Odemian : Number 2 EU Rafaam+Reno Paladin (cred...
- Last updated Dec 14, 2015 (Explorers)
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- 24 Minions
- 4 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 7240
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/14/2015 (Explorers)
- user-20374126
- Registered User
- 4
- 6
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Hey there! I'm Odemian a french pro-player from team Millenium.
I was having a bit of a hard time climbing ladder this season , so I decided to try some whacky stuff with the new LOE cards. It turned out Rafaam was actually not that bad, especially in paladin, which massively lacks burst damage. So I just stuck him in Lifecoach's Highlander Paladin, made a couple of other changes, and voilà!
I got to Legend [2] with the deck on the day of its creation (today :D) and I have to say that Rafaam MASSIVELY carried a couple of games where I felt pretty screwed. The deck behaves superbly well in almost all matchups, and Reno is incredibly OP versus all aggro and midrange decks.
I must repeat that most of the credit for this deck goes to Lifecoach, but I just thought it would be cool to share with you guys a deck where Rafaam actually works. I'll probably be writing a full guide to this deck at some point, but for the moment just try it out, and enjoy ;)
update this plz to old gods
Been working great so far. Don't have sky golem, and kel'thuzad and arch-theif felt kind of slow to me
-Kel'Thuzad, Piloted Sky Golem, Arch-Thief Rafaam
+Ragnaros the Firelord, Grand Crusader, Sen'jin Shieldmasta
the way the deck is... i went from 9 to 5 in 10-4
still climbing easy
Replaced Zombie Chow with Sir Finley Mrrgglton
Replaced Sky Golem with Emperor Thaurissan
Replaced Kel'Thuzad with Brann Bronzebeard,
Tried Justicar Trueheart instead of Emperor Thaurissan, but well, emperor have instant value (and with your high cost cards its perfect)
works good so far
is there any place for Kezan Mystic ??
it's just a rare card, you can craft with only 100 dust
I replaced the Mind Control Tech for a Kezan Mystic. After around 50 games I came to the conclusion that, since most people I faced on the ladder are secret paladins, spending 4 mana crystals to place a 4/3 that can be removed by a standard 2 drop whilst stealing only one 1 mana secret out of their usual 5 is really not worth it. Kezan Mystic is really good against hunters, and since my win rate against mages is already ~76% without her, I say only run her if you are encountering a lot of face/midrange hunters.
Having great win streaks with this deck, rafaam has won it for me multiple times.
I did make 1 change... 1- zombie for 1+ sir finlay
Works out great gettin a heal, armour or even 2 face dmg.
Great deck good job!! :))
Thanks for the deck! The only card missing for me is Tirion Fordring so I replaced him with Grand Crusader for the slight chance that he might get added to my hand.
Currently on the 4th rank. I'm really struggling to get rank 3, though it seems feasible.
I dont have Piloted Sky Golem , so i add Emperor . Its not same thing but ıts working well :D makes you able to play Boom / KelThuzad \ Tirion or other big cards 1 tüm earlier . And it changes the game
This deck is a complete garbage for ranked play
i lold
One of my fav decks right now. Been playing it a couple weeks and it's solid. Rafaam is much better than I thought he would be. A strong body (wish he was a 6/8 tho) AND a +10/+10 is too good. The curve on this deck is insane, I'm always right where I need to be and feel like I always have board presence and answers in hand. (Big Game Hunter or Mind Control Tech for instance).
This deck is pretty decent from what ive seen so far, in casual mode, I only lost against 3 agros but most of the time I had a bad draw...
Def good, with the justicar too
replacements for Lay on Hands and Big Game Hunter?
really fun deck. I love how every turn seems to present another problem, and another way to solve it... well most of the time a way to solve it. Fun stuff, thanks.
Interesting Deck, a lot of fun but unplayable in current meta.
win / looses 2 / 9.
9 out of 10 decks are aggro.
11 matches, 10 decks? lel
It was an expression I think.