Karazhan Midrange Beast Druid
- Last updated Aug 16, 2016 (Karazhan)
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- 20 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Beast Druid
- Crafting Cost: 2580
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/16/2016 (Karazhan)

- Sinti
- Registered User
- 26
- 67
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Hi, this is my take on the Karazhan Beast Druid. Its just theorycrafting now, until the Menagerie Warden is released.
Basic info:
- There r 14 beasts in the deck.
- There should be enough early to not fall behind vs aggro and to curve out nicely vs others.
- 1x Innervate and 1x Knight of the Wild r there for tempo swing turns. I might try double if they perform well, but for the start i think 1x is enough.
- Finishers r gonna be either dominating the board and killing your opponent with minions, burst with Savage Roar or goin late with Elise Starseeker.
- The deck should have sufficient draw to cycle through.
Tech cards:
- Savage Combatant: i dont know how this will work out, but a good 4 mana beast with a good ability would seem to fit this deck nicely. Only thing i worry about is 4 HP, we will see.
- Wildwalker: we should have at least one beast at all times and we have 4 of them with stealth and 2 that our opponent might not rly want to trade into (raptors), so i think this card should always give good value, will see.
- Harrison Jones: obviously to counter warriors and doomhammers, additional card draw.
- Nourish: card draw, dunno how this will perform (if there will be time to play this), but most midrange decks have one off for card draw so for now we do to.
Cards i thought about and might try out:
- Cenarius: good lategame minion, can act as a Savage Roar or give u taunts, seems too heavy for this deck, but after i see how much board this deck can keep on average, i might try him out.
- Druid of the Fang: i think this card could perform very well here, but there is just not enough space in the deck and we already have a lot of 5 drops. I will definitely try him out and see if he could make a permanent appearence.
- Stampeding Kodo: not sure how reliably could we get value out of his battlecry, seems like an obivous choise for a beast deck, just we have too many 5 drops already and this isnt exactly what we would want to summon with Menagerie Warden, so ...
Ok, thats about it. Im looking forward to try this deck out, if u have any ideas, feel free to comment :)