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Click's Garrison Control

  • Last updated Apr 3, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8120
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/7/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Click's Garrison Control - 200% more Kodos :D


Hi guys thanks for voting up this deck, its been great getting onto the front page. The updates to this deck are going to slow slightly as I'm currently working on another idea that I can hopefully do a decklist for soon. In the meantime continue to play this deck and have fun, I will still be updating and playing the list myself so feel free to comment with questions, I will answer them all, thanks again :)


Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen (or morning), my names Click and I've been playing Hearthstone since just before the Naxx release. Playing for such a long time, I've experimented with many types of gimmicks and combos. Today I want to share with you my favourite and most successful so far, The Garrison Priest. If you like the deck I'd appreciate any questions you have and wouldn't mind a cheeky thumbs up, but most importantly have fun with the deck :D

"So I swapped a Kodorider in for a Zombie Chow and went on a 10 winstreak, Kodorider is awesome."

If anyone is hitting the high ranks or making awesome plays, be sure to send a screenshot in the comments and a might add it to a screenshot spoiler with credits - thanks


Just before we get into things I'd like to thank everyone, when I posted this deck I had hoped for just 10 upvotes, the fact that its over 100 and climbing, not to mention being on the front page is amazing. Thank you and enjoy the deck :) 

"Garrison Commander"? I hear you ask, "Don't be absurd old chap, I play that and it would die straight away". Wrong. Priest is a class with many high priority targets in the early game making your Garrison look like some dumb gimmick, which it is, but let me explain...

Garrison Commander synergises with Priest unlike any other class. Want more draw? Check. Want more healing? Check. Want more legendaries? Hell yeah! The Garrison Priest provides all this and more, abusing the power of many cards; Auchenai Soulpriest, Northshire Cleric, Confessor Paletress, Justicar Trueheart...

So, you want me to stop chatting like a muppet and actually move on to why the cards are in the deck. Well I have two guides for you ladies and gentlemen, cause why have one when you can have two? Feel free to read which ever guide appeals more, they both offer the same amount of use to you because let’s be honest, you'll read it think about it, and then completely ignore everything I say.

Side Note: If you are looking to tech your deck, treat the second Garrison Commander as a tech slot, other options can be found in said spoiler.

"Detailed Card Choice Explanations" 

Congratulations! Your IQ is officially higher than 10! Garrison Priest is a variant of the classic Control Priest with a few key and admittedly questionable card choices. However, the end result from this deck is spectacular and currently has me climbing the EU ladder in comfort and style. Anduin's hero power is abused in this deck and made ridiculous by Confessor Paletress, Justicar Trueheart Garrison Commander and Northshire Cleric all bouncing off draws, heals and free legendaries for just two mana.

Card Choices + Replacements 

  • Circle of Healing - A staple in Control Priest acting as a combo trigger or board clear with Auchenai Soulpriest .
  • Power Word: Shield - Great card for making favourable trades and drawing that extra option in the early and late game.
  • Northshire Cleric - A permanent staple in all priest decks, your main card draw engine for the deck.
  • Zombie Chow - Brilliant card for early board control and can shut down aggro decks.
  • Garrison Commander - Ok, first strange choice and first thing you should be crafting. This little guy is the saviour of control priest. Allowing for better draws with Northshire Cleric, Auchenai Soulpriest utility, late game close calls with little health, early tempo, and multiple triggers for Confessor Paletress making that Lorewalker Cho not so demoralising. Just try this guy and be amazed.
  • Shadow Word: Death - Only one? Yep, the current ladder isn't running enough big creatures. We've all been at that point in a game where the opponent has a full board, you have nothing and in your hand lie two useless Shadow Word: Death's. One does just fine.
  • Dark Cultist - Great tempo card and three drop in general. Annoying deathrattle can help carry your weaker minions into the later stages of the game.
  • Injured Blademaster - Again a great three drop for priest, combos with Northshire Cleric, Circle of Healing and can win the game for you against aggro.
  • Fencing Coach - Added to help speed up the late inspire segments of the deck, don't drop this guy until he's needed.
  • Auchenai Soulpriest - Staple in most Control Priest decks. Due to the high amounts of healing in this deck it works brilliantly as a threat and utility card, not to mention its combo potential.
  • Holy Nova - Trusty board clear to get you out of sticky situations. It can also be used as part of the more obscure combos available in the deck due to it's healing capabilities.
  • Nexus-Champion Saraad - A surprisingly versatile card in this deck, most of the time drop around turn 7 to help support the late game where your deck begins to thin alongside Ysera. Can also be used to bait out hard removal for your larger drops.
  • Lightbomb - I'll be honest, when I first tried this card I wasn't impressed. However, over time I have learnt to love it, brilliant board clear for when Holy Nova just isn't enough.
  • Justicar Trueheart - Although lacking in the stats department, this card undeniably improves this deck, being able to heal for four for two mana is just too good. Comboing with Garrison Commander and Auchenai Soulpriest can create a completely unanticipated aggro shift in the late game and catch your opponent out.
  • Confessor Paletress - This card is just value in it's purest form. Playing this on turn nine when you've secured the board will just win the game. My new favourite late game card for Priest. Not to mention how much fun she brings to the game.

New Additions:

  • Kodorider - Brilliant mini Paletress and can give all you Patron Warriors a nostalgic feel after the nerf
  • Shadow Word: Pain - Here for all your annoying minion needs, killing early aggro cards or that sticky Sludge Belcher.
  • Shrinkmeister - Shrinks are back, back again. There too good to leave out, helps early tempo, damage control and bigger steals with Cabal.
  • Sen'jin Shieldmasta - A belcher without the deathrattle but a turn earlier, you will be suprised how much that 1 mana difference can change the game against aggro. Can jump in when Deathlord starts to look weak.
  • Loatheb - Replacing the tiring Vol'jin as more aggro picks up. This guy is a solid body to drop, stops removal when your opponent needs it, and helps make the transition from early to late game much smoother.
  • Cabal Shadow Priest - Another returning contender this time as a one off, helps swing tempo back into your favour whilst providing a decent body.

These changes are here to help guide you through the overwhelming aggro and improve the consistency of the deck remarkably, enjoy :D


 "Dumb but Short Card Choices for Hunters"

You opted for this guide? I new you would you lazy sod.

Anyway, the deck uses the base of a control priest meaning you should not just SMOrc, spam emotes, scratch your butt and wipe the remnants of extra cheesy doritos from your face. No, this deck means thinking. Well that's what I would have told you if you had read the other guide. Instead let me simplify this a bit.

Card Choices

How to Play

Hit smaller minions with bigger minions, heal, draw card, make legendary, repeat.


Match Ups

Excellent Match Ups: Zoo, Dragon Priest, Face Hunter, Patron Warrior (Ha nerf)
Good Match Ups: Handlock, Tempo Mage, Control Warrior
Indifferent: , Mid Paladin, Totem Shaman, Mech Mage, Oil Rogue
Bad: Mid Hunter, Freeze Mage, Combo Druid


Card Replacements and Tech Slots

Ok, so the decks a bit expensive and you dont have all these cards? No matter there are other options to be had. 

Any i've missed? Leave a comment and I will reply to you ASAP. If you have many of the same questions to others I will have either already updated the guide or will notify you of where the answer is.


Quick Note: Do not keep Power Word: Shield or Circle of Healing if you have no minions in your first draft to use them on.

Control: Northshire Cleric, Shrinkmeister, Dark Cultist, Injured Blademaster, Circle of Healing, Power Word: Shield

Midrange: Same as Control but favour all 2 drops over 3 drops

Aggro: Northshire Cleric, Zombie Chow, Garrison Commander, Injured Blademaster, Circle of Healing

 Recent Edit Notes

Ok, some of the more deceptive community members may have noticed the winrate has 'dropped'. I am here now to tell you this is simply what happens when you play more and more games with the deck. However, this does mean that the statistics are now more accurate. I have left it at '+70%' as it is always changing but is yet to fall below this point.

  • Kodorider implemented into deck (Now two copies instead of Ysera to speed up deck and enable use of Hero Power at all times.)
  • Nexus-Champion Saraad now has pick description
  • New Mulligan Guide
  • New Match Ups Guide
  • Moved Replacement Guide to new spoiler
  • Cleaned up guide system

You're ready to go! Leave a thumbs up and add a comment with any questions you want answering, I will reply as soon as possible. Garrison Up!