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[WOG Guide] Win by T6

  • Last updated May 6, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Midrange Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 2840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/3/2016 (Old Gods)
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Game Plan

Win games.  How?  Go face, spam Well Played as you win by turn 6 while they are trying to buff their C’Thun.  I will not provide statistics as the point of this deck is to have a fast game allowing you to play more and win more gold.

Seriously though, the game plan is very straight forward.  The traditional aggro Shaman just got a serious upgrade after the WOG expansion including... 


This deck allows you to still finish off your opponent by Lava Burst and Doomhammer + Rockbiter Weapon even if you lose board control.

This deck shreds C’Thun and other late game decks.  If they can’t remove your board quickly, then you will win.



You want to keep any 1 manna cost minions – don’t get too greedy looking for the Tunnel Trogg as it’s more important to have a strong opener than run the risk of a hand full of late game cards.


Minion Card Choices

 Sir Finley Mrrgglton is a very useful card in this deck and has easily won several games.  Here is the order of hero powers that I choose:

  1. Druid adds an extra damage to your windfury Doomhammer which gives you an extra +2 damage per turn.
  2. Hunter gives you extra push for lethal on turns where you have already overloaded and just need that little bit of extra damage.
  3. Warlock is an ok pick for card draw on those turns where you are overloaded.
  4. Mage isn’t as good as the options above for this deck but is ok as you can still ping the hero or minions
  5. Paladin, Warrior, Rogue, Priest are all terrible picks just pick anything else other than these!

Tunnel Trogg is a very strong early game card that is difficult to remove.  This deck runs many overloads so this is a very essential card.

Argent Squire is also sticky and in most cases allows you to attack several times if played on turn 1.  This works well with other cards in this deck that buff other minions.

Abusive Sergeant this is a strong buff card that pushes for extra damage.  Remember the goal is to end the game as fast as possible.

Eternal Sentinel at 3 / 2 this card is perfect for putting a threat on the board after you overload.  Great card.  Auto include in almost every Shaman deck.  Don’t have this card? Craft it.

Flame Juggler is a good drop that gives a little extra damage while giving you a minion with 3 health.

Flametongue Totem is very good to buff up your 1 manna minions giving you extra damage.  That said, don’t play this on turn two and never pick it for a mulligan.  In my experience people prioritize removing this and actually gives your other minions another turn to attack.

Totem Golem is a very strong card.  Not replaceable.

Tuskarr Totemic helps build up your board and has the potential to summon strong totems such as the Flametongue Totem or even the Totem Golem.

Flamewreathed Faceless is very strong card especially if you can easily clear the overload penalty.  Turn 3 with coin for a 7 / 7 is very difficult to deal with.  They will have to address it or you….win…

Master of Evolution allows you to trade in your damaged minions for an upgraded one.  There really isn’t any downside for this even if played on a useless totem.

Thing from Below is another WOG card that just is an auto include in any Shaman deck.  It can potentially be 0 mana and very easily can cost around 3 mana.  This is a great tempo play for a 5 / 5 with taunt.  Combos well with Master of Evolution as the upgrade is on the full 6 manna cost.


Spell and Weapon Choices

Rockbiter Weapon This is your finisher.  Save it.  Don’t use it until you get the Doomhammer combo.

Feral Spirit Great card.  Not replaceable in this type of deck.

Lava Burst your late game burst finisher that can catch your opponent by surprise. 

Doomhammer The best weapon for the job.  Better than the Hammer of Twilight as it can provide more damage faster with Rockbiter Weapon


Have fun!  Destroy C’Thun!  Go Face!  Win Gold!