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Mill Rogue

  • Last updated Jan 25, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 10 Minions
  • 20 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3440
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/3/2016 (Explorers)
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I'll try to write a guide and keep it updated to the best of my abilities. Given enough interest of course. It's by no means a competitive deck yet but it sure as hell is fun to play! 

Please bear with me as this guide is still a work in progress and english is not my native language. Feel free to send me a message or leave a comment if I've made a mistake somewhere, or if there's anything you'd like to see added. 


I'll start by briefly explaining mill for those who are relatively new to hearthstone or card games in general. 

Mill is a term that originates from Magic: The Gathering. In Magic, you lose the game if there are no more cards to be drawn from your deck at the start of your draw phase. In hearthstone this mechanic is replaced with incremental fatigue damage. Meaning every turn your deck is empty you draw a "fatigue card" which deals 1 damage for every fatigue card drawn. 

Mill Rogue tries to exploit this mechanic by stalling the game and emptying your opponents deck. More often than not this forces the opponent to burn cards at an accelerated rate and accomplishes lethal with fatigue damage. 

Rogue's Mill Arsenal

The rogue has a wide variety of cards at her disposal that help with this whole mill concept.

The biggest boon in our arsenal is Gang Up , this card allows us not only to increase the amount of a certain card in our deck up to an amount of 8, but also allows us to extend our own deck. This is important as our main tool, Coldlight Oracle , also ends up emptying our own library.   


The second most important tool in our arsenal (in my opinion) is Vanish . Not only is Vanish an important tool in stalling our opponents, as to not get overrun, it also acts as a board clear if timed right. Combine this withPreperation and a Coldlight Oracle (or two) and you can burn quite a bit of cards. 


Keep in mind that Vanish when played if your opponent has 10 cards in hands DOES kill off minions and WILL trigger their deathrattles if that happens. Keep that in mind.

League of explorers gave us Brann Bronzebeard which doubles battlecries. Good for extra milling and healing. He makes this deck more viable than ever before. Enough said. 


Wrote a basic mulligan guide as it's not always as straightforward as mulling for Coldlight Oracle.

General Mullligan: 

Generally speaking you'll always want to try and fish for Coldlight Oracle or other sources of card draw (like Shiv).

Vs. Aggro:

Against Aggro you'll want to keep Deathlord and Backstab , while your main source of lethal will likely still be fatigue damage, it's more important to stay alive in order to achieve that. 


It's a preferred strategy to gang up a Deathlord or Healbot if that's what it takes. 

Vs. Control: 

Hard fish for Coldlight Oracle and Gang Up. Control Priest and Freeze mage are without a doubt our easiest matchups as they partially mill themselves. Early game it's important to be patient and not give away the fact that you're a mill rogue.


Let those freeze mages play their Acolyte of Pain and poke them with your dagger for extra card draw and mill. 


vs. priestBurgle if lucky, can provide you with circle of healing. Use it for big Northshire Cleric mills, alongsideVanish, Coldlight Oracle, etc.. They'll never see it coming. 


Control warrior is more of a problem, while they do have quite a bit of sources of card draw  they can also armor up beyond our fatigue damage. It's arguably our worst match up. You'll have to be really lucky in order to win it. Keep chipping away at their armor and pray to the gods of RNG that you force them to burn Justicar Trueheart


First things first, I noticed while watching Reynad play a fatigue match that there is STILL some confusion regarding fatigue damage. Even amongst pro's.

So here's the deal, fatigue damage does NOT reset. Adding another card to your library (through Elise Starseeker, Malorne or Excavated Evil for example) simply "pauzes" the fatigue cards. Damage will resume and, I repeat, NOT reset. 

There's a lot of math going on when playing fatigue matches so I'll keep this as short and simple as I can. 

Draws 6 cards at turn 9, assuming an empty deck and ending your turn makes this a total of 7 drawn cards for 28 damage (1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28) more often than not this is enough to kill the opponent. 

Draws 8 cards at turn 9, assuming an empty deck turns this into 36 damage (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36) if you include passing the turn it adds another 9 damage for 45 damage total. Handy dandy vs control warrior. Beware of using this when not having lethal as you'll likely end up burning a lot of your own cards in the process. Unless you have an empty hands, but that rarely happens given our raw draw power. 


26/01/2016: Replaced Burgle with Doomsayer. Just another way to stall and prevent people from playing their hand. 

14/01/2016: Replaced Refreshment Vendor and Big Game Hunter as the deck already has abundant healing and removal. Currently running a Shiv for extra card draw. The second replacement is Burgle which I wanted to try out for drawing into additional weapons and answers if need be. 

06/01/2016: Replaced Shiv with  Bloodmage Thalnos. Still card draw but the spell damage will help quite a bit. 

05/01/2016: replaced Beneath the Grounds with Shiv. Beneath the Grounds was hard to use reliably. We often put our opponents at 10 cards which means you don't ever get the nerubians or mill effect going. The original idea was to have SOME sort of counter for Reno Jackson but it just isn't worth the slot in the deck. At this point card draw is more important. Hence, Shiv