[S25/S26 Legend] C'thun Warrior
- Last updated Jun 23, 2016 (Old Gods)
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- 17 Minions
- 10 Spells
- 3 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 6020
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/27/2016 (Old Gods)
- NovaMoGraph
- Registered User
- 19
- 31
- 61
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Total Deck Rating
This is the list i used to get Legend on EU, the day WotOG released!
Update: Made it to Legend on NA with the latest Iteration. Good luck.
Stats: http://prnt.sc/axohgz -- http://prnt.sc/axogsg
Proof: http://imgur.com/9ftG6XZ
It wasn't my intention to hit Legend this season since i was just playing random decks being bored of the stale meta but i ended up near rank 2 and i said what the hell.
Always look for Beckoner of Evil, Fiery War Axe, Disciple of C'Thun. Against slower decks you can keep Acolyte of Pain / C'Thun's Chosen. I'd keep Execute against shaman and druid cause of Flamewreathed Faceless or general Innervate plays. Ravaging Ghoul against zoo / hunter / shaman does wonders.
Keep Justicar Trueheart against Control Warrior / Freeze Mage. Keep Brawl against Patron.
Feel free to ask questions in the comments below.
Khristophesaurus made a video:
This deck is useless when you have bad luck like me...
I suggest watching the world champs they are using the deck
Nah, world's champs rarely play against aggro
Hello. How can I replace Justicar Trueheart?
You really shouldn't, because it's a key card. Something you could try is Crazed Worshipper although it's an epic.
Idk if youre looking for a non legendary replacment, but I have Sylvanas instead of Emperor. I havent found myself needing Emp that much since its not a combo deck. Sylv works out great
Pretty good deck
How good would Ragnaros the Firelord work in the deck?
good vs control. sub out a shield block for him.
So now that the meta is like 10 variations of Shaman. How do you win with this deck since there's no reliable way to keep their board cleared? Most other decks aren't much of an issue but Shaman is played so much on ladder that this deck is pretty much a no win situation.
OP how important is bran for this deck and which card should i use as a substitute until i get him?
Isn't monkey in the same wing?
Ok. I've been REALLY struggling to make this deck work. I've pretty much been just bouncing between rank 9 and 10 currently while using this and it has been frustratingly inconsistent on my end. I often find myself unable to remove early game creatures like totem golem effectively(since firery war axe can't deal with it, but if I let it sit on board I open my health up to an easy aggressive loss) and I often sit with unusable C'thun cards since I can't get the buffs in time to shift the game in my favor or stop myself from dying. It's also been a real struggle since Harrison and Ooze are being often runs as tech cards now. So my point is... What am I doing wrong? Because i'm losing to decks that I feel should be easier match for me, and matches have been a struggle in all areas.
TL;DR : This deck hasn't been working out well, what's the strategy against the current meta decks so I can use this deck properly?
I'm looking for a better C'thun build. I crafted Twin Emperor Vek'lor so I could stand a chance with this archetype, but I'm missing a lot of cards from your strategy. I based my current Warrior build off the recipe, and hte only thing I"m missing from that is a second copy of Shield Slam. I also have no Brawl, Baron Geddon, or Justicar Trueheart. Is there another warrior deck I can build with those? Because I also don't have Grommash Hellscream.
There are some good C'Thun Control-ish Warrior decks, like this one tagged as cheap: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/64692-cheap-control-cthun-warrior
Or slightly more expensive (seeing as you have Twin Emperor Vek'lor): http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/495037-serve-the-old-gods-old-gods-deck-recipe
It's not really going to stand up to other Control Warrior decks without Justicar Trueheart though. A Tempo C'Thun deck might work out better until you get some of the other key cards: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/504986-cthun-tempo-warrior
Thanks! I have a Pirate Warrior, actually, though it isn't as frequently successful; I might jus tneed to learn the right plays to make. I mostly copied a build that didn't used any Southsea Captain or Skycap'n Kragg, but I have 1 of each so I put them in there for fun and good measure. I wish I could play Patron, but it seems that one really relies on Grommash too. To think, my gf pulled Grommash and considered dusting him because she never plays warrior!
Warrior Control (any type) can't be played without:
Brawl x2
Shield Slam x2
Justicar Trueheart
Grommash Hellscream
They're M A N D A T O R Y
Play Patron or Tempo Warrior.
disagree... Gromash can be replaced with Gorehowl
So your saying if i have evey single card and no justicar i cant play this deck :l