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Click's Shadow-Yogg (Guide)

  • Last updated Aug 6, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 4260
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/31/2016 (Old Gods)
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Not Unicorn - (But still pretty good) Priest

(Take "pretty good" with a pinch of salt. You're playing Priest, what do you expect?)

I'm not posting this deck to say that I have found the legendary Ben Brode Unicorn Priest. I haven't, no one has, it doesn't exist. However, this deck is playable on ladder and is capable of beating Zoolock, Token Druid and other similar ladder decks.
Considering Prophet Velen

A few people have been wondering if Prophet Velen is an option in this deck. So much so that I have tried him out myself. He is a viable choice if you are looking for a more powerful hero power or heal. He can also give a surprise burst with Embrace the Shadow &Flash Heal. Whilst this can be good, its rare that you want to use Embrace the Shadow this way.

Therefore, if you find yourself against more control than aggro decks, you shoud consider swapping out either Forbidden Shaping, Auchenai Soulpriest or Emperor Thaurissan for Prophet Velen. Though do not consider this a necessity. 


This deck is fun and good enough for ladder, no you are not going to be streaking up the ladder on an 80% winrate, but you will be enjoying yourself a hell of a lot more than the countless zoolocks and dragon warriors.

Shadowform - Use this conservatively, don't just play it because you can. Wait for the right point in the game. Against aggressive decksLesser Heal will be invaluable in keeping you alive until you can turn the game. When changing into Shadow be sure to keep up as much tempo as possible, combine it with Wild Pyromancer or and Embrace the Shadow, Circle of Healing board clear.

Be careful about using The Golden Monkey, against aggressive decks it is not your win condition, keeping a clear board and slowly whittling them down is. Do not throw away your board clears as you can never fully know what your opponent is waiting on you doing.
Even Yogg-Saron, Hope's End should be used cautiously, if your spell count is verging on 15-20 and you are starting to run low on cards, unless you have no other option, playing Yogg is probably going to kill you through fatigue. Therefore, Yogg-Saron is used best around a spell count of 10 to be optimal. 

New Guide

This deck aims to change the tempo of the game far earlier than that of a normal Priest, nearer to turn 5, which is the main problem with the current state of the class. Everyone is complaining about the uselessness of the hero power in comparison to that of Warrior, and how all Priest archetypes are poor versions of Warrior's. So why not do something they cant?

Changing the tempo of the game requires you to know when it is optimal to throw out your board clear, when to use cards as healing and when to grab your dwindling life by the balls and use that heal as damage instead. 

Clearing The Board

So, you followed the mulligan strategy and your currently looking at a board dominated by annoying zoolock minions that require more than one hit. Perfect, the optimal turn here is either 4 or 5 depending on whether or not you have The Coin. To deal with zoo or hunter Wild Pyromancer and low cost spells are your best friend. Repetitively dealing 1 damage will clear up sticky deathrattles and divine shields. Examples of this are:

.Pyromancer -> SW: Pain on priority minion -> Heal
.Pyromancer -> PW: Shield on Pyromancer -> Heal
.Excavated Evill on its own is of course the other option.

Against decks that are aggressive with high health minions instead of sticky, such as Shaman and Warrior, the combo of Embrace the Shadow and Circle of Healing is superior. 
Making the most of this combo is essential, try to bait out what they are holding back in order to starve their hand, meaning you can capitalise on their lack of minions with cards like Darkshire Alchemist making up for your early loss of health, that you should be using as a resource

Taking Back The Tempo

Taking tempo is a critical part of the game. Shadowform is going to come into its element here. Thats right, Shadowform is in the deck because it is needed, not for meme value, though this is a bonus. Th hero powers Mind Spike and Mind Shatter give Priest something it sorely lacks. Direct Damage. With this, instead of reacting to minions through passive healing, we're just going to kill it before it can do anything. An important note here is that killing a threat before it attacks is far better than healing after it because it eliminates the threat instead of delaying it

This brings us to the unsung hero of the deck, Darkshire Alchemist. Never rush into using a heal unless death is a certainty. Embrace the Shadow allows for Darkshire Alchemist to deal with Thing from Below, Emperor Thaurissan, Savannah Highmane and so on. 

With cards like Acolyte of Pain, restore your hand with ways of sealing out the game from your opponent. Take advantage of the board state, trigger your Wild Pyromancer, use your hero power and more to draw cards. Still have Lesser Heal because you didn't draw Shadowform? No problem, use it to heal up yourself and your minions.

 Closing Out The Game

Bog Creepers are irreplaceable. Throw them down to clear up what remnants your opponent is grasping at you with to avoid the shame of losing to not just a Priest but and almighty meme lord Shadow Priest. Who needs legendaries when taunts work? 

Yogg-Saron, Hope's End should be used in clutch situations where the board is starting to fall out of your favour or where you can't quite deal enough damage, clear the board or refill your hand. 

Against Control decks, Elise Starseeker's Golden Monkey is the key as its support to the now powercreeped Hunter hero power you are using is enough to push out a C'Thun or N'Zoth comeback. Just don't get a bunch of crap, though this is unlikely due to the RNG gods rewarding you for playing Shadow Priest.


Clear the board with combos. If you used Circle of Healing to heal your minions then you're doing it wrong. Damage better than healing. Tempo is sexy. Bog Creepers are sexy, Yogg-Saron, Hope's End is sexy.


Mulligan Guide:

The Mulligan for shadow priest varies little from a classic priest list. Against aggressive board swarming decks your highest priority is Embrace the Shadow and Circle of Healing, for what is essentially a 2 mana Flamestrike. This is a combo that can decide the game if used correctly and at the right time.

Below is a list of the main match ups and what you should mulligan for in order of importance. If there is a match up I have missed then comment below and I will add it asap.

Zoolock: Embrace the Shadow, Circle of Healing, Wild Pyromancer, Power Word: Shield, Holy Smite, Excavated Evil and Shadow Word: Pain.

Yogg Druid: Embrace the Shadow, Circle of Healing, Acolyte of Pain, Wild Pyromancer, Power Word: Shield and Excavated Evil.

C'Thun Warrior/Druid: Shadowform, Holy Smite, Acolyte of Pain, Wild Pyromancer, Power Word: Shield and Elise Starseeker.

Dragon Warrior/Face Shaman: Embrace the Shadow, Circle of Healing, Wild Pyromancer, Power Word: Shield, Holy Smite, Excavated Evil and against warrior, Shadow Word: Pain and against shaman, Shadow Word: Death.

Midrange Hunter: Embrace the Shadow, Circle of Healing, Wild Pyromancer, Power Word: Shield, Excavated Evil, Shadowform.

Tempo Mage: Holy SmiteEmbrace the Shadow, Circle of HealingWild Pyromancer, Power Word: Shield, Acolyte of Pain.


Tech Choices & Replacements:

Generally, the two slots I use in the deck for teching are both Auchenai Soulpriest and Forbidden Shaping. Therefore, if you want to add in some extra removal, weapon removal, draw or healing, then these are the slots to use.

However, in some cases cards like Emperor Thaurissan can feel underwhelming against some match-ups. The usual swap here is for another threat or card that allows you to take advantage of situations you find yourself in. An example of this is Sylvanas Windrunner or Sunwalker.

As a Priest, our removal is notoriously situational and against aggro, Entomb can feel like a dead card. If this is the case for you, then swapping in x2 Holy Fire is a perfectly legitimate option. Although underwhelming in usual Priest, Holy Fire allows for a more flexible removal option as well as an appreciated heal. Just be careful of Embrace the Shadow. For efficiency another option is a second Shadow Word: Death for an Entomb.

Doomsayer is a be all and end all tech choice and should be swapped in for the two initial tech spots talked about. This is a tech option where not even Auchenai Soulpriest is providing enough board clear consistency for you on a bad RNG day.



10 Upvotes - Mulligan

15 Upvotes - Guide (Thanks for the continued support)

20 Upvotes - Videos

40 Upvotes - Tech Choices & What to Swap

50 Upvotes - Ben Brode reveals the Unicorn Priest (Don't hold me to this)

So Ben Brode gave me a hint saying its something to do with Purify... I'm skeptical... kappa

(I don't mean to crave upvotes but I don't want to waste time on a guide and videos if no one is going to make use of them, thanks)

Feedback and comments are more than welcome, thanks for the support guys :)

If you guys want anything else put into the Guide, just ask and I will get round to it :)