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[LEGEND] (RIP Yogg) Tempo Mage

  • Last updated Oct 3, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Yogg Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 6960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/18/2016 (Old Gods)
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Very good deck. Here are the win conditions.

Tempo: Flamewaker and Spell Overpowerment

Archmage Antonidias: You overwhelm him with spells

Yogg: Yogg can win games on his own

Elise: Once all else fails, she can make your useless spells in the fatigue war useful

If you are playing more aggro than control Blizzard is replaced with Elise. If you are playing more control decks play Elise instead. This deck is insanely fun and great.

Mulligan Guide 

Mulligan Guide


General Rule: Always Keep Arcane Blast, Arcane Missiles, Mirror Image, Mana Wyrm, Frostbolt, Sorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker


Druid (Ramp/C'Thun): Arcane BlastArcane MissilesMirror ImageMana WyrmFrostboltSorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker. . 


Hunter (Deathrattle):Arcane BlastArcane MissilesMirror ImageMana WyrmFrostboltSorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker, Polymorph and Flamestrike


Mage (Tempo): Arcane BlastArcane MissilesMirror ImageMana WyrmFrostboltSorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker.  


Palladin (Deathratte or Aggro):Arcane BlastArcane MissilesMirror ImageMana WyrmFrostboltSorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker.  For this match up, you really shouldn't be getting control based cards for the death rattle because if it is aggro you lose. So I would just go for the cards above and not cards like Polymorph


Priest (Control): Arcane BlastArcane MissilesMirror ImageMana WyrmFrostboltSorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker, Elise Starseekerand Yogg-Saron, Hope's End


Rogue (Miracle or Deathrattle): Arcane BlastArcane MissilesMirror ImageMana WyrmFrostboltSorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker and Flamestrike.


Shaman (Aggro): Arcane BlastArcane MissilesMirror ImageMana WyrmFrostboltSorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker


Warlock (Zoo+Reno): Arcane BlastArcane MissilesMirror ImageMana WyrmFrostboltSorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker.  Again, it could be a control or it could be a aggro. You have to play for the aggro version. 


Warrior (Control): Arcane BlastArcane MissilesMirror ImageMana WyrmFrostboltSorcerer's Apprentice and Flamewaker Elise Starseeker and Yogg-Saron, Hope's End


Cards to Consider Mulligan: Bloodmage Thalnos and Forbidden Flame


Both good cards and could be kept in your mulligan. I am kind of experimenting with these two cards for now. 

Card Explanations: 

Forbidden Flame: Really awesome card. Provides a extremely flexible way to take out minions. Can be used early game to take out low cost, or late game to take out threats. Also no mana spell for Archmage and for Flamewaker. 


Arcane Blast: Super good. Allows to control the game early, especially with all of these aggro decks in the current meta. 


Arcane Missiles: Flamewaker + Missiles = Tempo. Nuff said. 


Mana Wyrm: Tunnel Trogg for Mages? Yes please. 


Mirror Image: Great early game card to not only eat damage, but allow you to establish a board. Tanks doom hammer damage, early game zoo damage, and is low cost spells for flamewaker, archmage and even yogg.


Frostbolt: Do I have to explain this card?


Sorcerer's Apprentice: One of the best cards. So many spells when you play this card right, you get a ton of value. Also a good low cost minion to drop to establish a board. 


Arcane Intellect: Amazing draw card. Draw 2 for three mana. Amazing value. 


Flamewaker: Tempo Tempo Tempo Tempo. Anything else? 


Fireball: Can hit face, can kill minions. Great value. 


Polymorph: Honestly, maybe two of this card. Tirion? NOPE. Faceless 7/7 guy? NOPE. 30/30 C'thun? NOPE. AMAZING CARD. 


Cabalist's Tome: Mages lost Unstable Portal, flame cannon, Dr. Boom. Well at least we got this card. Kind of RNG but great value nonetheless. 


Ethereal Conjurer: Better than Azure Drake. Allows you to again get the spell you need, like another polymorph or a spell to push for damage. great card. 


Archmage Antonidas: A win condition in itself. Amazing card. 


Flamestrike: Need a card to counter aggro. It is amazing against every deck. Might keep in mulligan sometimes. Great great GREAT card. 


Bloodmage Thalnos: Spell Damage and Draw? Sure. 


Elise Starseeker: After all else fails, you need a win condition. This is it. 


Yogg-Saron, Hope's End: MVP. Remember play turn 10, don't wait for 30 spells, play after 7 or more because you will guaranteed get great value. 


 Video (shoutout bro awesome):

 Awesome video, everyone check this one out too (SPANISH WARNING)

Legend? (Basically, uploading legend video when I get the likes, guide coming soon):