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Unique Shadowpriest

  • Last updated Jan 28, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/28/2016 (Explorers)
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ShadowPriest - Neo guide

Alrighty first things first, the main part/idea of the deck is taken from a player named Rks and it's been brought to my attention from one of Kibler's streams. 



Little about me:

I am your everyday Hearthstone player, 19 years old from Sweden. I have been playing since October 2014. Mostly for fun. Recently I have been putting in some more time to Hearthstone and wanting to reach to Legendary. I mostly play control. Priest, Warrior and Warlock are my prefered classes. I do not stream.

So why am I doing this?

Well, I am building some of my own deck now and then. I really like the Priest class, it's the first class I reach lvl 60 with. The main objective is to create a really unique priest deck. I think that Shadowform is an underestimated card that doesn't see that much play, which is a bit sad.

Also, I haven't found any other guides that i think served Shadowform justice. So here we go.

Why Shadowform?

A lot of people are playing the same sort of decks, no matter what class. I wanted to create something unique. I tried some different Reno Jackson decks, however, so did everyone else. Justicar Trueheart came along and I thought let's create something around her, but yeah, so did everyone else. 

I really like the concept of Inspire and Hero power related effects. The hero power is just a bonus to your class. So together with your hero power and your class cards you can go far. 

The beautiful thing about Shadowform is that no one expects it. It's throws the opponent off. Like I said was that because most people are playing the same decks over and over again, they know what is coming.

Turn6 - Secret Pally. Turn9 - Combo Druid. Facehunters. Zoo/Reno lock. Patron/Control Warrior. Dragon/Control Priest. You name it!

So what is this deck?

This deck is control from top to bottom. This deck is not about the minions or buffs. You are suppose to keep the board clear and slow the opponent down. Once you make it to the late game, you use your hero power and your other tools to take the board and beat your opponent.



 This card could be nearly used at anytime. It is somewhat situational. You can use this in the same way you use Justicar Trueheart or Sir Finley Mrrgglton, meaning it resets your hero power. You could use your first hero power to restore 2 health to either yourself or a minion, then play Shadowform and use your new hero power again. The same goes when you play your second Shadowform. You can even combo this with Garrison Commander (8 damage - 9 mana, with your 1st Shadowform already played and Garrison Commander in play. Hero power, cast your 2nd Shadowform, Hero power, Hero power, 2 + 3 + 2 + 2)

Overall a lot of potential.

 - Early game

Zombie Chow

Chow is Chow. 2/3 (Setback deathrattle). Really strong 1-drop overall. Can trade most other 1- 2-drops. You can also use your hero power to restore health to continue trading since you don't have too much other things going on turn 2. You don't worry too much about the deathrattle because you are not racing down your opponent.


2/8 Taunt. Really strong turn 3. Your opponent often needs to use burst damage to kill it, because you know otherwise you'll just heal it. It will help slow the game down and possibly get your opponent to use some sort of removal. Could be a huge setback with the deathrattle if you opponent has the RNG on his side. But since lot of people are playing lot of aggro, the most chances are that they are going to get a 1- 2- 3-drop out of it. 

Unstable Ghoul

1/3 Taunt. It will help you against the aggro decks. A small boardclear that will help you get rid off divine shield and other things. E.g. Takes care of Muster for Battle and taking away the divine shield from Shielded Minibot really good. Unleash the Hounds is gone. Leper GnomeJeweled Scarab and so on.

Acolyte of Pain

There is no Northshire Cleric in this deck, because the main objective is to use Shadowform and trade your starting hero power away. If you would draw Northshire Cleric in the late game it would be a dead 1/3. Acolyte of Pain is put in to replace and help with the card draws. You could probably get 2 - 3 cards out of each Acolyte. It will have some synergy with Unstable Ghoul.

 - Mid game / Removal phase

- Minions

Sen'jin Shieldmasta / Sludge Belcher

3/5 Taunts. Belcher better than Shieldmasta. 

Antique Healbot

3/3. Just for heal.


This card is worth crafting. Spending gold to buy GVG pack are just useless. Vol'jin will help you trade against high-health minions. VS Handlock - 6/7 thanks to his Twilight Drake. Could even become a 6/12 thanks to opponents Ysera. It has lot of potential. Highly recommended to craft. Works well in any priest deck.

Tournament Medic

Could be your turn4 drop, but also. If you keep both of them until the end game you can end up doing 3 damage + 4 healing. ( 2x Tournament Medic 2nd Shadowform ).

Cabal Shadow Priest

A nice 4/5 body, Rarely played with no target. E.g. Shielded Minibot, Mad Scientist, Deathlord.

- Spells

Shadow Word: Pain

Alright, this card can be really situational. Knowing when to use it could decide the course of the game. You could easily remove a Sludge Belcher or other sticky minion. Deathlord is also a really value target. Remember if you are facing an other Priest, be careful to play Deathlord, because they could easily do the same to you.

Shadow Word: Death

This card is not as important. it is a cheap removal and should be used on threats that you don't wanna waste your bigger boardclears or removal on.

Excavated Evil

Re-occurring card. Don't hesitate to use this one. Your opponent will play this back to you. 

Holy Nova

Yeah, you know this one. 


I would say this is the greatest removal in the game. Because you are boardclearing so much, your opponent tends to play something big/sticky in order to try taking control over the board again. E.g Dr. Boom, Tirion Fordring, Mal'Ganis, Sylvanas Windrunner. etc. etc

You don't just remove their threat, you are giving yourself one.


Make sure to use this epic removal on big threats, like 8/8s, and not just to wipe the board. 

- Final push


This is great if you get during the late game. Your opponent is running out of steam. You drop a 3/5 and get a 2nd 3/5. The 5 health helps a lot to stay on the board for at least a turn, and then Kodorider would give you continued value. 

Harrison Jones

Combination between card draw and removal against weapon classes. Some great value targets would be Lord Jaraxxus, Doomhammer, Assassin's Blade and maybe even Gorehowl. Just playing Harrison Jones against any opponent with a weapon that gives you value is a win.

Garrison Commander

Like I mentioned before, can be used to combo with 1st/2nd Shadowform. Also Kodorider. Can in worst case scenarios substitute as a 2/3 body on turn 2, but will possibly give you more value later on.



- Coming soon

Replacement cards

 - Coming soon

Why don't you run ... ?

 - Coming soon


 - Coming soon


 - Coming soon


End words:

The deck contains a lot of cards from different sets and expansions , so you guys reading this and looking to play these kinds of deck, probably already been playing for a while and yeah, probably also know what each of every card do. But this is my first guide and I really wanna put a lot of work into it. So I am somewhat sorry for the over explanation! But otherwise I hope you enjoyed it.

Please leave a comment and rate the deck. 

Good luck and happy gaming!
// Neo