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Beast & C'Thun hybrid

  • Last updated May 8, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: C'Thun Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 3040
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/8/2016 (Old Gods)
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As the pure C'Thun decks are a bit single-minded and Druid also received a few nice Beast buffs, I put the two together. Not sure how well this holds up at higher ranks but at lower ranks it has few problems. 

There's 8 C'Thun buffs and 8 Beasts (targets for the excellent Mark of Y'Shaarj).

The Beasts:

Most Beasts have a lot of health so can survive a turn to be buffed; Druid of the Saber played in Stealth form is even more reliable and creates a t3 5/4 Stealth plus draws you a card. Almost as good is a t5 Druid of the Flame as 2/5 + MoY'S for a 5 mana 4/7 for 1 card net played.


8 buffs should be sufficient to reliably get C'Thun above 10/10 which allows Klaxxi Amber-Weaver to become a 4/10 and the Twin Emperors to emerge. Dark Arakkoa alone gets  C'Thun to 9/9 and is a great minion in its own right.


The higher mana part of the deck consists of 6 Big Taunts (7 if Twin Emperor Vek'lor works, which it normally should). That's usually enough to protect your face and build up a huge board. This in turn allows you to be really aggressive early game and use your hero power to clear the board. Speaking of...

Board control:

Is provided in the form of 2x Living Roots (also doubling as early game minions but scaling into the later game as nice ping damage), 2x Wrath (removal as 3-damage but cycle if you can ping), 2x Swipe (needs no explanation) and 1x Feral Rage (allowing you to clear a big target with your hero OR save your bacon against Aggro choosing the Armor). Finally don't forget that Savage Combatant can give you a turn 6 opportunity to clear away something with 3 health.

However most importantly, as above, because of the late midgame Taunts protecting your face you can be really aggressive in the early game with Shapeshift to clear the board.


I've only included Innervate as there is a good lower curve; this still allows you to boost into something unexpectedly big but it won't become a dead card like Wild Growth could be past turn 4. If you feel you need more ramp, put in Wild Growth or Mire Keeper.

I haven't optimised much, especially the 4-drop slot is extremely flexible; alternatives IMO are between Mire Keeper (ramp/late game value) <-> Savage Combatant (Beast; more aggressive) <-> Wildwalker (requires Beast targets) <-> C'Thun's Chosen (strong and C'Thun buff) <-> Klaxxi Amber-Weaver (if it works great stats) and even Fandral Staghelm (which I don't have but plenty of targets - 10 - even in this deck).

I'm also undecided about the Doomcaller which I suspect can be replaced by some other 7/8/9 drop like Ragnaros; however as C'Thun buff and a 7/9 minion it's a decent threat in its own right.
