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[TwoBiers] - Top15 Zoolock with Brann

  • Last updated Dec 30, 2015 (Explorers)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 1560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/30/2015 (Explorers)
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Hello guys, I'm TwoBiers! I have great success with that Decklist on the EU Server. I used that Decklist from Legend 3000 to Top15 Legend, peaked at Legend11.
My english skills are not that great, but I hope you can understand most of it!
I'm a multiple legend pro player from Germany and known for some creative deck building ideas like my Top50 Hobgoblin Token Druid back in the january season or my 2nd place at the hs arena invitational with my Dreadscale Midrange Hunter.

Here is my Zoolock statistic on EU from Legend 3000

Deck and Deckbuilding:

So let's talk about some of my card choices!

Acidic Swamp Ooze:

So why Acidic Swamp Ooze over a second Dire Wolf Alpha?
More than 50% of my opponents I faced used Classes with Weapons! Many players don't expect an Ooze or play around it. That Ooze can be the MVP against Aggro Shamas if you destroy Doomhammer with it. Also good against Rogues, Warriors or even the Secret Palas with the Muster for Battle Weapon. Nice Tempo Swing! That Ooze is just good for his stats! 3/2 is good to compete with a Darnassus Aspirant against Druids for example! I love that card in that deck! Try it!

2xDark Peddler:

Dark Peddler is such a great card in my opinion. It can be a 2Drop or 3Drop because you get a 1 Mana Minion. So many synergies! More hits with Knife Juggler or more targets for your buff cards like Defender of Argus, Abusive Sergent and something like that. So which are the "good cards" we can get?


Mortail Coil
Do 1 damage, draw a card. Get it, if you need a card or just do 1 dmg on board.

Power Overwhelming
4 damage boost! Use it for suprise burst damage or on your Nerubian Egg or Haunted Creeper for good trades!

Again 4 damage boost! Use it for surpise burst damage or to clear some 3 or 4 health minions with it. Try to use it with no discard effect if you can. Don't get it if you already got Doomguard on hand. Doomguard is to important to discard it.


Flame Imp
3/2 body for 1 Mana? Seems pretty good! But be aware of your own life, don't get it if your life is to low, because you life tap more the longer the games are and you already play 2 Flame Imps!

Reliquary Seeker
You need to get the effect if you want that card. It's even a 9/9 with Brann! Look at your board and what your opponent can do! Do you get a big board with a lot of minions soon? Get that card! Haunted Creeper, Imp Gang Boss and Imp-losion helps a lot for it!

Void Walker
1/3 with Taunt for 1 Mana is pretty good! Get it if you need a taunt or just for the 1/3 body.

Abusive Sergent
2/1 with a 2 damage boost or 3 damage boost with Brann! Use it for good trades or pop up your Nerubian Egg!

Argent Squire
1/1 with Divine Shield is pretty good for trades against aggressive decks with low health minions.

Blood Sail Corsair
So good against Weapon Classes like Warrior, Rogue or even Paladin! Such a joy to destroy a weapon with that! <3

Stonetusk Boar
The only charge card you can get! Sometimes good just for trades with Abusive Seargent or
Power Overhelming but good too for some surprise lethal things!

Zombie Chow
2/3 body for 1 Mana is really good, but be aware of the bad deathrattle effect! Don't use it later in the game. It's better to get the Chow early on for the board advantage!

1xBig Game Hunter:
Big Game Hunter is so important sometimes. Helps alot against Secret Paladins and Dr.Boom, Aggro Druids or even taunted Molten Giants. You can use Abusive Sergeant or Dark Iron Dwarf to buff up opponent minions to get them in BGH range!

Brann Bronzebeard
I got so often the question: "Why do you use Brann Bronzebeard? You have Flame Imps and Doomguard!! wtf!"
Well you got 7 good Battle Cry effects for Brann Bronzebeard and sometimes something out the Peddler too. Don't play Flame Imp after Brann hit the board. Just play it before! The discard effect for doomguard is irrelevant because most of the time you don't have more than 2 cards on your hand! Brann is already good by himself! Brann got super taunt!! He is like Thaurissan! If he hits the board, your opponent can't let him on board more than 1 round. So sometimes he gets overvalued even if you have no cards for his effect on hand because your opponent want to remove him no matter what! So your opponent does bad trades or just use a Swipe, Fireball or other removals just to remove him quickly. 2/4 is a good body too for trades because you have so many buff cards! Abusive Seargent, Dark Peddler and Defender Argus are so great Battlecry effects for Brann! I don't want to miss that card in Zoo anymore!

1xDark Iron Dwarf
"Why Dark Iron Dwarf? That's only used back in the older Zoolists"
Well, I think Dark Iron Dwarf fits very very well in that deck. First, we have a really aggresive curve. We have so much early game to find use of the Iron Dwarf. Synergy with Brann or BGH and 1 more target to pop up your Eggs what's really important! And a 4/4 Body is good aswell!

Some words about Doomguard. The card is so freaking strong. Don't be shy to use it to discard 1 or even 2 cards. Yes, best case scenario is to discard no cards, but sometimes your other card(s) on hand are not that important. 5/7 with Charge for 5 Mana is hella strong. THAT CARD IS THE INCARNATION OF TEMPO! The longer you hold on him, the higher is the probability to draw the second one. You don't want to discard Doomguard with Doomguard. Doomguard is to important to discard!

Some other cards you could use:

Argent Squire for Flame Imp! - If you face many Aggro Decks like Face Hunter or Aggro Shaman you could use 1 Argent Squire instead of Flame Imp!

Second Dire Wolf Alpha for Acidic Swamp Ooze! - If you have not many uses of Ooze you can fit in a second Wolf!

Kezan Mystic for Big Game Hunter/Dark Iron Dwarf! - If you face many Hunters or Mages with Secrets you can use Kezan too!  Don't use it if you only face many Paladins because the 1 Mana Secrets are not good enough to steal.

Loatheb for Big Game Hunter! - Loatheb is a really good card, no matter what. It helps a lot against Classes which uses Spells. Good against to get 1 turn for lethal because your opponent can't use a board clear spell. MVP against Freeze Mages, Brawl, Rogues, Lightbomb/Holy Nova and to deny the Combo of the Druids. I didn't face that many Warriors and Freeze Mages. I had Loatheb in my deck at the beginning, but I had the feeling that Loatheb isn't that impactful on the cases I played him and BGH was more important.

Why no Dr.Boom/Seagiant??

Well the main reason the deck is so strong is the consistency! You have a real fast curve, you don't want to have unused mana. You don't have "dead" cards. Dr.Boom hurts you alot if you have him on your start hand. Sea Giant isn't that great if your opponent have not many minions on board. Sometimes Sea Giant can be a dead card because you can't buid up a big board and your opponent doesn't build up a big board too. You don't want to have only 1 Big Game Hunter target in your deck. If you don't have a Big Game Hunter target, your opponent can't get back in the game if you are on head on board! The strength of the deck is, that you can use almost every card if you have enough mana to use it. Not that many situational cards. The more situational cards you have in your deck, the more nconsistant it gets. If you have a situational card like Imp-losion on hand if your opponent have no board, you can just use Doomguard to discard it and it doesn't hurt at all.


You want to have Board early on no matter what. Mulligans are most of the time match up relevant. Most of the time you want a 1 Mana card without coin. Sometimes a 1 Mana card isn't that important. With coin you can hold on double Imp Gang Boss and you don't need a 2 drop then. So most of the time you search for the 1-2 Mana minions and sometimes even for the imp gang boss if you have the coin or you have already a 1 and 2 drop! More now in the match ups!

Match ups:

Combo Druids:
I think the match up can be pretty easy if you know how the play it! Druids want to play Darnassus Aspirant on Turn 2! Your task is to clear it as soon as it hits the board! Flame Imp and Voidwalker with Abusive Seargent helps. With coin you can use your Juggler or Ooze to trade with a Darnassus or even Creeper with Abusive or Nerubian Egg with Power Overwhelming! Dark Peddler can trade with Dire Wolf Alpha too! Don't keep Nerubian Egg or Haunted Creeper with no Buff up to trade with Aspirant! You need to do some pressure against Druids! Haunted Creeper and Nerubian Egg with no Buffs = no pressure!
Do some good trades with your Buff Cards! You can coin out Brann on turn 2 because Druids can't remove him with 3 Mana without Innervate! Don't play so hard into Swipe! Doomguard early on to trade with Loatheb, Lore, Azure Drake, Sludge Belcher and Doomguard can be pretty good! Druids have no hard removal to kill a full health Doomguard! You can use Ironbeak Owl sometimes on Piloted Shredder to get on board. Most of the Druids don't play better Silence targets. But sometimes they play Sylvanas or even Ancient of War! Keep the Owl for that if it isn't that necessary to silence a Shredder!
Play around their Combo if you are near 14 health of you have no taunts!
If you are faster and on high health, do the good trades otherwise just smorc and go face!

If the Druids keeps many cards on his hand, he is most of the time a Aggro Druid. Like against Combo Druids you need to remove the Darnassus as soon as possible! You need to get the board as soon as possible too to handle with a Fel Reaver if it hits the board. Big Game Hunter is a real mvp here. Buffed Nerubian Egg can be really good here! Trade trade trade. Aggro Druids are often faster than you and they have combo burst damage. So you must trade their minions not the Aggro Druids! They have no card draw, so you win it if you get a big board and they run out of cards on hand! Play a bit around Swipe and the Combo!
Try to remove their board no matter what! Use Ironbeak Owl on the Shredder, they have no other Deathrattle Targets!

Well, I didn't play that often against Hunter.. I think Face Hunters are really but for us, they are faster, they have Explosive Traps and we life tap a lot most of the times. We need to trade, Argus is important to don't get to low. Our Flame Imps hurt a lot. We need to silence Mad Scientists. Don't build up a really big board because of Unleash the Hounds or even with Hounds with Knife Juggler. Try to pop up your Eggs with the Explosive Trap. Taunt up big health creatures if you can and pray!
I think Midrange Hunter are much better for us. Some times they don't curve out that great. Nerubian Egg into a Animal Companion is really really good early on. Don't be shy to use a Owl on a Mad Scientist early on. Otherwise use the Owl for the Highmanes later on. Try to be faster so the Hunter needs to trade!

It's a good match up for us! Their early game minions are Mana Wyrm, Mad Scientist and Sorcerer's Apprentice and you can trade them up really easily! You can keep Ironbeak Owl against the Mad Scientists. The best use against Mirror Entitys are your Nerubian Eggs! They have no buff cards! You can build up a big board. The only AoE's are Flame Waker or Arcane Missles! Sometimes they play 1 Flamestrike! Play around that to.

Good match up again. Just remove every Mech to destroy their Mech-Synergy. Goblin Blastmage can be to huge otherwise. They have no AOE without it!

Freeze Mage:
Bad match up. Really bad without Loatheb. Just try to rush them and hope they don't have Doomsayer with Frost Nova! Only use your Owl for Doomsayer! Not a scientist! Try to play your Eggs on Turn 6 or Turn 7 to play a bit around the board clear spells!

Secret Paladin:
The key in the match up is to get the board before Challenger hits the Board! If they have the board advantage and get the Challenger you lose. Try to use your Egg's and Creepers with Buffs to get tempo and the board! You don't have to play that hard around Consecration because most of the Secret Paladins cut 1 off! BGH can be really good against a Challenger with no board. Use your Owl after Avenge or Blessing of Kings or even Tirion. Imp Gang Boss is really really good here too! Hold on him even without coin! It trades so well against the early game of the Secret Paladin! Don't be shy to use your Ooze against the Muster for Battle Weapon!

Dragon Priest:
You can hold on Ironbeak Owl because of Velen's Chosen, Power Word: Shield or Twilight Whelp. Don't play your Imp Gang Boss or Brann into a Cabal Shadow Priest. Try to play them earlier or bait them with an Egg or Voidwalker! Play around Holy Nova and Lightbomb! Don't overextend! Buff ups are really important to trade with the high health minions! They have no BGH Targets most of the time, so you can just play him.

Control Priest:
They have a lot of AOEs! More then Dragon Priest. They have Auchenai + Circle and Excavated Evil! Again, don't overextend! Try to hold on your buff cards early on the compete with Deathlords! You need to get through it as soon as possible before the heal him everytime or they use Power Word: Shield on him! Don't play your Imp Gang Boss and Brann into Cabal Shadowpriest and you are fine! They have most of the time no BGH targets so you can just play him!

Don't play into their power turns like Backstab Si:7 or Coin Si:7. Don't play in their AOE like Fan of Knifes or Bladefury! Try to don't overextend and use your use to destory buffed up weapons! Creeper or Eggs helps against their aoe. So don't pop them up if you have other plays! Use Ironbeak owl on Thalnos or even Edwin van Cleef. Sometimes you can use the Owl aswell on a Shredder to get the Board! You can use your Flame Juggler, Dire Wolf or Dark Peddler to bait out an early Backstab to protect your Knife Juggler or they don't get the Backstab Si:7 Combo!

You can hold on Ironbeak! Best target is the Egg. Board Control is everything. Just trade everything on his board. They have no card draw. Only Loot Hoarder or Fan of Knifes, but It's not really card draw, it only cycles a card. Most Raptor Rogue don't play Deadly Poison+BladeFlurry so you can build up a big board with no fear. Only be aware of Fan of Knifes and the Cold Bloods + Eviscerate burst damage!

Aggro Shaman:
You just to remove his early game no matter what! If you can remove his board before his minions do some damage you win. Try to get your Creepers and Eggs with buff up cards. You don't need to play around AOE. Buff Up your high health creatures! Hold on your Ooze to destroy the Doomhammer. They have no really silence targets. Just play the owl for the stats. Same with BGH! Be aware of your own health! Img Gang Boss is really strong here aswell for the trades!

Mirror time! Don't play around AOE effects. Keep your Owl. Use it on the Egg! Egg is so strong in that match up! Same for Imp Gang Boss! Trade as good as possible and destroy everything on board to deny his buff up synergies!

Such a bad match up. I hate to play against him. They have a lot AOEs, they have Molten Giants if they run low. They have a lot heal with Farseer, Healbot and RENO fucking Jackson! You need to rush them without overextend to hard because of AOE like Demonwrath, Hellfire and Shadowflame. Use your Owl for Twilight Drake to deny his Shadowflame Target early on. You need to remove his board because of shadowflame. I hate it to see so many Renolocks on EU :(

Control Warrior:
Look at his Mulligans. If he keeps something on his hand. The chance that he got Fiery War Axe is pretty high. So Haunted Creeper and Nerubian Eggs are good early on. Your 1-2 Health Minions die to the Axe and It isn't good for use. Imp Gang Boss is so much better against a War Axe, but bad against Death's Bite! Try to have something on board if they play Acolyth on turn 3. Flame Imp and Knife Juggler are here really good. Otherwise you need buff cards that he draw only 1 card out of it. Play around on Brawl. Don't overextend that hard and use your Eggs and Creepers against Brawl and you are fine. Use your 1 Mana thingies like Imps or that spiders before the second swing of death's bite. You can buff them up with Argus aswell. Sometimes it is really good to do not hide your Eggs or Creepers behind a taunt so the Warrior can't open them with a weapon before Brawl! Use your Owl for Sylvanas or on their Acoylth if they draw more than 1 card otherwise!

Well I think the match ups is pretty bad for us. Many Patrons are pretty bad for us. They have a lot of Card Draw and Whirlwind effects. But we don't need to play around Brawl! That's something. Just try to get a huge board and don't play in the whirlwind effects! Use the Ooze only on Death's Bite to deny the whirlwind effect for them! Remove everything on their Board to deny a good Battle Rage! You can use your Owl to deny Card Draw with Acolyth.


You can follow me on twitter or twitch! My stream is atm on german but I'll start to stream sometimes in english too!

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