[89%] 17-2 ComboDruid [koroneko]
- Last updated Nov 22, 2015 (Explorers)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 4440
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 11/22/2015 (Explorers)
- koronekoHS
- Registered User
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Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Legend#1300→#89 17-2 WinRate89%
Hello! i am Druid King "koroneko"
I will write a Druid Guide in the practice of English.
I want many comments, Because Ideal for practice of English!
Keep cards
Innervate / Wild Growth / Darnassus Aspirant / Mounted Raptor
Druid Warrior
NoCoin: Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake
Coin: Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake or Emperor Thaurissan
NoCoin: Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake or Loatheb
Coin: Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake or Loatheb or Emperor Thaurissan
Hunter Mage Paladin
NoCoin: Wrath / Keeper of the Grove / (If you have Innervate) Piloted Shredder or Druid of the Claw
Coin: Wrath / Keeper of the Grove / (If you have Innervate) Piloted Shredder or Druid of the Claw or Emperor Thaurissan
NoCoin: Wrath / Piloted Shredder / Dr. Boom / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake or Loatheb
Coin: Wrath / Piloted Shredder / Dr. Boom / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake or Loatheb or Emperor Thaurissan
NoCoin: Wrath / Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake or Loatheb
Coin: Wrath / Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake or Loatheb or Emperor Thaurissan
If opponent did keep 2 or more cards: Wrath / Keeper of the Grove / Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake
If opponent did keep 1 card or All changed: Big Game Hunter / Keeper of the Grove / Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake
If opponent did keep 2 or more cards: Wrath / Keeper of the Grove / Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake or Emperor Thaurissan
If opponent did keep 1 card or All changed: Big Game Hunter / Keeper of the Grove / Piloted Shredder / (If you have Innervate) Druid of the Claw or Azure Drake or Emperor Thaurissan
Thank you for reading!
Can you, please, write the guide for current meta?
Replace for Big Game Hunter?
Should i craft another Force of Nature or Big Game Hunter first? i have only 400 dust :(((
Shadow Word: Death
Is loatheb really nessacary? dont feel like it helps so much
I like this deck a lot.
I took out one Azure Drake and put in one copy of Living Roots just to have something to play on turn 1 and to have more control over 2-life minions.
Would this work?
-2 Azure Drake+1 Sylvanas Windrunner
+1 Cairne Bloodhoof
Or are the Azure Drakes better?
While both of those are good cards, I think the drakes fit the deck a bit better. Here's a few reasons:
-Spell damage can make druid's weaker board clears very very good.
-Drake draws cards which get you closer to combo (as well as drawing on 5-- which is important as emperor comes down on 6)
-Drake costs 5 mana which is arguably one of the more important slots in the druid curve as it works with innervate and wildgrowth well.
-Sylvanas arguably doesn't belong in this deck where you run Loatheb (Loatheb suggests we're ramping, securing the board, and then combo'ing rather than grinding out their valuable minions.)
I think if you were to run those cards, you would probably want to adjust the game plan of the deck-- run shades rather than raptors, possibly trade a slot for Ancient of War or Belcher in order to stay alive, find room for a Mind Control Tech, etc.
This deck is disgusting, in a good way. Your opponent essentially starts at 16 health.
Added 2 Raven Idol instead of Innervate to try it out, getting innervate late is usually awful, raven is pretty versatile, i miss the early dr. booms but its pretty fun to use raven idol instead.
I felt really bad for a rogue ive faced tho...turn 8 i topdecked raven idol, choose to Yolo and go minion, got dr. boom, pure skill.
Somehow the game can tell when I am playing druid. Almost always gives me the worst possible draws ever, I will frequently get Ancient of Lore / Ancient of Lore / Dr Boom and turn them all back in to get Force of Nature / Loatheb / Druid of Claw and then draw the Ancients as top two.
Yet after all that I still win at least 65% of the games even when the draw is garbage :)
So you really have to love the come back ability of this deck.
Thank you for this deck! Been looking for an updated Druid deck. Just went 5-0 .. thanks for helping me finish my quest. Now back to CW.
i dropped from 4 to 7 with my reno... (maybe just unluck)... tried this deck and atm im rank 2.. the mooligan guide is kinda perfect, nice deck
Shade of Naxxramas
Try Harvest Golem.
druid of the flame works too
Nothing really replaced Dr. Boom. He's known as the most unbalanced card for a reason. But I suppose if you really don't have him, you can put in another big 7 drop threat. Maybe Ancient of War.
As for the 2nd Ancient of Lore, you really should just save up 400 dust for that if you're really keen to play Druid. He's basically in almost all Druid decks, unless we're talking super duper aggro druid.
just save up and craft it
In all honesty, Azure drake is a solid card to get rid of. Drake is overrated. Sil brings more to the table
i hope you realize its kuro neko and not koro neko