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#2 Legend NA Renolock Guide

  • Last updated Feb 23, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/23/2016 (Explorers)
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Decklist: http://imgur.com/HEvp3ee http://imgur.com/6aIfH7w
Infographic: https://imgur.com/a5SAqrw
Proof: http://imgur.com/Nizdy7g http://imgur.com/zenF7ZM
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/475t2h/2_legend_na_renolock_guide/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/475r3m/2_legend_na_renolock_guide/

Hey guys, I'm Aaron from team ManaSurge, and this is my first time posting on Hearthpwn. I’m here to share my decklist as many people have been asking me for it and are curious about what I have been playing on ladder. I've used this deck to finish at #13 legend NA for the month of January and am currently sitting at #2 legend for almost a week now. I've also used this deck to achieve a 3rd place finish at WCA 2015 in December. Credit to Stancifka for making the original list, I've added Loatheb and Dark Peddler to improve the consistency of the deck against Druid, however I'd still suggest not playing this deck when there are alot of druids on ladder.

Mulligan Guide

Combo Druid: Bad matchup
You really want to curve out with minions and flood the board making it difficult for druid to recover the board.

Mulligan for:
Zombie Chow
Dark Peddler
Earthen Ring Farseer
Imp Gang Boss
Mind Control Tech
Piloted Shredder
Twilight drake
Sludge Belcher
Emperor Thaurissan
Sylvanas Windrunner

Mulligan aggressively for 1-4 mana minions, only keep 5 and 6 mana minions if you already have 3 and 4 mana minions.
If you don’t have any 1-3 mana minions to keep, and there’s Hellfire, keep it as it can be good sometimes if Druid plays something like Shade into Shredder or Aspirant into Shredder.
If you notice that the Druid keeps 2-3 cards, you can consider keeping Mortal Coil for Living Roots if you are going 2nd and Dark Bomb for Aspirant, however many Druids have cut Aspirant from their lists.

Tempo Mage: Very good matchup.

Mulligan for:
Zombie Chow
Dark Bomb
Ironbeak Owl
Dark Peddler
Earthen Ring Farseer
Imp Gang Boss
Mind Control Tech
Twilight Drake
Reno Jackson

Freeze Mage: Good matchup.

Mulligan for:
Ironbeak Owl
Twilight Drake

It's probably alright to keep 1-3 mana minions, but try to mulligan for the high priority cards.
Save silence for Frost Nova Doomsayer. If you can get Feugen and Stalagg both on the board at the same time, Frost Nova Doomsayer will give you 2 Thaddius.

Secret Paladin: Very good matchup.

Mulligan for:
Mortal Coil
Zombie Chow
Dark Bomb
Dark Peddler
Ironbeak Owl
Earthern Ring Farseer
Imp Gang Boss
Mind Control Tech
Reno Jackson

Control Priest: Very good matchup.

Mulligan for:
Pilotted Shredder
Twilight Drake
Emperor Thaurissan
Lord Jaraxxus

Keep Emperor Thaurissan if you already have 4 and 5 drops.
Also always keep Jaraxxus, the only way to lose against a Priest is if Deathlord pulls out Jaraxxus.
Tap as greedily as you can without getting punished, play Emperor when you have Jaraxxus in hand preferably. Do not play Sylvanas and the 2nd half of Feugen/Stalagg on the board, only use them in conjunction with Shadowflame to play around Entomb. Save taunts and outvalue priest in the late game with Jaraxxus.

Aggro Shaman: Slightly favored matchup even without Acidic Swarm Ooze.

Mulligan for:
Mortal Coil
Zombie Chow
Dark Bomb
Dark Peddler
Earthern Ring Farseer
Imp Gang Boss
Mind Control Tech
Reno Jackson

Mulligan aggressively for early game and heals.

Zoo: Good matchup

Mulligan for:
Mortal Coil
Zombie Chow
Dark Bomb
Dark Peddler
Ironbeak Owl
Earthern Ring Farseer
Imp Gang Boss
Mind Control Tech
Twilight Drake
Reno Jackson

Patron Warrior: Very good matchup.

Mulligan for:
Dark Bomb
Ironbeak Owl
Pilotted Shredder
Twilight Drake

Mulligan aggressively for Hellfire. Keep Darkbomb, Ironbeak Owl, Spellbreaker for Acolyte of Pain. Keep Loatheb and Feugen if you already have Hellfire, a 4mana minion and a Silence/Dark bomb for Acolyte of Pain.

Control Warrior: Very good matchup usually as most people are playing Control Warrior incorrectly on ladder. But otherwise I don’t think it’s that good of a matchup against a top tier control warrior.
Mulligan for:
Pilotted Shredder
Twilight Drake
Emperor Thaurissan

Keep Emperor Thaurissan if you already have a 4 and 5 mana minion. Tap as greedily as you can, play Emperor when you have Jaraxxus in hand preferably. Save taunts as much as possible for after you play Jaraxxus.

Special thanks to Axure and Bjorn for the infographic!
If you have any questions or comments leave them below or tweet at me and I'll respond to you as soon as I can!

http://www.twitch.tv/aaronkohzq might stream in the future :O