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  • Last updated Dec 20, 2015 (Explorers)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/12/2015 (Explorers)
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I've made some adjustments to my previous version of the deck.

Ultimately the same goal exists: stall the game by controlling the board and stealing their lategame threats with entomb to win the lategame.

You ultimately use brann bronzebeard mostly for card draw.  Ideally you'll save brann bronzebeard for museum curator because your deck doesn't have a lot of threats of its own.  If you're playing against a controllish or midrange deck you should search for sylvanas, toshley and sneeds old shredder.  If you're against a more aggressive deck you should search for sludge belcher, abomination or deathlord.  Choosing a lategame threat can give you the lategame you don't inherently have.

If you have enough card draw or are being swarmed, another fantastic option is mind control tech with brann.  If they have 5 minions, you can use brann with mind control tech to steal minions and create a tempo swing in your favor.  For only 6 mana it is incredibly efficient.

Elise star seeker was put in primarily to win against other fatigue decks.  If you're against an aggressive deck do not play her unless you feel safe doing so.  Her reason for being here is to win you games vs other priests and vs warriors.  She is useless against most hunters and paladins.

Holy nova should ideally be saved for when you have a shadow boxer out and/or other minions and the board is in balance.  This will help you control the board.  Excavated evil is more useful vs aggro decks with many small minions.  It will not only clear the board effectively but will deny them a card draw at some point.

Watch your card draw.  The deck doesn't have a lot of it, but if you're against another fatigue priest in particular you should be careful about using azure drake with brann as it might put you behind.


Turn 2, if you have both a gilblin stalker and a shadow boxer, you should almost always opt for the gilblin stalker.  The reason for it being here is that it 1) creates an unstoppable velen's chosen play for temp swing but 2) it can always attack their minions turn 3.  Removal won't stop it.  Shadow boxer is more important to keep alive as it sinergizes with holy nova incredibly well and can be used for the 50/50 chance to kill a 1-health minion when you heal up another target.

Save Velens for deathlord if you can.  Particularily vs other priests, deathlord can be a big detriment if killed and velen's chosen makes it much more stable and hard to kill.  Deathlord can also become an offensive play then.


Anyhow I hope you like the deck!