Since this is a slow deck as well, you get breathing time to get board control. Their only board clear is usually Swipe so play around that and keep your Harvest Golem [/card]and [card]Cairne Bloodhoof deathrattle ready. Trade effeciently with your Fireball and save Polymorph for their late game threats. Mirror Entity is strong during their turn 5 and 7 as they will have drops like Druid of the Claw and the Ancient of War/Ancient of Lore. Remember to stay above the 14 health mark, or have Mirror Image up to prevent the Druid Savage Roar combo. Overall this is a easy matchup.

Shaman: The key to beat Shaman is to take advantage of their overload plays. Shaman will use their overload cards to try to push early advantage. If you can clear whatever the shaman throws out while consistently pressuring the board, you will gain advantage and win the game. Shamans biggest threats are usually Fire Elemental so save yourFireball [/card]and [card]Polymorph for that. Turn 6 is an important turn for Shaman so get your Mirror Entity ready for then.

Miracle Rogue: To beat Miracle, pressure the board constantly. Rogue will normally just throw out Si7: Agent and Earthen Ring Farseer, so after you clear those, play aggressively. It is also useful if you can lock the Rogue down by freezing her all the time with Water Elemental. Mirror Entity on turn 5/6 is very good as that is the turn Gadgetzan Auctioneer comes out. If Gadgetzan Auctioneer doesn't seem to come out then you know they have to top deck it and thats when you have the advantage on them.


So that's basically my Mirror Entity Value Mage deck. If you have any questions, suggestions, tips, replacement inquiries, let me know in the comments as I read all of them and reply to any questions!