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<S22 Legend> Secret Powa !

  • Last updated Jan 27, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5480
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/23/2016 (Explorers)
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  • Boozor
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Hello everyone !!

I've been playing hearthstone since release and this is the first time i've stuck through a season and made legend! I've always enjoyed Warlock and arena and my real life obligations kept me from playing too much. Up until this season i've also been living under a rock and have never heavily played secret paladin before. So my understanding of the deck was limited to lower rank games, but decided to stick with 1 deck and push for Legend so I chose Secret because it is so OP any baboon can do it right ? 

So I am pretty excited to share a pretty refined secret deck that I took from Rank 5 to Legend.

I made tweaks against some of the standard deck lists and found every card to have heavy importance. I'd be more then happy to talk and help anyone with questions about card choices.

Rank 5 to Legend Statistics:

W/L 59-34 @ 63.4% win rate

Druid - 8-3

Hunter - 4-2

Mage - 14-9

Paladin - 11-12

Priest - 7-2

Rogue - 1-0

Shaman - 6-2

Warlock - 7-3

Warrior - 1-1

Be kind and show some love! Thanks for reading =)


I only run 6 secrets cutting Repentance

Secretkeeper x 2 - love hate this card, sometimes wins you the game by itself, other times pretty lackluster. The key is to know when to hold this card and play it turn 1.

Shielded Minibot x 2- One of the best 2 drops. Always keep in opener.

Haunted Creeper x 2- Sticky 2 drop, keep in opener

Knife Juggler x 2- Huge synergy with hero power, Muster for Battle. Try to get value for it right away, it is a top kill priority card for your opponent. However do not be afraid to tempo play this card as a naked 3/2 body.

Muster for Battle [/card] x 2- Great value card on turn 3. Lots of chaos when paired with [card] Knife Juggler. Made Paladin relevant again when it was released.

Coghammer x 1 - Usually a 2 for 1 card at least. Shielding a minion to trade and giving it Taunt can win the early game and snowball your board to victory in many games.

Piloted Shredder x 2 - Best 4 drop minion in game. Coin turn 3 Shredder into turn 4 Shredder is a very powerful play. 

Mysterious Challenger x 2- Dr. 6, card is borderline broken and can win games when it drops. Makes this deck possible. 

Dr. Boom x 1- Dr. 7. We know this is the best 7 drop in the game. Synergies with Knife Juggler too. 

Tirion Fordring x 1- Dr.8. Probably the best class legendary in the game in terms of value for mana cost. High priority silence target and one of the few taunts in this deck. If he can't win you the game, more then likely your opponent was ready for him.


"Tech" Choices 

Keeper of Uldaman x 1- Great flexible card. This can buff for trades and lethal, or bring down a huge threat. Ahem Deathlord

Divine Favor x 1- Only card draw in your deck, can draw your lethal damage or draw into something to save you. This is bring match ups against control oriented decks closer: Freeze Mage, Control Priest, Renolock etc. Can be fuel to throw into a suspected Counterspell in a pinch.

Truesilver Champion x 1- I choose to use 1 of these. Most decks i've noticed are cutting all together, however, the life gain can be game changing as well as the ability to clear very pesky minions such as Imp Gang Boss or Deathlord, not to mention top decking lethal potential. Cutting both I feel is a mistake. Very versatile. 

Consecration x 1- Another prime time Paladin card that's been cut lately from Secret deck lists. I feel this is a mistake with the resurgence of Zoolock looking to counter Druids on the ladder. This card alone improves my Zoo MU so much I find it very hard to replace for anything else of similar impact. In the same vein as Zoo, it helps the mirror MU as well. Also another lethal top deck in close games.

Blessing of Kings x 2- Another 4 drop, but this one I feel is the most important one for this deck. I run two in this deck, but i've seen lists run 1. It's a tough call, but I stress this card is a game changer and will win you games. Whether its through top decking lethal, or maintaining board presence with a solid trade, or pressuring that extra +4 face damage, it's too good to not run 2. I hardly run out of targets for this spell. Definitely consider running 2 of.

Loatheb x 1- Another control oriented tech card I've chosen. This card fills the vacant 5-slot in this deck and is the only 5-drop. Playing on curve is fine if you have no other play. His 5/5 body is still reasonable. His effect is game changing. Blocking out spells like removal, and securing the board makes this card a huge bomb against trouble decks like Control Priest, Freeze Mage, Patron Warrior, combo Druids, etc. Very strong card and I have a hard time cutting him for something else.

Tech Substitutions

Ironbeak Owl - I chose Keeper of Uldaman over owl just because it's more flexible and offers a better body then 2/1. Also the owl does not help against Deathlord or Giants. Running an owl and a Uldaman might be too much situational cards for this deck.

Sludge Belcher - Some deck lists run good ol' Sludgey for protection against Aggro. I feel Belcher is a very reactive card, it's not overly threaten but has uses against Aggro Shaman, and Face Hunter. Cutting Loatheb would be the logical choice for Sludge Belcher keeping in mind that your control MUs will suffer if you do this trade, however you will have some better aggro MUs. Overall, I feel the control MUs suffer too much giving up Loatheb so Belcher was cut.

Ragnaros the Firelord - Late game bomb from Osataka, a bit predictable since he piloted the deck late last season to super success but never the less very powerful card and gives deck the reach to finish some games. My reasoning for not selecting him is that against Aggro he is near worthless. I ended up cutting him for the Divine Favor which helps against control and for the same 8-mana can draw into this decks lethals as well. Both cards are dead draws in Aggro MUs, but I think Favor is a bit more consistent against a wider variety of decks then the King of Swing.


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