Evil Elise Priest *NEW*
- Last updated Feb 27, 2016 (Explorers)
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- 14 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 2980
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 2/23/2016 (Explorers)

- user-22690285
- Registered User
- 4
- 14
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Some of these cards are pretty self explanatory and even new players will guess what they can be used for such as Northshire Cleric, Velen's Chosen etc.
I'll get in on some cards and their advantages in this specific deck starting with...
Excavated Evil! Some new players might think:"WOW! Why would I give a board clear to my opponent and pay 5 mana for it?! That's just crazy!"
As Kripp himself explained, imagine yourself playing against aggro decks such as Shaman, Paladin or Hunter, these decks don't really use board clears and a board clear that does damage even to your OWN minions is just absurd to have. Excavated Evil also denies them in that matter a card draw, its almost like they didn't even draw on their turn if they get Excavated Evil, so I believe this card is absolutely overpowered when it comes to destroying aggro decks!
Deathlord! Absolutely destroys aggro decks, even if some new players are skeptical on why would you give opponent a free minion, just from my experience 8 times out of 10, you will give them only something like a Leper Gnome. Since you're playing a CONTROL deck, Deathlord is absolutely necessary.
Justicar Trueheart! Really? You don't think healing for 4 hp is reasonable? I've played 21 games without Justicar Trueheart, just because I didn't have crafted it at the time. My win percentage was at 71% or 15 wins and 6 losses. This deck is playable without it, understand that, but this card really makes your life much easier. After playing 12 games with Justicar Trueheart my win percentage rose to 83% or 10 wins and 2 losses. This card is really OP when it comes to control, and I think you should definitely craft it.
Zombie Chow, Deathlord, Northshire Cleric.
Are absolute best!
Shadow Madness, Shrinkmeister, Shadow Word: Pain
Are absolute average!
Power Word: Shield and Velen's Chosen
Are absolute optimal-in-some-situations-but-usually-bad!
Since on demand I played 10 games on Ranks 15-11 (which is average range most people play on) just to show you how well I could match up against the meta.
As you can tell, it goes pretty good with 9 out of 10 games won.
Average time played from 10 games is 10.1 minutes.
Average turns you'll be playing is 16.6 turns.
10 games is not a enough to make a right call on stats, but we can see here that 75-90% win percentage with this deck is absolutely possible. I myself have NEVER been Legend rank, so someone who has might have even better plays with this deck.
I gotta say, I love this deck! I played it last season and got to rank 3 on the ladder (a new record for me), and this season I am just farming the crap out of all these jenky aggro decks on the ladder. So far I am rank 13, currently on a 7-game winning streak. Thanks for this!
If you are new to the game, I am going to offer some potential budget options for you, but maybe they can be different depending on your list. The cards you are trying to switch are essential, since you don't have the Naxxramas expansion it seems it may be difficult.
Deathlord is essential in the deck as it is able to bait cards out once it dies as a major taunt, the only similar option stat-wise is Mogu'shan Warden, but this card is a very poor replacement. I can not think of another card that you could really replace and get the same effect. Zombie Chow is similar, it is a very strong one drop in the game that has no true rival, but there could be room for an Injured Kvaldir if you have them, otherwise sticking to an Argent Squire would be my best guess. Finally, there is a lot of room with the Sludge Belcher in the deck, there are many cards which serve a similar effect. I would recommend similar cards such as Sen'jin Shieldmasta or Sunwalker if you have it.
This is merely a suggestion for similar cards as there are no true replacements for some, but always remember that once the new expansion comes out, you will be able to craft cards from Naxxramas with your dust, so save up another 480 dust for the missing pieces to a master puzzle of a deck! :3
Hated this deck when I faced it and almost lost all the time to it. Now I play it myself and I love it.
hi! I am quite new to hearthstone , played around only 200 games , should I really craft this deck in this meta? Can I hit legend with it?
Someone hit legend with it, any deck is possible to hit legend just give it a try :b
Alright , I'll give it a shot! Thanks for the list anyways
This deck is the greates, thanks alot! I tried to made a similare before I saw this, but not as good as this :)
I am having too much trouble with this deck. I really can't figure it out how to lose with this! Can somebody explain to me? I am currently 12-2 with this. Lost only to Freeze Mage and Fatigue Mage. AWESOME DECK! I am 4-0 against Face Shaman, 3-0 against Palasecrets, 2-0 against Renolock (Faceless Version and Traditional Version). FANTASTIC!
What's your strategy against
cancersecret pally?The version with Ragnaros is the worst, but doable.
Deathlords may only be played if you have an immediate answer for any threat that may come up if he dies. But, you can play it on turn 3 if you know your opponent will take two turns to deal with it, because by then you should have an answer.
Entomb is usually for Tirion, but do not be affraid to entomb his Shredder or any hard to remove threat.
From them on is easy!
Careful with early Deathlord. If it pulls a Rag/Tirion/Highmane you might not have a way to deal with it.
If you can tell the type of deck they are running, you may not want to play DL until you have hard removal in hand...which, is easy to do have since we have light bombs, SWD, and Entomb.
Hi man! Looks great, but I lack 1x Lightbomb and I don't feel like crafting it because I won't be doing wild mode. Any chance to replace it?
Same question.
I've been winning majority of my games, but Druid is a 100% loss for me. How do you beat combo druid?
Try to play minions on turn 1-4 so you can build a big board, start buffing stuff and healing with cleric to draw cards. Shrinkmeister + Shadow Word: Pain to kill 4 attack minions. Its not easy but its not impossible either. Freeze mage and Renolock will be worse in a deck like this without any burst.
Will try! Thanks for the tips.
I'm 50/50 against druid with this deck. for me, the key is to bait out his silences early; maybe play PW:S on a zombie chow to kill a few things. also, try to get big taunts from museam curator, Abomination is the best since it kills his combo. My experience with druid players is that they are typically too dumb to realize that he will kill their combo, so they waste it. Play your taunts one at a time, wait for him to over commit, clear board, repeat.
I feel like you should add Harrison Jones for draw against secret pally and aggro shaman
This deck has to be one of the best anti-aggro decks right? I mean damn it's not even close vs face decks.