Disneyland Warrior
- Last updated Jul 27, 2016 (Old Gods)
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- 21 Minions
- 7 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 680
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/29/2016 (Old Gods)
- Kripparrian
- Pro Player
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Changes I would make:
1x [card]Sir Finley Mrrgglton[/card]
2x Gurubashi Berserker for 2x [card]Frothing Berserker[/card]
Reviews from satisfied customers:
i have a rag and a brawl, what do i remove? thanks ^^
IMO for me this deck is nice.
After a long brake I decided to give Hearhstone a try and found this Disneyland thing ...I went from rank 25 to 18 and lost only once :)
This is actually fun to play!
BTW. Actually thinking of replacing 2x Gurubashi Berserker with Grommash Hellscream and Frothing Berserker plus replacing N'Zoth's First Mate with Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
It won't be budget anymore ... but I'm curious what'll happen after swap - especially Grommash Hellscream is unknown, because it's 8-drop. If it'll be to slow I'll replace it to 2nd Frothing Berserker.
After some time I must say, that this deck is still fun to play. When Mammoth year kicks in, I again replace Mrrgglton with N'Zoth's First Mate (or something else). Grommash Hellscream + Cruel Taskmaster is super combo for this deck since most of the time I'm able to keep alive till turn 10 :) Maybe it's not a deck which will get You to legend, but it's fun to play and it'll by my deck for warrior quests since "Grommaster" combo is so satisfactionary :)
Any way to improve this deck for players that have the whole LoE?
[card]Sir Finley Mrrgglton[/card]
Thanks, it's logical. Who should I take out? Maybe Cleave?
I think so. Also, I'd maybe put there 1 or 2 Frothing Berserkers. I think you may cut 1 shattered sun or maybe 1 gurubashi...?
Warrior is weak to totem shaman you dummy, this is an exceptional deck for new players.
You're right, this aint a deck you take to legend, or even rank 10 for that matter. This is a deck for new players who don't have a lot of dust to make some synergistic OP-deck.
Oh, and it goes great against shamans, the double ooze allows you to almost always immediately get rid of doomhammer. But you're right, a lot of 'real' decks just absolutely rek this deck.
I played this from rank 25 to 16 on a second account, the better warrior decks just wipe their ass with yer face, c'thun\fandral druids just laugh in yer face and indeed reno decks are almost unbeatable. I only played 1 miracle rogue so I cant properly judge, but it seems a really unfair matchup, and the only priests I beat were either extreme noobs or afk. But the majority of decks on rank 25-15 aren't the best decks, and this fairs very well against those.
For those interested, my final stats, I stopped after I got my murloc hero on me main account. I went 23-14.
You mentioned u want the sir finley card. Which card does it replace?
being as ive run this deck for quite a while i would recommend either Arathi Battlesmith or Battle rage. Very often you will not need 2 of these.
Really good deck, I'm 8-2 with it so far.
Gj Kripp
i think you missed the point of this being a budget deck...
A budget deck can be improved as you get more cards. I think you missed the point.
finally a real budget deck. Also zoo warrior ? sounds fun I love zoo. I am tired of seeing "buget" 5k or 10k decks. That is not f** budget !
This deck don't work anymore on 02/07/2016. Don't waste your time with this crap.
3 lose ,1 win ...but im noob)
Wshy gurubashi berserker you ask? dunno it's hard to deal 7 dmg at turn 5(this isn't true) and people fear this card although you have no activators-Kripp
I think it isn't a good card anyway no reason to run it over frothing berserker which works with any dmg rather than self dmg..
I guess it's a basic deck that newbies can use.. and Blizzard should make it the basic deck they offer new players.
This deck is horrible garbage trash. You will lose a massive amount of games if you try this deck. As clearly demonstrated by Krip, this deck only ever works at garbage ranks where literally any deck played by a person with half a brain will win games. Krip, stick to arena bro.
Hot garbage poop deck.
Well, I played two games with it, and both were lost, simply becouse I played vs two Reno guys, one Warlock, and one Warrior. And I would most likley win, but they got back to full hp.
I had a lot of success with this deck. I believe I went from 17 (2 stars) to 13 (4 stars) without losing a match until I faced someone using an altered version of this deck with a Grommash. I also substituted one Gurubashi Beserker for a Frothing Beserker. Most of my success was being able to buff up my Bloodhoof warrior and do extreme amounts of face damage while clearing their board with weapons and my low cost minions.