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Cheap Midrange (Easy Rank 5)

  • Last updated May 26, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 1860
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/26/2016 (Old Gods)
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This is my first public deck. I am not a pro-player. I only achieved rank 5 and above a couple times and never achieved Legend. I was struggling to rank up during the season beginning, but this deck climbed me to rank 5 (About 60% win rate)... Hmm, I can already see that nice chest coming :)

Keep: Fiery Bat, Flame Juggler, Huge Toad and King's Elekk.
If you already have at least 2 early game drops, keep Eaglehorn Bow.
I would keep one Hunter's Mark against a Druid, since they can drop big stuff early, but if you have a lot of early game making a lot of pressure quickly can be better than hold a spell.

Fiery Bat: I used to run 2 of it, I swapped one for Stampeding Kodo. It is a good turn 1 drop, but I prefer to save it to Kill Command or Houndmaster. I usually won't drop it when I already have a board presence.
Stampeding Kodo: This card is quite powerful in the current metagame, a bunch of Doomsayer and Bloodhoof Brave around. It is also a great target to Houndmaster.
Cult Master: As Midrange Hunter, you must have answers to the enemy's threats, you need card draw then. It is quite uncommon for you to have no board (You probaly already lost if this happened), Infested Wolf, Savannah Highmane and, of course, Unleash the Hounds works really well with her.
King's Elekk: A bunch of people seem to hate this card, calling it a simple 3/2 beast. But this card has a really good advantage: it let you know what you're facing. When you joust, you may see a card from your enemy's deck that completely gives up what sort of deck he is playing, while the cards revealed from your deck are quite common in most Hunter decks. You may even draw a card, making this card quite good in my opnion, I would not swap it for some other 2 drop beast.

Druid (Easy): Druid is probably your better match up. They do not have a lot of AoE, so flooding your board is great. Do not rush into your Hunter's Mark, they are your only hard removal, prioritize minion trading, use Hunter's Mark when the trade is really bad for you or when it is your only resource.

Rogue (Easy): Well, I say it is easy, but you need to finish the game before a N'Zoth, the Corruptor appears. Rogues main "removal" is sap, they will probaly hold it to your Savannah Highmane, so prioritize using your Houndmaster in other minions. Remember that most Rogues run Fan of Knives, so try to keep your minions above 1 health.

Mage (Medium): The early game against a tempo mage defines the whole game. The one that gets behind in the early game will probably lose. You have a lot of early game, don't let Mana Wyrm, Sorcerer 's Apprentice and Flamewaker alive. Don't be afraid to use Hunter's Mark into Flamewaker if it is your only way to remove, this guy is able to destroy most of your deathrattle tokens and small minions without attacking, he must be destroyed! Freeze mage isn't the same without Mad Scientist. Don't flood your board against a freeze mage, they have a ton of removal, if you flood the board it they wipe it you will be troubled. Against freeze mage I try to Quick Shot and Kill Command as finishers, since they will (always) freeze your board after you pop Ice Block. The general plan is to rush into their Ice Block while saving some burst (Call of the Wild may be used as burst damage). 

Paladin (Hard): Probably your worst match. They have board removal a ton of healing and can shrink your minions with Aldor Peacekeeper or Keeper of Uldaman. If you low their health a lot and let them live they will simply heal it. Try to get them around 15 health and use a bunch of burst to finish them suddenly. Oh, aggro paladin is quite easy in contrast to Control/Midrange one, just keep trading and controling the board, they will run out of steam and your late game is way more powerful.

Priest (Easy): Priest will be easy if you handle it well. Don't flood the board, they will have Excavated Evil or Holy Nova, be sure to always remove Northshire Cleric, you have your 2 drops with 3 attack, your weapon, Quick Shot and Stampeding Kodo to help you with this task. Prioritize using Houndmaster on your 2 attack minions, so they get out of the "Priest Range". Except for their AoE, you must be able to put pressure enough to lock the game.

Warrior (Medium): So many good targets for Stampeding Kodo in this match! Not a easy game though. They are able to remove your early game (Oh, the almighty Fiery War Axe!) and to gather a lot of Armor, but you may have more minions than they are able to handle, but do not flood your board, Brawl is still quite common. Be aware of 1 damage AoE, try yo keep your minions above 1 health. Then, just keep pressuring them to lock the game.

Warlock (Medium): Most likely zoo in the current metagame. Keep always trading. Do not waste Unleash the Hounds, it is most likely your best tool in this match up. Save it for a flooded enemy board. You must remove Darkshire Councilman as soon as possible! Gain board advantage (Eaglehorn Bow is great in this task) and make pressure to lock the game, warlock minions tend to be small, it is quite hard for them to come back.

Hunter (Medium): Your tools are their tools, simple midrange strategy as always. Keep trading, gain board advatage and make pressure. In this match is quite common to have some ups and downs, the board control being constantly swapped. If you get behind during late game, you may have more chance bursting them than trying to control the board again.

Shaman (Hard): Current Shaman is crazy! DO NOT FLOOD THE FREAKIN BOARD, they have Lightning Storm. Don't ignore their Totems, current Totem sinergy may make this mistake into your doom. They also have Hex to deal with Savannah Highmane. While Paladin is actually harder, this match up is way more stressful in my opinion, they are able to generate board presence quite quicky with things as Feral Spirit. Some of them run one copy of Bloodlust, so don't let they flood the board. Turn them defensive, wasting Rockbiter Weapon and Lighting Bolt. Control the board and make a lot of pressure, trying to end the game as soon as possible.

Huge Toad: Scavenging Hyena, Dire Wolf Alpha or Knife Juggler (My brother tryed Hyena sice he does not have LoE, worked quite decently).
Quick Shot: Quite hard to replace... I would try sometih that may virtually deal 3 damage such as Bear Trap, also adding some sinergy for Eaglehorn Bow, but Quick Shot should not be replaced. (I actually accept suggestions of replacements for it) 

Good luck, I hope you liked the deck :)