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Legend S29 Token Druid

  • Last updated Oct 8, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Token Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 10320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/17/2016 (Karazhan)
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  • Stevan
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proof http://prnt.sc/c6pp9u

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NfVqcyj054  - Beating Purple with this Deck

Hi, just got legend in NA with this Token Druid deck it's a very powerful deck to combat dragon warriors, Yogg proven to be so powerful winning so many games for me. Keep in mind that as Karazhan wings comes out this deck might not be so effective as the is now and being needed for changes.


Warrior: good -  This deck is really good against dragon warrior which is the most in the ladder because they don't run Brawl, so once you spam the board he will have difficult to clear, onyxia and power of the wild is really good against them. C'thun is a little more hard match'up because of double brawl and some of them running revenge so your yogg needs to be dirty to win, against the control is little more good match'up because they don't run cthun so you make some strategies to win like Fandral and Raven Idol to get some good minions from it and yogg is really good also.

Mage: regular - can be hard sometimes, mirror image is really bad because you can't hero power his minion if he plays flamewalker and you have no answer it will be hard to back in the game the secret here is to play ancient of war and he will need spent his burn into your minion, ragnaros is also strong in this match'up.

Hunter: good - they are not so aggresive in the early game so you get time to ramp and once you make the combo he will not be able to clear yogg is really good in this match'up.

Shaman: very bad - Shaman's are the most difficult matchup because they run minions with a lot of health which makes difficult to clear with swipe like Feral Spirit also their 4 mana 7/7 is pain for druid and they can hex ancient of war not an impossible match'up but you need lucky here.

Druid: regular - So in a mirror match against another token druid you need ramp faster than him and play violet teacher first so you will be ahead in the game and against the beast druid is good matchup because token is way more powerful atm.

Priest: good

Warlock: regular

Paladin: regular - they have a lot of AOE and healing so some strategy is needed to win

Rougue: regular - can be little bit hard sometimes because you need yogg when they play auctioneer and conceal otherwise you need put some presure with innervate in the early game


- (Ragnaros or Onyxia) + Cenarius

- Nourish - Emperor Thaurissan + (Feral Rage or Savage Roar) + (Sylvannas or Druid of the Claw)

If you running only 1 nourish you can consider cutting Emperor Thaurissan


Always keep Innervate,  Wild Grow and 1 Wrath;

Keep a 4 mana drop if you have Innervate or Wild Grow;

Keep Living Roots except against warrior you only keep if you have the coin or Wild Grow next turn;

Keep Raven Idol if you have a Wild Grow or Innervate 4 drop like Mire Keeper next turn;

Always play Living Roots instead of Ravel Idol on turn 1 unless if you playing against a Tempo Mage or Zoolock you want kill one of the 3/2 minion with your Living Roots so you only play Living Roots on turn 1 if you have the Power of the Wild or Wrath in your hand next turn and started without the Coin;

If you starting with a combo hand like double Living Roots, Innervate, Coin and Power of the Wild you can consider playing it on turn 1 but its a little bit risk, you can do many risk plays with Innervate like play Fandral on turn 1 sometimes is worth the risk if you have Power of the Wild or Raven Idol in next turn.