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[Legend S24] Tera's Draggron Warrior

  • Last updated May 20, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 2800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/27/2016 (Explorers)
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  • Tera
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Hello, my name is Tera. I have reached legend multiple times in the past and today have just hit legend (3/26/2016) with my very own list. I am a very aggressive hearthstone player, I only really like to play aggro decks (don't shoot me just my play-style). Warrior is a class for the most part I have strayed away from because it didn't fit that category, until now. This deck took around 200+ games to refine (games played between ranks 3-1) and I believe I have found close to the most optimal list (please comment with suggestions to make the deck better).

Edit: 4/26/2016 - Deck changed to fit standard mode

Edit: 4/29/2016 - Changed title to depict S24. This deck write-up will no longer be worked on. Please realize that most of the write-up can still be followed, but inconsistency may appear in the mulligan section due to the standard format changes. I do not want to edit the write-up so it remains as a piece of history. I hope you all understand!! Don't forget to check out my other decks!

www.twitch.tv/gamer_tera *STREAM OFFLINE*

www.youtube.com/TeraRicshon (Personal/LGBTQ/Vlogging Youtube) 

~Legend Picture/Highest Rank Achieved~

~The Deck~

I have named this deck Dragon Rider Warrior (or you can just call it Aggro Warrior). It is named Dragon Rider Warrior, because it features dragons and Argent Horserider/Alexstrasza's Champion/Wolfrider. The deck focuses on pumping out damage onto the opponents face and for the most part only making favorable trades on high priority minions (such as Tunnel Trogg, Knife Juggler, Secretkeeper, Flamewaker, etc.). You will notice almost everything in the deck has an immediate effect once it hits the board in the form of charge and/or weapons. This means almost everything you draw can be played and used that same turn, this provides such a huge advantage.

4 Dragons are in the deck to activate Alexstrasza's Champion, there are only 4 because other dragons are not aggressive enough. You don't need a ton of dragons, most of the time Azure Drake will just sit in hand, because there is no reason to play it unless it is the only thing left in hand (remember nearly everything you draw has an immediate effect). This means when you draw into Alexstrasza's Champion, you can generally play them right away. Faerie Dragon are sometimes the MVP in this deck. It just sticks so well and against some match-ups can net you the win.

6 Weapons are in the deck and they carry it. Weapons are very high dmg for low cost. 2 mana for 6 dmg, 4 mana for 8 dmg and 5 mana for 10 dmg. Those are some insane numbers. By having 6 weapons you try to guarantee that you always have a weapon equipped and are trying to pressure the enemy especially in the later stages of the game.

*I realize Death's Bite has some anti-synergy with Southsea Deckhand this almost never poses a problem, just play around it.* 


Please only pay attention to the warrior win-rates, other games were me getting to rank 3/2.

Here are the percentages (I will talk more about this in the match-up section).

Here are the games played.



General Mulligans

You want Fiery War Axe, Alexstrasza's Champion, Faerie Dragon, Leper Gnome in every match-up.

Keep Sir Finley Mrrgglton in every match-up except freeze mage.

Keep Southsea Deckhand if no turn one play, otherwise mulligan away most games.

Keep Argent Horserideror Kor'kron Elite if you have a good mana curve. Otherwise, mulligan away.

Keep Azure Drake if Alexstrasza's Champion is also in mulligan with no Faerie Dragon.

If going with coin and presented with Azure Drake and three other bad starting cards, keep Azure Drake and Mulligan other three cards.


Druid - 50/50

Druid is an even match-up. There are no special mulligans for Druid. If Druid doesn't use Living Roots on turn one, Faerie Dragon can be an amazing follow-up. Faerie Dragon honestly wins games against druid since they lack a good way to remove it outside of Keeper of the Grove early on.


Hunter - 70/30

Hunter is a very favored match-up, stick to the normal mulligans. Your mana per damage value is much better than hunter and Bash can keep you out of lethal range. You have more and better weapons than hunter. Try to not over-extend your board to avoid a value Unleash the Hounds. Trade favorably with your weapon as long as you are certain there is no Snake Trap.


Mage - 50/50

Tempo Mage is probably around 40/60 can be very hard to keep up with since everything they have has so much value. Consider keeping Heroic Strike to get rid of Flamewaker. Use Fiery War Axe to kill Sorcerer's Apprentice/Mana Wyrm. This match-up depends on whether or not you can keep up with removing their value minions and then close the match with burst.


Freeze Mage is around 60/40 can be favorable cause they lack a board and everything you play has charge most of the time. Consider keeping Ironbeak Owl to silence Mad Scientist or Doomsayer. Unlike other Aggro Decks, everything you play has an immediate effect. It doesn't matter that freeze mage freezes your board since you already have gotten value out of any card that you play. If you do get to the latter parts of the match Bash and hero power can keep you out of lethal range.


Paladin - 35/65 (because everyone plays Secret Paladin)

Secret Paladin is around 35/65. This is the toughest match-up of any for this deck. Keep Death's Bite and Ironbeak Owl. Use Death's Bite to clean up Muster for Battle and Ironbeak Owl to remove taunts such as the one given by Cog Hammer. Trade into Secretkeeper and Knife Juggler with weapon. Noble Sacrifice / Mysterious Challenger will most of the time destroy you. I find using Southsea Deckhand, Wolfrider or Argent Horserider to pop Noble Sacrifice crucial in this match-up, often times you will need to clear it to make way for weapon damage. 


Murloc Paladin is around 65/35, basically a worst version of freeze mage to us. Keep Ironbeak Owl. Ironbeak Owl is to silence Doomsayer or Sludge Belcher. Other then that yolo face.


Priest - 75/25

Surprisingly one of the best match-ups for us. Keep Ironbeak Owl to silence Sludge Belcher or Deathlord. Priest is generally good, because they interact with things on the board before you can get value out of them. We however get value out of everything before they can interact with us. It is sometimes better to not use Ironbeak Owl on Deathlord and to just kill it. Majority of the things that will be put out onto the field from the Deathlord will have charge. Ignore majority of what the priest plays and just go face, even if the priest draws cards they lack the ability to heal out of your damage. The only time to consider trading is when trading will net you more damage in the future.


Rogue - 80/20

Keep Ironbeak Owl for Sludge Belcher. Rogue's have a fairly slow start. You can most of the time get a lot of value out of Faerie Dragon if they lack the coin to coin out SI:7 Agent. Make sure to trade with your weapon on the minions they play, because they can very quickly turn those minions into game-ending damage. Do not over-extend board to avoid a value blade flurry. Other then that just go face, job done.


Shaman - 65/35

Very similar to the hunter match-up. We just have the better tools. Keep Heroic Strike for Totem Golem. Make sure to keep their side of the board empty with your weapons or minions. You should be able to keep their board empty while also building your own and doing damage to their face.


Warlock - 40/60

Zoolock try to trade favorably in the first 3 turns and then go ham on their face. Most games will depend on if they get game ending damage before you do. Do not try to keep trading after turn 4. You will not be able to keep up, just go for face and destroy any taunts that they put out.


Renolock... you might not have a fierce monkey, but you better act like one. Keep Ironbeak Owl for any taunts. Go absolute ham on their face even more so then on Zoolock. Only kill something if it will net you less damage in the future. I will kill Zombie Chow if I see him. Just go full face and throw everything at them. No holding back, cause if they drop Reno Jackson, you lose. This includes Mortal Strike, just toss it at their face!


Warrior - 55/45

Against Patron Warrior I would say this matchup is 60/40. Generally their patron combo just takes to long to come into effect. You already have won by that point. Don't waste your time removing Frothing Berserker, generally they will end up having to trade into your minions. Only kill Armorsmith if there are other minions on board or if you can kill her in one attack. Other then that go face. This match-up is fairly easy.


Control Warrior is 50/50. Keep Ironbeak Owl for Sludge Belcher. This match-up is a coin toss, it all depends on whether they draw the perfect removal or not. Ignore whatever they play including Acolyte of Pain. You will need to keep pounding their face in, otherwise they will out-armor you. Don't try to save weapon charges. Most games will come down to you just drawing into that game ending weapon.


~Deck Spotlight~

Note: I will only keep three deck spotlights up at a single time, because I have been getting so many. The deck spotlights will be of the people I think make the most optimal plays and have the best commentary.

The Hearthstone Scrublord: Tera's Dragon Rider Warrior - Deck Review - By Max Linnér

HearthPWN D3CK Spotl!ght: Tera's Dragon Rider Warrior [Legend] - By Khristophesaurus Dinosaurus

 [Hearthstone] Tera's Dragon Rider Warrior Deck Review - By Count Jinsula


~Other Decks~

http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/497619-teras-beast-hunter (Beast Hunter)

http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/546046-wotog-teras-velen-priest (Velen Priest)