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Hybrid N'Zoth Paladin

  • Last updated Sep 5, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 10880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/11/2016 (Old Gods)
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Make sure you check out my new decks after the Karazhan adventure. 

Yogg-Saron Paladin 2.0

Midrange Dragon Paladin

First of all!

I wanna give a big thanks and shout out to @Fur0, @Khristophesaurus and @Matt_Sparks who took time and effort to share and post some gameplay videos.

Thanks to all you other guys and girls for the feedback and input! keep it up!

We made the front page with this so I promised to put some more content in here. I am sorry that this comes a bit late but I have not hade any time lats month.

About the name of the deck!?
A LOT of people seems to have been upset by the name "Aggro N'Zoth Paladin" on this deck. I will explain why I called it that in the first Place. I have been playing a lot of different types of midrange Paladin decks. All my midrange decks have had a different approach and gameplay. More controling and a lot slower. Like @NiklvRu pointed out in the comments, this deck plays out just like the aggro and divine shield types in the earlie game. When you run out of the aggro steam you switch over to play more like the standard N'Zoth list. This deck just hade a lot more Aggro components and playstyle then any typ of midrange Paladin deck that I built before, hence the name. For me this is not a big deal. What is important is the cards in the deck list, not the name of the deck. How ever, i will change the name to "Hybrid N'Zoth Paladin" since I think this is more fitting then the midrange-tag.

The goal is to mulligan for a hard aggro opening! If you get the earliegame going and can apply good preassure you just push push push! Blessing of Kings, Steward of Darkshire and Keeper of Uldaman often makes it possible to keep the preassure up for a few extra turns, and also gives you time to draw into your lategame cards. Either you do favorably trade-ups our you force your opponents to desperately play their removals. When you then decide to slow down and switch to you mid-lategame cards your opponent ofte struggles to deal with your threats.

If you dont get the fast and strong aggro start you will have to play it different and slower. A lot of times i find it possible to just stall the game with tradeups and the removals. the goal here is to stall as much as you can and hopefully you can start playing your stronger minions on turn 6 and try to turn the game around.

In slower matchups where you dont get to much aggro-push going in the earliegame, you will have to aim for a lot of card cycle. If you fall behind a huge N'Zoth, the Corruptor is what wins you the game. To build this up you will have to commit cards to maximise your draw engine. If you are ahead in the match and have been playing with good preassure, just slam the N'Zoth down and dont play to greedy with it!

You will have to give this deck some matches to figure it out. Decisions on when to switch tempo and how to approach the earliegame with your given starting hand is what will decide if you win or lose in most of your matches.

In general:
Always mulligan hard for a aggro-ish starting hand so you can apply good preassure from the start.

Always keep Argent SquireArgent Protector and Loot Hoarder if you dont have Argent Squire in your starting hand keep Selfless Hero. If you have a 1 and 2-drop and coin keep Abusive Sergeant otherwise mulligan it away.

Against zoo, keep Rallying Blade

Divine Favor is really up to your taste if you want to keep it in starting hand or not. In faster matchups i tend to mulligan it away and in slower matchups i always keep it.

Agains shaman i keep Aldor Peacekeeper or Keeper of Uldaman to have a answer for Dr.4 and against rouge i keep Truesilver Champion to have a answer for their turn 4. Otherwise, generally mulligan away everything that cost 4 or more. Never keep Steward of Darkshire in starting hand.

Give this a +1 if you like it. Check out my other decks and my new decks for the upcoming adventure. Please keep posting thoughts and feedback!
