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Stonetusk Boar OTK

  • Last updated Aug 9, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Aggro Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 3600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/9/2016 (Karazhan)
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This deck happens to be a twist on the more popular Warrior combo deck surrounding Raging Worgen. Too bad it's the wrong card and the wrong class.

Before I begin, I'd like to state the obvious (just in case you didn't know): This deck guarantees a very consistent winrate at every rank. This winrate is equal to 0%. If you enjoy getting your spirits crushed and getting mocked at by everyone you know, due to the sheer lack of intelligence required to even build this deck, or let alone rank up with it, then please proceed with this deck. Otherwise, if you're just a fun-lover like me who plays Hearthstone just to watch your opponents shake their heads in disbelief after you finally pull off a crazy combo that shouldn't have worked, you're welcome to try this deck a few times on Casual. (Trust me, I actually win more than I lose with this deck on Casual. But then again it's Casual, so let's not jump to conclusions like the man who jumped off a cliff.)

Basically, this deck centralizes on the Charge effect of Stonetusk Boar, then buff its Attack to huge numbers using double copies of Flametongue Totem, Rockbiter Weapon, Abusive Sergeant, maybe Dark Iron Dwarf or Bloodlust, possibly Faceless Manipulator to double the damage, and tops that off with a Windfury to destroy your opponent. (If you actually do succeed, your opponent should bow their heads in shame and worship you as a master of Hearthstone, then cede all their active accounts on all servers to you and quit Hearthstone forever.)

Okay, enough beating around the bush.

Firstly, we'll go through what you should use the cards in this deck for, explain the choices for all non-essential cards, and finally touch on the amount of damage the combo can do.

To start off, the single copy of Earth Shock should only EVER be used on the turn which you perform your OTK, and only if your opponent has a Taunt on the board that you need to Silence to get to his face. NEVER use it for anything else, as a Taunt could completely ruin your combo unless you have both Stonetusk Boar as well as the Faceless Manipulator in hand.

NEVER use your Rockbiter Weapon to clear, as it's too important in your combo to use on removal. Instead, use both your Lightning Bolt wisely. Sir Finley Mrrgglton should be used to get Life Tap if possible, and if not, any decent Hero Power that increases your survivability will do. Just don't pick Hunter, and Paladin's is below average most of the time.

Obviously, Ancestral Knowledge, Mana Tide Totem, and Acolyte of Pain are present for the essential draw required in any combo deck. I shouldn't have to explain the presence of Hex and Lightning Storm.

Dark Iron Dwarf has the same effect as Abusive Sergeant, but costs more and is inferior. If you have both Abusive Sergeant, feel free to use Dark Iron Dwarf on a Totem for an important trade. But if you have no Abusive Sergeant yet, it depends on the board state and the number of cards you have left in your deck. But typically you'd prefer Abusive Sergeant since it costs 0 mana after a single Thaurissan charge. A single copy of Defender of Argus is found here, just to increase your survivability a little, or to buff up a Totem for a trade, or to taunt up Sylvanas Windrunner to force some poor trades for your opponent and increase your chances of survival to pull off the combo.

Now to explain the lack of certain cards. You don't see Hallazeal the Ascended + Elemental Destruction here, but feel free to put it in. I personally felt that there was no space in the deck to fit these, but you may swap out Defender of Argus and Sylvanas Windrunner or anything else you see fit. The (5) Overload for Elemental Destruction seemed too huge a price to pay, especially if you had a great chance to pull off your combo the next turn, but had no mana to do it. Then again, it's your choice.

I couldn't really fit any healing in the deck either, but if you find it very important, you may again take out Defender of Argus and Sylvanas Windrunner. Alternatively, Sir Finley Mrrgglton could get you Lesser Heal or Armor Up, or if you've already included Hallazeal the Ascended + Elemental Destruction, then it's virtually the same as having Reno Jackson, so you wouldn't really need that much healing if you've included that.

No Azure Drake in here, but it is also very viable in this deck. I felt that the 5 mana cycle was a bit too much, even though the 4/4 decent-sized body and the Spell Damage were both useful to some extent.

Feel free to make your own substitutions. If I've missed out any good possible substitutions, just make your own. This deck is far from perfect, and has many flaws. It will probably remain in this un-optimised state for a long time, maybe forever. But if you have any suggestions or criticisms, feel free to comment.

I'll end off with some of the combos that you can do, as well as the damage they do. Bear in mind that the maximum damage that the combo can deal requires more than 10 cards in hand and more than 10 mana even after one Thaurissan charge, but it deals over 100 damage. So you only need a part of the combo to deal enough damage to finish off your opponent.

Here are all the cards that can be used in the final game-ending combo: Abusive Sergeant, Rockbiter Weapon, Stonetusk Boar, Flametongue TotemWindfuryDark Iron Dwarf, Bloodlust, Faceless Manipulator.

Note that this is calculated after one Thaurissan charge on ALL cards in the combo.

(1) Stonetusk Boar + 2 x Abusive Sergeant + 2 x Rockbiter Weapon + 2 x Flametongue Totem (on either side) + Windfury: 8 cards, 3 mana, 30 damage. This is your basic combo.

(2) Stonetusk Boar + 2 x Abusive Sergeant + 2 x Rockbiter Weapon + 2 x Flametongue Totem (on either side) + Windfury +Dark Iron Dwarf: 9 cards, 6 mana, 34 damage.

(3) Stonetusk Boar + 2 x Abusive Sergeant + 2 x Rockbiter Weapon + 2 x Flametongue Totem (on either side) + Windfury +Bloodlust: 9 cards, 7 mana, 36 damage.

(4) Stonetusk Boar + 2 x Abusive Sergeant + 2 x Rockbiter Weapon + 2 x Flametongue Totem (on either side) + Windfury + Faceless Manipulator (positioned beside one Flametongue Totem): 9 cards, 7 mana, 56 damage.

(5) Stonetusk Boar + 2 x Abusive Sergeant + 2 x Rockbiter Weapon + Flametongue Totem (positioned in between Stonetusk Boar and Faceless Manipulator) + WindfuryFaceless ManipulatorBloodlust: 9 cards, 10 mana, 64 damage.

Note: for (4) and (5), you could use the first Stonetusk Boar to clear a Taunt (use the 16 Attack Stonetusk Boar for (4), while for (5) it doesn't matter), while the second Boar deals 30 damage for (4) and 32 damage for (5).

There you go - Raging Worgen OTK, with the wrong card and the wrong class.

Good luck with this deck. You'll really need it. But if you dared to try, and pulled it off, you deserve the satisfaction.