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(LoE) Shadow Reno Dragons

  • Last updated Jan 7, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/13/2015 (Explorers)
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  • HL530
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Entomb is the star of LOE, and I guess I don't have to explain much here. You guys who have all the cards to play this deck would have no less experience in this game than me, so I'm not gonna go through basic stuffs like mulligan. Here are some tips and explanation that should answer most questions 
Key notes:

Museum Curator: From experience, you get to pick a Legendary minion like Slvannas or Sneed's Old Shredder no less than every three times. I still remember the Chillmaw from him saving my ass from mirror of doom, so yes this card has insane value, plus you can buff him up with Velen's chosen, if he survived.

Shadowform: It's probably fine even if you don't run this, but keep the holy smite for Vol'Jin. This card has insane mid-game and late game value, and could potentially win you fatigue race( those most of the time your ysera or Confessor would have served you that purpose) 

Shadowfiend, so much value, solid body to draw spells like frostbolt and dark bomb, and the surprise element( I;ve seen so many unnecessary trade into him despite being in an absolutely superior position), Yes plz xd

Eydis Darkbane: Surprise element, super solid body, freak your opponent out( you're not really expecting to get the velen chosen on her, but if that happens, well you're being lucky

Dragonskin Sorcerrer: It fills the four mana sort, survive shredder, and most importantly is a DRAGON

Hungry Dragon: Replace it with a twilight drake if you wish, but most of the time whatever he gives your opponent is irrelevant( except the dust evil), and if you get a lucky start you won't have much cards in the hand to give the TD full value

Excavated Evil/Holy Nova/Lightbomb: I think this is now the priest's standard AoE trio

Holy Fire: Once you're in shadow form, this card and Reno are you only source of health, helps surviving mid-game without sacrificing the Reno value

Arch-Thief Rafaam: From my experience, always go for Lantern of Power. Don't pick Mirror of doom IF you've already played Excavated Evil, or you're pretty sure your opponent has AOE like Hellfire or Flamestrike

Have fun, any please don't hesitate to share any of your thoughts and opinion for the deck, much appreciated.