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[S19]Oil Rogue 60%WR

  • Last updated Oct 10, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 4980
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/6/2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • ego1sm
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if this deck will be 10 or higher votes - make mulligan guide and short descriptions

25+ votes - full descriptions(game plan against every class)


50+ - cast my own games on twitch

play alltime this deck(17-5 rank).

follow me on TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/keofly (WARNING SLAVIC CONTENT)


First of all, sorry for my poor english(my native language is ukranian). In my humble opinion, oil rogue is so underrated at the curent metagame(At TempoStorm meta-reports she is 22). Rogues have good matchup against "Kings of Meta" such as Patron Wariors and Secret Paladins.


  • Backstab - our main power in early-game. Have a nice synergy with any card of this deck and good combo-activator

  • Preparation - most important card.Cheapest combo-activator. Good with Sprint, Violet TeacherEdwin VanCleef etc

  • Deadly Poison - is one of our burst and early game cards.

  • Blade Flurry - Main aoe-removeal and combo-finisher

  • Eviscerate - 2 mana 4 damage(if u have combo). Good for killing big minions

  • Sap - tempocrusher, work good against Sylvanas Windrunner, Tirion Fordring, Piloted Shredder and any buffed minions( for example - taunted Twilight Drake)

  • Bloodmage Thalnos - cheapest Spell Power for our spells, draw and combo.

  • Fan of Knives - helps you to clear the board and draw. Dont afraid to use this on empty board, if this card is useless in current matchup(Mage, Patron War etc)

  • Earthen Ring Farseer-in early game we take a lot of damage, cuz  we use own dager.Also we can heal own minions such as Violet Teacher or Loatheb. Good as 3rd drop for tempo

  • Edwin VanCleef - is brilliant if you know how to play and terrible if you don't.First off, he's not a big minion. You should never have that mindset when playing him in a deck. 70% of the times if not more you will use him as a 4/4 or 6/6. It's the most versatile minion in the game, to use him correctly you need to know the current meta and what cards your opponent most likely sitting on (or assume he's sitting on rather). So you either use him to establish early board (which is really important so that's why he's kind of great), as a set up play (triggering mirror, baiting out bgh or silence, to combo with eviscerate and so on) or in a combo play (like loatheb+prep+tinker+vancleef). Tips if u opponent have Big Game Hunter play for 6\6, same for Shadow Word: Death - u must play 4\4. From comments

  • SI:7 Agent one of the best 3rd drop in game. Dont afraid to use without combo. Remember: Rogue its a tempo deck

  • Tinker's Sharpsword Oil - our main force.

  • Piloted Shredder - Most popular 4rd drop in the game. Good against weapon class.

  • Violet Teacher - I love this girl. We have 18 spells for this baby. But be carefull, against Hunter's Unleash the Hounds and Grim Patron. Also our combo from Tinker's Sharpsword Oil can buffed inactive minion

  • Azure Drake -  Azure Drakes work perfectly together with spellpower and it also cycles to your strong cards

  • Loatheb - One of the best 5 drop. Save us against druid's combo, hunter's Kill Command etc


Tempo-Mage(Normal matchup): SI:7, Backstab, Eviscerate, Deadly Poison

Shaman and Zoo(Normal matchup): SI:7, Backstab,Fan of Knives\Blade Flurry

Paladin(Easy matchup): Fan of knives, SI:7, Backstab

Hunters(Moderate matchup): Eviscerate, backstab,SI:7, fan of knives

Warriors(Patron - easy): Shredder. If you have one and a coin, get second.

Control Warrior(very hard matchup) - Prep, concede.

Druid(Normal matchup): Deadly Poison, Backstab,Teacher, Prep, Sap. Win this dude asap. Play around swipes and combo-range(14damage from empty board)

Priest(Easy matchup): Sap, Teacher, shredders

Handlock(Easy matchup): backstab,eviscerate,SI:7. NEVER SAP FIRST FAT MINION LIKE DRAKE OR INSTLOSS




upd:curently rank is 4

stats. october

hearthstats: http://hss.io/d/2594569