Heroic Big Bad Wolf ft. 1 Mana 7/7
- Last updated Aug 27, 2016 (Karazhan)
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- 26 Minions
- 4 Spells
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Beast Druid
- Boss: Big Bad Wolf
- Crafting Cost: 10080
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/18/2016 (Karazhan)
- Celadoncvo
- Registered User
- 9
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- 33
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Total Deck Rating
Heroic Big Bad Wolf Featuring Druid of the Fang!
Use druid transforming minions to cheat value in this fight! Druid of the Claw, Druid of the Flame, Druid of the Saber, and Druid of the Fang all come in at their expected stat values, meaning you can rush some very early big minions. Thought the 7/7 Flamewreathed Faceless was overpowered at 4 mana? You can have a 7/7 at just ONE mana in this deck. Special shoutout to DJGrimm for suggesting this strategy.
Early Game:
Mulligan for minions that generate a lot of stats on the board, such as Dr. Boom, Cenarius, Onyxia, Druid of the Claw, or Druid of the Fang. If you start with a Druid of the Fang or Mark of Y'Shaarj in hand, make sure you have another beast in hand. Play for control of the board in the beginning; the Big Bad Wolf has the means to rush you down if you leave minions on his board. Always try to make favorable trades and play your other deathrattle minions on turns when he cannot overwhelm you. If you draw Kel'Thuzad early, save him to play behind a taunt minion. The opponent will stop attacking until Kel'Thuzad is killed (probably by Swipe). Also, try to save Hemet Nesingwary for Stranglethorn Tiger.
Late Game:
Continue to apply pressure to the Big Bad Wolf with your minions. The more minions you keep alive, the better off you are. Your buffing cards are more important later on, since they extend the value of you minions (which will probably be mostly 1/1s and a few big beasts). If you start hitting a top deck scenario, stall until you get another big card, such as Forbidden Ancient. The Big Bad Wolf is also vulnerable to chipping damage until you kill him, so if you're feeling confident you can try to ignore the board and rush him down. His only stall cards are Ironfur Grizzly and Bite, so keep those in mind when choosing this path.
Other Considerations:
- Use a few other deathrattle minions in your favor! Abomination can clear out his early game minions before you build a board, while Sylvanas Windrunner can turn the tide in your favor. Moat Lurker may even work on you minions to resummon them at their full stat line. Top them all off with a 1 mana N'Zoth, the Corruptor for another massive board drop!
- Feral Rage can be a strong flexible card in this fight, where the removal helps against his 3 health minions if you do not need the armor.
- The deck lacks in card draw, so consider any minions that draw you cards (Novice Engineer, Nourish, etc).
- If you are on a budget, I recommend using North Sea Kraken, Stormpike Commando, and Sunwalker style minions in place of legendaries.
- Ancient of War is somewhat viable, coming in as a 1/6 Taunt for 1 mana. He can also be a 6/1 for 1 mana if you need a better Magma Rager...
- D'oh! Twilight Summoner and Cairne Bloodhoof are both better than Nerubian Egg!
The Abomination Exploit: (Fixed on 8/27/16)
Abomination can already be valuable in this fight as a board clear. However, it's come to light that it can also cause the Big Bad Wolf to stop attacking entirely. The only minions that seem to attack into it are his starting Kindly Grandmothers, so either trigger the deathrattles first or buff Abomination's health above their combined attack. The only other times he will attack you or trigger Abomination is if he has lethal in Power of the Wild/Savage Roar, or plays Swipe on another minion. It can be difficult to set this up, but if the opportunity is there, you should try it.
Sometimes you get a weak starting hand and he steamrolls you by turn 3 or 4. Just restart if you can't place a lot of stats or value on the board in the first 2 turns. If you start out with a big statline, such as Druid of the Claw into Druid of the Fang, you've probably already won. Don't forget to upvote the deck so that others can revel in the might of the 1 mana 7/7 and use the actually-viable-for-the-first-time-ever Hemet Nesingwary. Good luck, have fun!
Thank you. I made some changes and beat bad wolf with first try.
Thanks! First try!
I didn't have all the cards for this deck, so adding Baron Geddon and Dark Wispers helped me win.
Fortunately i got Baron Geddon, Wobbling Runts, and Power of the Wild in my opening hand. Drew in to Druid of the Fang then later got Dark Wispers to complete the win.
Once Baron Geddon was played on turn 2 no more minions were played on it's side just it's weapon and it never attacked Geddon.
Great Deck here is Gameplay with the deck and a Victory
First try! :D
Too easy! Thanks
Great deck, first try win! I will concede however that I was very lucky in that I got Ragnaros, Lightlord from Sneed's Old Shredder. That made things a bit more comfortable. =) Thanks for the deck!
I'm not entirely sure how this deck is supposed to work.
The boss curves out way better and removes everything efficiently. I die on turn 3 to his full board with savage roar more often than not.
First try because he, for some reason, would not attack into my abomination lol
Work for me on the first try :)
thx man !
had to substitute a lot of the legendaries because I don't have nearly enough of them, but I managed to beat him after several tries and maybe an hour or two.
just really depended on my RNG and the key card to draw - Abomination. I got two of them in the beginning, so it was GG from then on...
I wish I had the cards to beat these bosses normally, but I just don't. I have to keep using budget decks which take forever to get working...
First try. Thanks
I swapped out Hemet (which I do not own) for Moroes, which worked surprisingly well. Thanks for sharing the deck! It was a lot of fun to play.
LOL, turn Two Lethal on first try! :)
Turn 1 - Onyxia
Turn 2 - Druid of the Claw (charge) & Cenarius
For some reason the big bad wolf had a full board and i played Abomination and he just bugged out and never attacks
Awesome deck! I didn't have Druid of the Fang, unfortunately, so I subbed in Fandral Staghelm and an Ancient of War.
Fandral ended up being the MVP due to how many Choose One minions/spells are in this deck. Was able to get it first try-- thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing
First run.
Did not go any where close to being drawn up..hahaha
I can say Addled Grizzly was HUGE when popping Deathrattles.
I didn't have a lot of the bigger minions listed here (missing Cenarius, Hemet, Sky Golem, Sneed's) but with the A-bom and the beast synergy this deck can wreck the opponent. Got it in my first try! Great deck ideas here.
He glitches out if you play an Abomination and won't attack into it.