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Patron Warrior 69% WR Guide up

  • Last updated Mar 24, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/20/2016 (Explorers)
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It has come to my attention that i apparently have build a deck that is the same as another deck here on hearthpwn. 


Here you have the deck if you want to reader another players perspective of the deck:)


Why should i play patron warrior?

As you can see on my winrate 50% of all current decks are either secret paladin or zoolock. Which are some of the best matchups. Patron is a really hard deck to master so you have to be patient to play this.

What the F**k, why would i play sir finley?

Warriors heropower basically sucks in all matchups in this deck besides freeze mage and maybe hunter or aggro shaman. Here is my heropowerranking,

Mage>Priest>Warlock>Druid>Shaman>Hunter>Paladin>>>>>>>>>Rogue (Never pick rogue plz)

Warlock heropower is not always very good but you can pick it against slower matchups. Mage heropower can be used for more patrons or value trades or enraging grom or acolyte draw or even make some more battle rage targets. It is also a really easy execute enabler. Priest can heal patrons for more patrons. Druid can give your deaths bite 5 dmg (+ deathrattle). Hunter can work if you are playing against slower matchups aswell. If your only wincondition is SMorc then pick it. You almost never want to pick Paladin or Rogue.

Btw dont EVER sir finley turn 1 vs mage unless they played mana wyrm since they could be freeze mage.  

Why Kor'kron elite over Shredder?

Kor'kron is way faster than shredder and that is what you want in the current meta. It has way better tempo than shredder and can gain value against 2/3 minions like Feral spirit or flame juggler. Kor'kron also gives the extra reach and puts on way more pressure. 


Warrior Control

Hardest matchup in the game. 

Try to keep or hard mulligan for deaths bite and patrons with activators.

Just try to flood the board as fast as possible and hope for the best. The second thing you can do is either SMorcing or doing some crasy wombo combo with frothing. 

Warrior Patron

This matchup is won by whoever gets their patrons on the board first. So it is ofcourse even.

The mulligan is the same as control warrior.

You basically just have to all in for getting patrons out early. DONT EVER play unstable goul if the oponnet has a weapon and empty board. It will result in tons of patrons for your opponent.

 Shaman Face

This is a favourable matchup

Mulligan for weapons and early minion drops like armorsmith and unstable goul.

Just execute whatever minions you want since there will be no huge minions. If possible try to force him to trade by building a massive board when you have gained the advantage. Getting several patrons on the board can lock the Shamans hand completely so that is a win condition in it self. 

 Rogue Maly/oil

Slightly favored matchup

Mulligan hard for weapons and early drops for pressure. If you have a good opener you can keep kor'kron. 

Try to hit his azure drake with deaths bit and follow up with killing loatheb or violet teachers. Dont make it to easy for them to remove the board. If they have a 3 damage weapon equipped try to force the rouge to use it before unleashing your patrons. This matchup is very tempo oriented so hit face with minions and trade with weapons and spells.

 Paladin Secret

This matchup is favored

Try to keep Weapons, ghoul and slam

The matchup is super tempo oriented since if the paladin player falls behind he has no comeback mechanic. Paladins often win this matchup if they gain super much tempo on turn for with either keeper of uldaman or blessing of kings. Dont be afraid to execute one of them. If you have a ghoul on the board and your opponent has a shielded minibot NEVER attack it. This prevents turn three muster and shots the paladins tempo down super hard. This little trick can sometimes win the matchup by itself. 

 Paladin Murloc


Same mulligan as against secret pala since you expect it to be secret pala on ladder

Not much to say really just try to smorc him down and hope that his draws are really horrible.

 Hunter Face/Midrange

I believe that face hunter is a favored matchup and midrange is a slightly favored matchup.

Mulligan for weapons, ghoul, acolyte and armorsmith.

Against face hunter just try to beat him on board and gain tons of armor with whirlwind effects on armorsmiths. Against midrange hunter try to swarm the board and have a whirlwind effect ready for unleash at all times. If you manage to do this it should be a win. 

 Druid Midrange

Slightly favored matchup

Mulligan for weapons and all kinds of early drops and slam. Frothing can all on its own sometimes take a swipe.

Try to swarm the board since druid can't handle with a lot of minions. Execute almost only boom and druid of the claw (can be used on others if forced to). If you manage to swarm the board without being in combo range you should win. 

 Warlock zoo

Favored matchup

Mulligan for weapons and all early drops.

Just try to kill of all his minions with spells and weapons and you should be fine. If it is the demon version and you cant handle what could come out of a voidcaller DONT kill it. When you get your patrons out it should be gg.

 Warlock Reno/Handlock

Unfavored matchup

Mulligan is the same as zoo since you expect zoo

Try to get your patrons out as early as possible and SMorc and just hope for the best. Renolocks only have one copy of hellfire so often they wont have it. Grom and kor'krons in this matchup should almost always go face or else you wont have enough damage!

 Mage Tempo

Very favored matchup

Mulligan hard for deathsbite and ghoul and comboparts. 

They have no board clear and if they fall behind they lose. Just value trade a lot early maybe force him to heropower down some 1 hp minions since it loses him a lot of tempo. Deaths bite onto a flamewalker is so good and almost the only way to lose is if they get a monster start and frostbolt your face. Again patrons can be gg.

 Mage freeze

Favored but hard matchup to play

Mulligan is the same as tempo mage since you expect tempo mage. 

Try to keep his board clean and execute doomesayers. At some point just fill up the board with minions and atleast 1 armorsmith so this way he wont be able to clear without giving you a shit ton of armor. Not much more to say.

 Priest dragon/control

Many people say this matchup is unfavored which i understand but for me its slightly favored. 7/0 atm.

Mulligan for deaths bite, kor'kron and early drops or slam.

The game plan is super oriented on denying the priest any kind of carddraw this way he often won't have any answers and wont be able to keep up with all the tempo. You should almost always hit face with minions and with sir finley it sometimes is a good idea to pick steady shot as heropower. 



 Thanks for reading my guide :)

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