[Video] Trump's Taunt Warrior
- Last updated Sep 15, 2016 (Karazhan)
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- 15 Minions
- 12 Spells
- 3 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 7180
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/12/2016 (Karazhan)

- Trump
- Pro Player
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I like this one, it's a non-Justicar/Shield Slam variant which is like the Bolster Warrior I recently built. Mine actually has Sunwalkers subbing in for some of those Legendaries, maybe a bit heavy on the taunt side but it can work.
Also have a variant with a bit less of the spells with Cruel Taskmaster to fill in the gap, and for putting in my favorite old gimmick card, Lorewalker Cho. I don't think it's the optimal variant, but Cho behind a taunt wall is good fun.
Nice deck, I'm missing some legendaries on this account, so I replaced Hogger with Hogger, Doom of Elwynn, Soggoth the Slitherer for Ragnaros the Firelord and a second Obsidian Destroyer for Varian Wrynn. Obviously not the ideal, but Soggoth is very effective against mages and rogues.
Thank you, Trump!
this deck is only 28 cards... not enough
Tried the deck today for a handful of rounds and the taunt/bolster combo is really fun to play, BUT you are facing a hard time against decks that are not dropping too many minions on the board. E.g. against other warriors you are going down in most cases and they will outvalue you in the longrun or killing your pawns with a brawl.
Against stuff like zoolock or shamans the deck is really good. Here is some gameplay I made today: VOD ranked
I guess we will see better refined versions of the taunt warrior in the next couple of days and they should be working better than Trump`s deck
Is this deck working on ladder? Anyone tried it on ladder?
I started at 19 as I haven't had a chance to play this month and went on a win streak to rank 13 before I had to stop.
Surprisingly fun, seeing arcanosmith I thought it would be utterly terrible. I'm missing Varian sadly, so I replaced him with a second Obsidian Destroyer.
A good replacement for Varian is Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound better than the obsidian
Tried it, the deck is actually quite fun. Replaced Hogger with Hogger, Doom of Elwynn, and its working fine. I dont have the regular Hogger, and i wont craft it for now, so the corrupted one will be fine i guess.
this deck works!!!
Actually, I've tried it on ladder.... the problem with this deck is that struggles in control MU.... don't get me wrong the deck is very strong but not competitive in the current version. But still very fun to play.
Surprisingly this deck is actually pretty good and is fun to use, i also replaced Hogger with Justicar.
what might be a good hogger replacement?
currently running Thaurissan instead
Maybe a second Obsidian Destroyer?
I added another Obsidian Destroyer and a Grommash instead of Varian and I was on a 6 win streak at rank 14 until I ran into some control warriors. This deck is terrible against control.