[S24][74% Legend] Tempo Dragon Warrior
- Last updated Nov 22, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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- 17 Minions
- 9 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Dragon Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 2900
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/30/2016 (Old Gods)

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Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Accidentally Deleted the old List :/
Proof: https://imgur.com/3wTgOPH
Stats: 60-21 (74%) through Legend.
C'Thun Druid 5-1 Mid Hunter 5-1 Tempo Mage 5-2
Beast Druid 0-1 Freeze Mage 5-0
Heal Paladin 7-4 Dragon Priest 1-0 Rattle Rogue 6-1
Aggro Paladin 1-0 C'Thun Rogue 0-1
Miracle Rogue 1-0
Aggro Shaman 8-3 Reno Warlock 1-2 Patron Warrior 1-1
Mid Shaman 3-0 Zoo Warlock 8-2 Aggro Warrior 1-0
Control Warrior 3-3
I'm dpsimi I've been playing aggro warrior since first getting Legend with it in season 4. You can seem my other lists. I've always play aggro Warrior until rank 5, but I've usually switched to reach Legend. Finally, Blizzard sent some cards our way so let's do this.
Thoughts on Standard:
What held this deck back previously was the sticky minions like Haunted Creeper and Piloted Shredder. These cards ruined our efficient trades with our weapons. Warriors also lost Death's Bite, which made Dread Corsair Free and served as an activator for Grommash Hellscream.
Thoughts on WotOg Cards:
Blackwater Pirate and Malkorok are too slow for Pirate Warrior.
Bloodsail Cultist has two requirements to activate, but the stats are solid
N'Zoth's First Mate is pretty useless outside of the first 3 turns similar to Cursed Blade so we'll only run 1.
Bloodhoof Brave is FANTASTIC. Usually will regain board control or get enough of a footing to get in some damage before our end game burst. Also serves as an activator for Battle Rage.
Ravaging Ghoul - is a Very versatile card. Solid 3/3 for 3. Activates Execute, Battle Rage, and clears a board of 1/1s.
Sir Finley Mrrgglton, N'Zoth's First Mate, Alexstrasza's Champion, Fiery War Axe, Faerie Dragon.
Heroic Strike- if you don't have any of the cards above.
Azure Drake - if you have Alexstrasza's Champion
Fight for board control through the early game. Hit their face once you have board. Frothing Berserker, Bloodhoof Brave, Kor'kron Elite should get in some damage, and finished them off with Arcanite Reaper and Mortal Strike. You should be winning around turn 8.
Tip: Count your damage. Set up for lethal 3-4 turns in advance. Know what your opponent can do and prepare for it. Plan ahead and don't waste your spells. Know your limits, your options, and your potential draws.
Cards to Consider:
Abusive Sergeant is powerful with our chargers
Blood To Ichor vs Mid-Range
Slam vs Control
Argent Horserider is a solid 3 drop makes the deck more aggressive
Dread Corsair for a tempo swing
Spellbreaker for Silence
Captain Greenskin for Upgrade! plus body
Cards to Replace:
Upgrade! requires a weapon.
x1 Mortal Strike is very weak draw early
Sir Finley Mrrgglton Picks:
Tier 1: Mage, Warlock, Hunter - each can be better than the other based on situation
Tier 2: Druid, Priest
Tier 3: Rogue, Shaman, Paladin
If you don't have Sir Finley Mrrgglton replace with Blood To Ichor
I won't answer anything that is in the writeup
Trying out -Amani Berserker -Arathi Weaponsmith +N'Zoth's First Mate +Captain Greenskin. Currently Rank 2 after going 22-5 (81%) from 6 to 2.
C'Thun Druid 1-0 Mid Shaman 2-1
Tempo Mage 2-2 Zoo Warlock 2-0
N'Zoth Pally 0-1 Patron Warrior 5-0
Dragon Priest 1-0 Control Warrior 4-1
Miracle Rogue 4-0 Mid Warrior 1-0
I think it's clearly stated that this deck is from Season 24.
Is this deck still viable in the current meta? I mean, as good as you said it was. And, if it isn't what could be added/replaced to make it better?
-1 Mortal Strike, Arathi Weaponsmith, Bash, Fierce Monkey, Bloodhoof Brave, Ravaging Ghoul
-2 Execute
+1 N'Zoth's First Mate, Upgrade!
+2 Bloodsail Cultist , Dread Corsair, Southsea Deckhand
Changes are due to meta. Less Taunts, More Heal
However, the archetype works better in Wild
uvs c tun warrior u can do nothing if he is able to use shield barrers in turn 7
Too many weapons, not enough Dragons. Losing on turn 8 because I had Fiery War Axe active, drew Arcanite Reaper, and never saw an activator for my Alexstrasza's Champion is not fun. At 2 - 6 on rank 16, I'm switching to another deck. Thanks for the losses...
If you think the deck could use more dragons and less weapons try it out see how you like it.
This deck is proven to be effective. If you are losing at rank 16 at the end of the season, it might not be the decks fault.
I also haven't been able to play for the past two months, so it is entirely possible that all decks have gotten significantly better/different.
Don't complain about your record with someone else's deck. You're the one net-decking... Begreatful people actually let you use their decks.
Ever heard of playing decks that are not 3 months out of date? 3 months ago people were still playing control decks the and the majority of the games were against control. Now literally 90 percent of the meta is beast druid, aggro shaman, zoo and tempo dragon warrior (more updated list). Also, some decks have a higher learning curve than 8 games, unlike aggro shaman and zoo.
As I said before this deck is out of date. I'm probably a little late on this comment but here are some links to an updated tempo dragon warrior which is the most consistent deck around atm (before karazhan):
-2 arcanites +1 captain greenskin +1 nzoths best frand
Seems like a fine fit.
-1 Arcanite Reaper +1 Gorehowl ???
Arcanite 5 mana 10 Damage.
Gorehowl 7 mana 7 Damage.
How is it 7 damage? Dude its damage reduces each turn. So without any buff it does 28 damage in 7 turns. If you Buff it, then It can go much beyond.
He could have mentioned that. Either ways I have won games with both, but Gorehowl really prospered in C'Thun decks as you get to keep attacking the support minions.
The whole point is to hit face with wep as much as possible...
Check out Reynad's Dragon Tempo Warrior!
Nope, unbelievably frustrating. 7-11 at rank ~14 a week into the season. Needs a few taunts like Twilight Guardian and some big finishers like Drakonid Crusher and Grommash.
Yes it is still viable, just depends on your meta if it's gonna be the deck that you take to Legend. If you are facing a lot of Midrange. This is not the deck for you, if you are facing aggro and control this deck should perform well.