Protect The Varian
- Last updated Aug 19, 2016 (Karazhan)
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- 16 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 3 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 7300
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/12/2016 (Karazhan)
- user-16509048
- Registered User
- 2
- 4
- 19
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So to start off that's an tempo deck which relies on maintaining board control through value trades and highly efficent spells.
I will try to explaing why i chose some cards one by one:
1. Blood To Ichor : Really efficent 1 mana spell which can activate your Execute and put a 2/2 body to the board and some times adds that 1 damage that you need to make a trade.
2. Execute : No need to say why i put that card,its so powerful and its a hard removal.
3. Battle Rage : Very good card helps you draw at least 2 cards, and refill your hand. Often you have more than 1 damaged minion due to value trades that you must make so this cards value is huge.
4. Bolster : Insane with Protect the King! and the reason we play this deck!!
5. Slam : Really good card activates your Execute too. Help you make trades and recycle your hand.
6. Fierce Monkey : A good 3 drop with Taunt that helps you gain tempo and stop some damage from aggro decks. Works well with Bolster also.
7. Frothing Berserker : An enormous threat which must be cleared immediately by your opponent . If you can help it stick on the board for a few turns It can unleash a great power.
8. King's Defender : A card that has synergies with our taunts. Even if you dont have an early taunt like monkey you can play it at 3 mana and make some trades. Helps a lot versus aggro decks.
9. Protect the King! : Also the reason we play this deck. It makes wombo combos with Bolster and annoys every aggro deck out there.
10. Bloodhoof Brave : Awesome taunt, hard to clear. If you need that extra damage from enrage you can acivate it with Blood To Ichor and Ravaging Ghoul
11. Kor'kron Elite : Really agressive card. You can use it for face pressure or efficent trading. Trade with the 2 attack minions and stays at the board. Really good tempo card.
12. Obsidian Destroyer : In this deck that card can work pretty well, the dream is to come out with Varian Wrynn and dont forget that 1/1 that summons at the end of the turn its a taunt that annoys every aggro and non deck force them to overkill it most of the times.
13. Grommash Hellscream : Good game finisher with Blood To Ichor to deal 10 damage and you can also use it for efficent trades.
14. Varian Wrynn : Strong late game card, can pull out insane threats and some taunts to stop your opponents and sometimes end the game.
15. Sylvanas Windrunner : Strong 6drop hard to clear. She is always annoying and gives you great tempo even if you are behind on board.
16. Ragnaros the Firelord : Huge creature which should get traded immediately by your opponent . If he doesn't you will surely get a big advantage from it's value trades.
Shaman : Fiery War Axe , Fierce Monkey , Kor'kron Elite , Execute
Warlock (Zoo) : Fiery War Axe , Fierce Monkey , Ravaging Ghoul , Protect the King!
Warrior : Fiery War Axe , Fierce Monkey , Slam , Ravaging Ghoul
Rogue : Fiery War Axe , Bloodhoof Brave , Acolyte of Pain
Druid : Fiery War Axe , Acolyte of Pain , Fierce Monkey
Priest : Fiery War Axe , Acolyte of Pain , Kor'kron Elite
Hunter : Fiery War Axe , Fierce Monkey , Ravaging Ghoul , Slam
Mage : Fiery War Axe , Acolyte of Pain , Kor'kron Elite , Slam
Paladin : Fiery War Axe , Acolyte of Pain , Slam , Fierce Monkey
Interesting deck. Thanks!
Hello man, seems solid, your deck, very interesting .
I dont have Varian, can i replace him for Y'Shaarj (which i have golden)?
TY! And nice deck!
sub for grommah and varian?
Try Gwent
Hey I don't own Ragnaros the Firelord any replacements until I can afford him with essence?
Any possible replacements for Varian Wrynn and Fierce Monkey?
replacement for varian and sylvannas please
I think you need more taunts in taunt warrior :)
Bog Creeper better then [card]Obsidian Destroyer[/card].
[card]Sen'jin Shieldmasta [/card] - good taunt, [card]Kor'kron Elite [/card] - not taunt.
This is my variant, rank 4 - rank 3 too.
All IMHO, of course. Sorry for my bad english.
Good luck!
what can i replace faceless w??
and what could i replace w hogger?
You can use second Sunwalker or Psych-o-Tron instead faceless i think, or any card draw.
Hogger not very good in this deck, because you can't cast Bolster in his first turn.
I don't have Varian Wrynn but I have a golden grommash. Should I DE for varian? is this card worth it?
I have normal grommash too.
I also have a normal grommash
If you have golden+normal dust golden free legendary lol
How works this deck on ladder?
so you advanced from 5 to 3?
I had to substitute Bog Creeper for my missing Varian Wrynn, but the deck still works. Very fun against the new board flooding paladins.
This deck did Trump ,you're a thief
Well you said that wrong, but this deck is like 3 cards removed from trumps so its not really copying or stealing anyway and also if you want to create a bolster deck. 20 or so of the cards have to be that limits space as well.
This deck is impressively good, 4-0 so far.