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[LEGEND+GUIDE] Midrange Karazhan Shaman

  • Last updated Sep 2, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Midrange Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 3320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/14/2016 (Karazhan)
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I played this deck from rank 4 to legend.




Card Choices

Cards in the deck

Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Flametongue Totem, Feral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic, Thing from Below - it's a core of almost any non-control shaman deck, cards just powerful to ignore.

Rockbiter Weapon, Lightning Bolt - early removals or burst face damage. Can be buffed several ways.

Hex - we aren't aggro, so this is auto-include

Flamewreathed Faceless aka 4 mana 7/7 - our big threat.

Fire Elemental can swing tempo in midgame

Azure Drake - overall good card. A decent body with card draw and spell damage that can be very useful.

Maelstrom Portal can swings our games against zoo and token druids. Can clear those spiders from Infested Wolf. With a little spd turns into Consecration and provide us a little minion. Sometimes it will be Tunnel Trogg, Injured Kvaldir or Flame Imp and it often leads to victory. But don't overvalue this card and prepare for Angry Chicken. This is your only chance to play this card.

Doomhammer can be used as small removal or just go face. Only one because it isn't our main danger and have two in hand against Harrison Jones is bad.

Lightning Storm Sometimes a portal wouldn't come and it will be used instead.

Bloodmage Thalnos A little brother of azure drake that can be played with maelstorm portal turn 4 or Lightning Bolt turn 3.

Thunder Bluff Valiant - turn board of totems into threat. Only one because you wouldn't stick with two of them against any aggro or tempo deck.

Cards not in the deck

Argent Squire - too weak if drawn late.

Al'Akir the Windlord - I don't have it. Feel free to sub doomhammer and tell us results.

Mana Tide Totem - too slow against aggro


Bloodmage Thalnos  Acidic Swamp Ooze, Flame Juggler But this is a very good classic legendary and can't be replaced without some drawbacks.

Doomhammer - Al'Akir the Windlord, Thunder Bluff Valiant

Matchups and mulligans

Warrior - Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem GolemFeral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic. If you have some early cards you may keep rockbiter weapon and lightning bolt. If you have lightning bolt you may keep Bloodmage Thalnos,

Dragon warrior and tempo warrior - normal. In early game you may suffer, especially against dragon warrior, but if you will be able to swing tempo in turns 5-6, it will lead to win. Don't be too greedy with hexes.

Control warrior and C'htun warrior - bad. Try to rush them, but consider Brawl in mind. If you will have spare mana, portal can be played just for a 1 mana minion. This is only one purely bad matchup with less 50% wins. If many of them, try hunter instead. I haven't met OTK with this deck.

Druid Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem GolemFeral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic and Maelstrom Portal. If you have portal you may keep Bloodmage Thalnos.

Token druid is very favourable. You have portals to deal with tokens, you have better early game to rush them and prevent their card draw, you have hexes to their bit threats.

I have met only one beast druid that was easily beaten and no another.

Shaman Mulligan same as warrior. Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem GolemFeral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic. If you have some early cards you may keep rockbiter weapon and lightning bolt. If you have lightning bolt or portal you may keep Bloodmage Thalnos.

Aggro shaman and midrange shaman are both ok. Just fight for board and it's all. Portal+thalnos as an answer to Tuskarr totemic is great. I haven't met control shamans.

Warlock Same as druid. Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem GolemFeral Spirit, and Maelstrom Portal. If you have portal you may keep Bloodmage Thalnos. You may keep both portals if you will have them in starting hand.

Zoo is another very favourable game if you'll draw your AOE. Portals at the right time will destroy their board and create our. Feel free to use hex on their 3 mana cards.

Renolock is also favourable. Just keep pressing them from beginning and if they wouldn't have all the answers, we will win.

Hunter Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem GolemFeral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic. You can keep small removals and Maelstrom Portal or even Hex if your hand is already good. This game will be hard, short but fair and 50/50 to win. Fight for board and try to prevent his beast synergies.

Rogue Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem GolemFeral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic. It's an equal game. Press them as you can, but usually don't just drop your 7/7 turn 4. Feel free to hex their 5/4.

Mage Keep all of your 1-3 mana cards except hex, but only one 1-mana removal. Game with tempomage is favourable to us if you could destroy their 2-health minions board. Press them in mid game with your strong cards and they will run out of steam.

Paladin - Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem GolemFeral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic and Maelstrom Portal.

Priest Keep Tunnel Trogg, Totem GolemFeral Spirit, Tuskarr Totemic, Hex.

Other stuff

Kiwiinbacon made a video about this deck. There are some missplays and replacements but you can watch about how this deck work.


If any questions or suggestions please feel free to post it in the comments.