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The Two Armies

  • Last updated Jun 28, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Murloc Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 5420
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/31/2015 (Explorers)
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[Updated - stripped out all the Inspire mechanics as too slow and added more immediate/powerful cards]

An unholy alliance between Murlocs and Humans.

It's basically a Zoo deck that you can play highly aggressive as you can replace cards and minions extremely fast.

Mulliganing is fairly easy - everything of 1 and 2 mana is good enough for keeping except theKnife Juggler (much better later on, it's the weakest 2-drop stat-wise so don't keep it).

Card Draw

As you run not only a low curve but you also want to fish for your outs (Warleaders, Old Murk-Eye, Anyfin, Blood Knight), card draw is very important.

I changed it again as the Solemn Vigil doesn't draw enough cards; now double Divine Favor plus a Cult Master allow for crazy card draw.

The Weapon slot

The Weapon slot at 3 mana I have now opted for 1 each of Sword of Justice and Coghammer; the Rallying Blade feels the weakest as it has two conditions that need fulfilling before it gives you benefits. Truesilver I feel is too slow at 4 mana; not just that it is dead in your hand until t4 but also you want to dump your hand and fill the board to make use of your card draw mechanisms. Feel free to differ though and try swapping these around.


I meanwhile obtained the crazy good Murlocs so could add them - double Murloc Warleader and Old Murk-Eye, and of course Anyfin Can Happen then becomes an auto-include. There are only 10 Murlocs in the deck as I estimate that by the time you get to t10 (Anyfin) you will have seen 20 cards, meaning roughly 2/3rds of your Murlocs are dead = 6 or 7. See also at Win conditions.

Buffing is the key

Steward of Darkshire is kind of the MVP of the deck, as a lot of your minions are 1-health. Like Knife Juggler it is very much worthwhile keeping this back - unless you strongly suspect your opponent can't remove him - until past t3 when you get immediate value. 

Then there is the Sword of Justice, two Selfless Heros, and a single each of Seal of Champions and Blessing of Kings (only 1 because you don't want dead spells in your hand).

Win conditions

The easiest is to swarm, Zoo/Aggro style. Refill, attack, repeat. At some point you will hit the Warleader and Old Murk-Eye which are difficult to contain.

The second is slower Zoo-style with summoning minions, buffing them with Steward, Sword of Justice, Seal of Champions, Blessing of Kings and the Deathrattle of Selfless Hero. Then trade to keep the board (this is where Cult Master comes in handy) and only do excess damage to face.

Anyfin Can Happen is a nice fallback should a game last past turn 10. there are not that many weak Murlocs in the deck, so you should only get 6 or 7 strong ones that might give you instant lethal. If you think you might need Anyfin, try not to use the Murloc Hero Power.

And finally Blood Knight is a big threat if you can pull it off (or just a good board presence even at 6/6). If your Steward stays alive then even on turn 6 you can chuck out 3 1-health minions followed by a 12/12 Blood Knight. Not many decks can deal with that so early in the game (what Priest keeps a SW:D against a Paladin in their opening hand?)

Combos to keep in mind

Sword of Justice combines perfectly with Muster for Battle when you take down SoJ to 3 durablity before playing Muster.

Muster for Battle is also very nice with aSteward of Darkshire on the board... and even better (depending on the situation) immediately followed by Blood Knight.

Steward of Darkshire+ Sword of Justice: SoD will immediately grant Divine Shield to any 1-health minion ("whenever you summon"), after which SoJ will buff it ("after you summon a minion"). So yes, that's a triple awesome combo with Muster for Battle resulting in 3x 2/2 Divine Shielded Dudes.

If a minion will survive a trade, attack first before playing Coghammer.

Don't play Cult Master when too many of your minions have Divine Shield as they won't die, drawing you fewer cards.

Playing a Selfless Hero alongside at least 1 minion with Divine Shield means that even after a board clear you will be left with a Divine Shielded minion the next turn.

Happy hunting, or as they say, Mrrggrgrrgl!