Dragon N'Zoth Priest
- Last updated May 24, 2016 (Old Gods)
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- 21 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Priest
- Crafting Cost: 9220
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/24/2016 (Old Gods)
- DarthBaeus1826
- Registered User
- 2
- 24
- 36
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
So... This is my newest priest deck. Basically I was playing an N'Zoth priest deck but I found that it was just simply too hard a struggle in the early game. I found that Twilight Drake seemed really good and so as I began thinking about it I found out I had solved my problem ^_^
Anyhow the objective of this deck is to use dragons for early game control before sealing the game out with endless cards, Confessor Paletress and N'Zoth, the Corruptor.
The first couple turns you have various options. Ideally turn 2 you'll play either a Doomsayer or a Wyrmrest Agent. It is a tough decision which to use. If they already have a big of a board but you do not foresee them being able to do 7 damage then play Doomsayer. It would give you back innitiative. If they have less of a board play Wyrmrest Agen to take the initiative.
Continue the tempo with a turn 3 Blackwing Technician and a turn 4 Twilight Drake or Twilight Guardian. If they have no board then a Shifting Shade is perfectly acceptable as well. Shifting Shade is a better card to save for when you are low on resources, however, and a lot less good when you are fighting for board presence. Save it for later if you are able.
Turn 5 play a Darkshire Alchemist or Azure Drake depending on what you need. Darkshire Alchemist can be used to save you from damage or it can be used on your twighlight cards to keep board control. Azure Drake is better if you need more options. Note, however, that Azure Drake is a key card for triggering your dragon effects so it is generally better to keep one in hand.
Save your Cabal Shadow Priest for an ideal target as you only have one. Don't be afraid to slam down a Sylvanas Windrunner randomly, as you will return it when you play N'Zoth, the Corruptor.
When deciding to use Shadow Word: Death or Entomb take into consideration 1) is it a minion you want in your deck 2) will there be repercussions if you kill it and 3) which one is more flexible with your current hand between now and the turns ahead.
When trying to seal out the game use your less dramatic cards first. Play your Forbidden Shaping to fill curve when you need to, but more importantly Play that card before you play Confessor Paletress or N'Zoth, the Corruptor. Confessor Paletress and N'Zoth, the Corruptor are more threatening than Forbidden Shaping and so you want the opponent's removal to be used on your weaker cards first.
Always play as minimal as you can to continue controlling the board unless you are going for the finish and it is safe to do so. If you have one big threat don't play another needlessly into a Brawl or Twisting Nether. You should have many great threats in your deck between Forbidden Shaping , Confessor Paletress, N'Zoth, the Corruptor, Museum Curator(big deathrattle minions) and Entomb minions. You will win a slow game almost always unless it's a combo 1tk deck so take the game slow and finish strong. :)
Let me know what you think!
Oh btw! Ysera is a perfectly fine(arguably better) replacement for Confessor Paletress as it adds the dragon tag, making your other dragon cards more reliable ^_^ Paletress demands immediate removal and allows you to heal, though, while Ysera doesn't demand immediate removal and doesn't allow you to heal - thus I prefer Paletress over Ysera.