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  • Last updated Feb 2, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/31/2016 (Explorers)
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I Greet You.

This is just a deck I threw together and have been seeking fair results. I can't comment on its performance in the lower ranks, but since Zoo lock can be competitive -- there's a high probability.

I couldn't decide whether to label this an "aggro" deck since the objective of Zoo is to push damage. In the end, I felt it was more of a tempo-oriented deck since you're looking to trade up and control the board, then switch once you have the combo pieces you need to end the game.

Brann Combo:

Brann Bronzebeard + Abusive Sergeant / Dark Iron Dwarf = SEXY TIME. Trade up or swing face. It don't matter, getting +4 from these guys is just dirty. Add that to 1 (or 3+ if you're lucky) Power Overwhelming, and now they're facing down a 15+ damage minion. GG ^___^!


Brann Bronzebeard + Defender of Argus / Earthen Ring Farseer / Antique Healbot = Phew! That was cluuuse. Taunt  your beefier minions like Imp Gang Boss, but beggars can't be choosers, so use your best judgment. The heals are self-explanatory.

A few words about my card choices:

  • Minions

Dark Peddler: Look for cards like Power Overwhelming, Mortal Coil, Soulfire, Voidwalker, and occasionally Zombie Chow (in that order). On other cards, just use your intuition on what you think would complement your options.


Dire Wolf Alpha: Placement is king. This is the perfect card to practice that with. This card serves as one of the few activators you have to attack with Nerubian Egg. Be aware of things like Shadow Word: Death (and other removal / battlecry).


Brann Bronzebeard: See "Brann Combo" above. Deciding when to play this card is a little tough, mainly because you want to ensure that you'll get value out of it. Dropping it down on turn 3 IMO feels wrong, but that's because I'm paranoid about removal. I hate it. So to rid myself of anxiety, I try and pocket it until I can definitely pull-off a combo. But ultimately it's up to you.


Earthen Ring Farseer: I'm testing two copies of it right now (instead of Doomguard x1) because I like the tempo-nature of this card. You can use it on yourself, or one of the better targets like Imp Gang Boss. It has synergy with Brann. Decent body for the stats and Battlecry. What more do you want?


Antique Healbot: Brann synergy. Plus, I tend to 'tap' often if I'm searching for cards. 8 HP (or 16 w/ Brann) can be the deciding factor if you're dealing with pressure.


Loatheb: Loatheb is an enigma. He makes appearances at the most random time. On most occasions, you'll want him when you have a board built up. Dropping him with 3 minions on turn 5 is just dirty. There's no real comeback for an entire turn (outside of them dropping a taunt). If the remainder of your hand is nothing but burn, use it while you have a window. Chances are you're within 20 or less by then.

  • Spells

Power Overwhelming: It's used for pushing damage, or to trade up with a bigger minions. Be selective of how you use this card. Read and adapt to situations. If you can manage to clear without using it, all the better; save it for your final push. Also as mentioned in the Dark Peddler comments, if you see Power Overwhelming -- take it.


Soulfire: I'm not fond of losing a card, but when you're only use for this card is for burn, usually it doesn't matter. On very rare occasions I'll use it as removal, but most times I'm using minions to trade. Be mindful of the order your play your turn. You don't want to use Soulfire before playing other important cards (e.g. Power Overwhelming, Brann Bronzebeard, etc.) or you might end up regretting it.


Darkbomb: This card is considered a tech card and can be cut if you find something else you'd like to insert into the deck. Despite only having one copy, it has two main functions: removal (particularly in the early game), and as direct damage. Do the math. with 2 to 4 minions out while they sit around 10-15; sometimes Darkbomb comes clutch with closing.


Imp-losion: I'm not really a fan of this card, but I understand it's power. I hate gambling on the roll, and 1/1's are really easy to remove. I guess I just hate when the opponent has all the right answers. But when you get an extra turn with them, sometimes they're not so bad.


Early game:

Search for your (1) and (2) drop minions. The objective is to build a board / battle for board control. Consider keeping Imp Gang Boss (especially if going 2nd) to play on curve. If by turn 4 you've built up your side, the game's tilted in your favor. If you're still duking it out, just try to hold out -- the spells will come. Tapping is sometimes necessary so practice demonstrating patience instead of dropping a minion you know will just get obliterated.


Mid game:

Around turns 4 and 5, you'll be trying to put yourself within a position to end the game. 60% of the time, you're opponent has about 15-20 HP left. You're basically looking for your burn/buff cards to close the gap. Sometimes the game will stretch out, so don't feel bad about trading. Just remember to keep a mental counter of the cards you have left. Nothings worse than running out of effective minions to regain control and apply pressure.


*Late game:

Turns 7+ are usually the turns where you're trying to exhaust your opponents answers. Now is the time to fit in a 'tap' every now and then (assuming you can afford it). These are the turns where Brann Bronzebeard + Antique Healbot are more relevant. Just keep searching for your answers and eventually swarm him. If you notice a shortage of cards (in your opponent's hand) or AoE removal being used, use those moments as cues to switch from passive to offensive.


*Games may end before this phase.