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Control Warrior (Healbots+Nefarian)

  • Last updated Oct 22, 2015 (Warsong Nerf)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 15300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/9/2015 (TGT Launch)
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This is a version I'm running atm, a few notable changes from the standard list, Antique Healbot instead of Sludge Belcher, often the Sludge Belcher just get's silenced so it prevents a lot less damage than Antique Healbot. In general I find Antique Healbot does a lot more work, often better than Sludge Belcher in terms of raw damage it prevents, has no weakness to silence, is a great Mirror Entity target, is not likely to be stolen by Priests (unlike the Sludge Belcher, which is quite a nasty swing). It also means that Hunters running Freezing Trap have to trade into it, and can't just Ironbeak Owl and move on.

No Armorsmith, you could argue this is perhaps a little bit greedy to run a deck without them, but with the new trend of running double Bash and Slam, along with the weapons you generally have enough ways to gain armour faster as well as remove early threats. Not to mention you are usually playing very few minions along with the Armorsmith so the armour gained is going to be pretty low. It's still pretty strong vs a Face Hunter or Paladin, but honestly Hunter's are a pretty easy matchup for this deck and Paladins are the most difficult class to beat anyway.

No Acolyte of Pain, I often find it is too much of a mana investment against faster decks, prefer to run double Slam and Shield Block (one of which helps you clear up the board and the other which gives you more time vs faster decks, Acolyte of Pain generally does neither).

Nefarian instead of Ysera, usually you will draw removal off this card, which is super important later in the game, Ysera you can often get a creature which is rarely useful at that stage of the game, Awakens, Nightmare and Dream are all pretty good, but usually you'll only get one of these if you're lucky, it's extremely rare for Ysera to last more than 1 turn.

Emperor Thaurissan instead of Sylvanas Windrunner, it means you still get value when they silence otherwise they have to remove it, of course there are those situations where you get Sylvanas Windrunner into Brawl, but those situations are few and far between. Also coining Emperor Thaurissan means you can follow up with Dr. Boom, not to mention your later turns allowing you to play more cards at once or allowing extra Hero Powers in between playing cards.