- Last updated Dec 5, 2015 (Explorers)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 8140
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/5/2015 (Explorers)
- DarthBaeus1826
- Registered User
- 2
- 24
- 36
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Total Deck Rating
Okay this deck feels like a masterpiece not gonna lie.
Basically.. Each card is okay on its own. Some of them are great but the strength of this deck is its comboes.
Wild pyromancer is really strong early with power word shield to clear pesky minions. Northshire with shield and/or velens is a really tanky card draw.
Holy nova works REALLY well with wild pyro, AND SHADOWBOXER.
I've won many games from my shadowboxer doing 5 or 6 damage from my holy nova healing everything. Wildpyro damages everything first and then nova with shadowboxer heals everything and does massive damage.
The new entomb card makes the necessity for shrinkmeister inexistant now. The other cards simply are either for control or maintaining board. Shade is simply an amazing card on turn 3. It will soon enough become a really large minion if you don't trade with it early. The potential with it is really high.
So far I haven't found any bad matchups with it. It is decent against control and stomps aggro. I suppose mill would murder it though.
The one weakness with this deck is it draws VERY quickly and so it can overdraw very easily.
Check it out!
Also.. if you manage to have full boards on both sides and have the right cards(namely pyromancer to damage everything first) you can do a potential of 14 damage from circle of healing + lightboxer. Holy nova will also make the lightboxer do 7 or 8 in that case.
If any of you have any thoughts on the deck or suggestions I'd love to take!