LEGEND Senfglas_ OTK Murloc
- Last updated Dec 6, 2015 (Explorers)
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- 18 Minions
- 10 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 4040
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/6/2015 (Explorers)
- Galneryus
- Registered User
- 1
- 32
- 41
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Hello guys! This is the *current* version that Senfglas_ (famous for his Patron deck) is using for the Anyfin Can Happen deck. This deck is not as easy as it seems to play effectively, but it's quite an experience!
Here are some general thoughts and tips:
- Mulligan for Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot and Muster for Battle.
- Not always you will use Anyfin Can Happen for an OTK, that's why there are 2 copies of it.
- Against decks with big minions (like Handlock or Fel Reaver Druid), keep an eye on your Aldor Peacekeeper, Keeper of Uldaman and Equality.
- If you manage to keep drawing and maintain board control, you will most likely win
- Against Entomb Priest, try to NOT let him Entomb more than one charge Murloc. By doing this you can OTK him with your second Anyfin Can Happen with 3 or 4 charge Murlocs.
It was my 1st match, thanks for posting.
I watched Nevillz' stream last night, and his deck ran very similarly (could even be the same as this, wasn't pay attention all the time as it was before bed and sometimes I just turn twitch on for the background noise) but I saw him continually use LOH to fish for cards even with full health. I think it functions just like patron where you are just drawing until you get what you need.
He talks about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/3vkmhu/anyfin_can_happen_discussion/
This deck is good vs control, but imo horrible against face hunter and face shaman. For people trying it out. Getting good value out of Cult Master is very important. Also remember that when you use the first AcH the second will also summon the murlocs that died in the first. This is why it's often fine to use one to summon a few murlocs and go face/trade so the second is guaranteed to summon 6 or 7 murlocs.
Right now, HSdogdog is playing it with 2x Healbot, Wild Pyromancer, and a Defender of Argus, to counter face decks. He took out 2x Loot Hoarder and 1x Keeper of Uldaman. Think he also tried swapping Acolyte of Pain with a second Azure Drake.
Simply appears to be a variant. Both seem fine to me, though 2x Healbot might be a bit overkill with the double LoH.
Problem with LoH though is that you'll die before you can cast it against face decks. I assume HSdogdog is a streamer? I'll check his stream then. Would be nice to have a good AcH deck.