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TheJordude's Pirate Rampage (90% win rate again...

  • Last updated May 11, 2014 (Live Patch 5314)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/11/2014 (Live Patch 5314)
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Originally I made this deck as a fun casual deck, but I tried it in rank and this deck does wonders in the current meta! Currently you will find a lot of slower control decks such as druid, p2w warrior, priest, shaman, and miracle rogues. This deck straight out stomps all of them XD. I ranked with this deck from 15 to 6 and still going! I find that this deck has about a 90% win ratio against the slow decks. No one will expect an aggro pirate/weapon deck right now. Basically in a nutshell, this deck gets powerful weapons to wipe down the opponents health. Keep reading as I get in more detail below : )

I'll be streaming this deck in ranked whenever I go on twitch so make sure to follow!: http://www.twitch.tv/TheJordude

Card Choices:

Upgrade! x2: This card gives so much more value to your weapons. Make your Fiery War Axe a 4/3 and get free Dread Corsair's, or make your Gorehowl and 8/2! for example. Just in general this card can bring a lot of extra damage with your weapon so its a good card to have : 3

Argent Squire x2: You really want to open up with this card. A great early drop and can be really annoying to get rid of for warriors, druids, etc.

Fiery War Axe x2: An obvious card that every warrior deck has. 2 mana for 6 damage is very good, you can get rid of early game minions or do a significant amount of damage.

Heroic Strike x2: 2 mana for 4 damage is good.. using this card on top of your weapons is super fun since you can burst really hard. This card is also good to clear minions and get that extra push.

Bloodsail Raider x2: The best card in the entire deck. You really want to save this card in more of the mid to late game as it combos extremely well with Warsong Commander and a powerful weapon to do a lot of damage.

Captain's Parrot x2: There is not a single card draw in this deck. This card is in here to thin your deck a bit and cycle. Since all pirates in this deck are good, searching a random one to your hand is very useful, especially if you can play this card nicely on turn 2.

Harvest Golem x2: A very good neutral card. This guy is very sticky and a great 3 drop, it can not be dealt with easily with 1 card and can just generally give you decent value.

Southsea Captain x1: The captain is just a nice buff you can give to your pirates for a bit more damage. Having 2 of these guys is very clunky though so 1 is just right.

Warsong Commander x2: This card helps win the game and push for surprise burst. Playing this card in the later game where you can drop it with your buffed Bloodsail Raider and other cards that can charge is just great, especially since your buffed Bloodsail Raider wouldn't live a turn if it didn't have a charge to attack.

Mortal Strike x2: Since this deck does not run taunt killers or silences you need some burn damage. This card can finish the game if your opponent is low with a big board, or if your desperate you can use this card to kill a minion rather than trading a weapon charge or minion.

Arathi Weaponsmith x2: This card is a very good 4 drop. Not only is it a 3/3 body, which is decent, but it also gives you a 2/2 weapon which can deal 4 extra damage at least. overall your getting at least 7 points of value.

Dread Corsair x2: This card can give you a really nice tempo push with the right cards. The best scenario is turn 2 when you have the coin, you Fiery War Axe, coin, Upgrade!, then drop Dread Corsair for free. You can also combo this with Warsong Commander.

Kor'kron Elite x2: Another great 4 drop card. This guy can deal with cards like Azure Drake or other minions easily, or can push for 4 damage which is always nice.

Leeroy Jenkins x1: This guy is one of your finishers like every deck that runs Leeroy. You really want to see Leeroy later in the game and have him ready to end the game with that 6 damage. Although sometimes in the right situation I will drop Leeroy to try to get 2 hits in with him if I know I can.

Arcanite Reaper x1: 5 mana which can do at least 10 damage. This card can do some heavy hitting especially if you buff it up. You only need 1 since you won't need that many turns to kill the opponent that you would need to have 2 of them in your deck

Brawl x1: This card is your reset button. If the board starts to get out of control on your opponents side, or if there is a huge taunt or something this card is great to having close to a fresh start. Since you won't normally have a high minion count on the board anyway, this card is pretty safe and is usually always live.

Captain Greenskin x1: This card is basically just another Upgrade!, same purpose except that it costs more but gives you a 5/4 body.

Gorehowl x1: This is your power weapon. You do not want to lose to much attack on this weapon hitting minions, you mostly want to buff this weapon to smash face and buff up your Bloodsail Raider with charge.


Opening Hand/Early Game:

You want to open up with your low cost cards in almost every match up. The only low cost cards I do not typically keep are the Warsong Commander and the Bloodsail Raider since those are mid-late game cards with combos. So in the early game, you want to play efficiently, drop your sticky minions and start smacking the face with your weapons. You do not really need to trade with early minions since they are not big threats so most of the time I just go face and play very aggressive.

Mid Game:

During the mid game, you need to watch your card count. Make efficient trades if necessary on priority minions but like the early game, you want to play aggressive and try to push a lot of burst damage before your opponent can develop a board that can not be dealt with. During this time, you will be able to drop heavy hitting cards like your Arcanite Reaper, Kor'ron Elite, etc.

Late Game:

Typically you do not want to get into the late game as you will be running out on fuel and relying on top decks. But if you do, try to have your Warsong Commander ready with a bunch of minions to charge and burst through to end the game. You also want to have your Mortal Strike ready if you can not get through heavy taunts.


This deck has ALOT of burst that your opponent will not expect or can deal with. It is also quite fast if you get the right cards and good opening hand. You do not commit to many minions on the board so hunters will not get advantage with UTH, explosive traps etc. Most decks do not run Acidic Swamp Ooze or Harrison Jones so your weapons are fairly safe as well.


This deck has a hard time dealing with taunts and swarming minions. Mirror Images and other low cost taunts are really annoying since your using damage to deal with small minions rather than face. Also if your opponent has a lot of minions that you can't control they can start out damaging you per turn.



This deck is very strong against hunter. Hunters can not deal with your weapon smashes and they will try to race you. Hunters can not burst faster than you since your weapons are very strong you can probably do more damage per turn than they can.


This deck almost loses every time against zoo. You can not deal with all their minions as well as their taunts that they are capable of. Hand lock on the other hand is fairly easy as long as they do not push big taunts early on. Just get them super low and when they can finally play taunts, you may have enough to push through or burn for game with Mortal Strike.


This deck basically wins 100% of the time against rogue. Vs the Tempo Rogues, this deck can out damage the rogue very easy. Just keep smashing face since Rogues have no heals and low taunts. In the Miracle Rogue match, this deck just smashes face to fast and to quickly that the Rogue does not have enough turns to pull off a crazy combo.

Druid, Shaman, Warrior, Priest:

These decks are all very similar as in they are all the slower control type of decks. If they do not pull out taunts, they just lose simply because the weapon damage is to much that they can not build a good board fast enough. And since you do not play that many minions on the board, their control aspect is not as effective.


This matchup can be annoying if they open up Mirror Images. Other than that, it is fairly easy, but you do need to clear minions like Sorcerer Apprentice and Water Elemental.

Youtube Video of me explaining this deck: