VanDamage`s shout of joy [Legend]
- Last updated Mar 15, 2016 (Explorers)
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- 14 Minions
- 14 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 3260
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 3/10/2016 (Explorers)
- user-22284398
- Registered User
- 8
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Hi Guys,
here is a deck which i played pretty successfully on this and last season - its kind of a hybrid deck which lets you decide which tempo you want to play it in. FUN and INTERACTIVE ;-) something rare atm so have fun.
Overal strategy:
Try to get board in the early game and even against other tempo decks, trading in the early game is key. The deck has so much burst and also a lot of mid value cards so you don`t always have to rush too much. If possible get you Unbound Elemental or your Tunnel Trogg behind the Feral Spirit and from there on you are good to go. This deck also includes Bloodmage Thalnos which you can use in different ways – just as a card draw or even in combo with your burst spells like Lightning Storm to wipe your opponents complete board.
Some basic rules:
- Always ask yourself what now and what is my next move because of the overload
- Tuskarr Totemic always on the left side of you board to maybe buff other minions
- Always count your total damage you can deal over 2 turns to decide when to go full smorc mode
- Sir Finley Mrrgglton is a key card. Try to get burst [Hunter Druid or Mage HP] in the most match ups but if you have a cheap hand you should try to get life tap especially against control decks. Against other fast decks heal is ok as well
Mulligan strategy:
Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem and Flame Juggler are always the minions you are looking for. With the coin you can also keep a Feral Spirit to buff up your Tunnel Trogg early. If you face a control deck and you already have a one or 2 drop you also can keep a Doomhammer. Overall you should go for minions > spells in you staring hand
Replacement Guide:
Bloodmage Thalnos : Azure Drake, Flametongue Totem or maybe even a Loot Hoarder
Sir Finley Mrrgglton: any good one drop could do it. Leper Gnome for example
Doomhammer: here it gets difficult, this is by far your best burst card so another weapon is ok but will never achieve the same effect. You will lose a lot of value if you don’t have it, you could try out a Stormforged Axe or some minions with charge like Arcane Golem but I would prefer 2 Lava Burst instead. But there is no equivalent replacement for this card
Gameplay by Khristophesaurus:
is it viable without lava shock?
Found an even sicker combo power with Alakir! just add Alikir into the deck you will be impressed :)
I've found that the best way to play this deck is to obviously keep the early board controlled with low cost minions along with overload synergy. This definitely slows your opponent down and makes them use important removal very early. When the time is right, you'll know when to SMOrc. It's a fine line, but when you begin to understand when to change your strategy, it's really a very scary deck. A lot of the time the Tuskarr Totemic gives the impression you're playing mid-range or totem, so they tend to play around that. It adds a gr8 element of surprise.
I did -x1 Fire Elemental, +x1Neptulon because why the hell not?
tx for your deck. i am crushing the meta with it. first time i hit rank 3. Unbound Elemental is so strong dont know why nobody is playing this card
in which server are you playing?
The deck is just not consistent. There are too many ways for your hand to get bogged down by unplayable cards.
You need to mulligan a very specific early game because without tempo there is no catching back up. So it's really just an inferior face shaman.
Bloodmage Thalnos = Kobold Geomancer and go into the legend ))) thanks for the deck
No, Charged Hammer is way too slow and pointless with two Doomhammers.
Despite all the negative comments, I've had a lot of success with this deck and it's a lot of fun to play! Thanks for sharing!
Got me from 20 to 15/2 stars and now does nothing but lose. Back to 16 no stars.
Pure BS this deck got you to Legend. It does nothing but lose. It runs out so quick. If they have a 5 drop or bigger, which they will, you might as well click "concede". There is no answer to high powered cards with this deck.
This deck either lines up perfectly or it fails miserably. No in between.
Anyone who says getting to Legendary is easy, is a liar.
I can't get past 15. I don't suck at this game either.
Usually if I win a bunch in a row, the other players will always have the right cards to trash me. Also all the combos this deck relies are all shuffled in the back.
I feel no joy in this deck, only smorc
What was your average winrate? Could you please explain strategy for each class? :)
I replaced Bloodmage Thalnos with The Mistcaller since another low cost card draw hasn't been too necessary in most of my games. Plus, most panic and concede anyway.
Not trolling
Well damn i was going to try this deck till i read all the bad comments.. Guess i'll look for another.
A breath of fresh air for shamans, good work :)
Legend proof???
too slow is countered by other aggro decks...
This is a great deck