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(W) Malygos the Destroyer (WOG)

  • Last updated May 27, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 10 Minions
  • 19 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 9380
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/29/2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • Battle Tag:

    zombified #1932

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In the early game you need to draw and play as many totems as possible, at least until you draw into Charged Hammer. In my personal experience, my preferred starting hand with this deck against most classes would be [card=gold]Ancestral Knowledge[/card], Bloodmage ThalnosLava Shock, and Healing Wave. Before we go any further this deck will not win you every game, this isn't a deck you can just sit and ladder with constantly, but it can and will work often if played correctly and if you have reliable draws. The main enablers of this deck is course [card=gold]Ancestor's Call[/card], but more importantly are the constant field wipes such as the [card=gold]Lightning Storm[/card]s, the Elemental Destructions, Earth Shock, and Hex, as well as the almighty Healing Wave, honestly those are the more important cards because without them you wouldn't be able to wait out the game until you could unleash Malygos's wraith onto the opponent, well you could, but good luck. I really enjoy having [card=gold]Chromaggus[/card] in this deck because not only is his ability amazing which allows you to get double damage spells, double Healing Waves, double field wipes, or God help them double Malygos, but it is possible to play him turn six with Ancestral Knowledge and that can be really beneficial, plus he synergies well with the other draws in the deck such as Azure Drake and Bloodmage Thalnos. If you want to succeed with this deck more than crashing with it then you have to know when and when not to play cards such as Healing Wave and Lava Shock, personally I try my best not to play Healing Wave until my health is around half way down so i can get the full benefit from the Joust, doesn't always happen, but I also prefer to have already drawn into Bloodmage Thalnos at some point being as he is the cheapest minion in the deck and can get in the way of winning the Joust, which with this kind of a deck winning the Joust is pretty important. As for Lava Shock unless you're using it to kill off the opponent with Malygos or clear a big threat that only has two health left or more if you're getting spell damage buff, then I'd tell you to only play it at the end of a turn where you are overloaded significantly to where it will effect your next turn badly or at the beginning of a turn where you overloaded badly the turn before, if you remember those two rules then it should be pretty straight forward until you draw into combo. The beauty of running two [card=gold]Ancestor's Call[/card] is you can use one to get minions out such as Emperor Thaurissan, and Troggzor the Earthinator, and the for-mentioned [card=gold]Chromaggus[/card] out alot quicker than normal which can help out a game tremendously, while other times not so much, because remember most of the time your opponent get's a minion as well so I don't recommend risking it against certain archetypes unless you have an answer to the minion it may drop. If you don't have Troggzor the Earthinator, I recommend Ragnaros the Firelord, which he can also kill off the enemy minion dropped if played with [card=gold]Ancestor's Call[/card]. The reason I have chosen Troggzor the Earthinator over him is because for starters he is a seven drop versus an eight drop, he can't be targeted by Big Game Hunter, but mainly because I love [card=gold]Loatheb[/card] for what he does, however [card=gold]Loatheb[/card] conflicts with [card=gold]Ancestor's Call[/card] and that is why I'm using Troggzor the Earthinator, he doesn't lock the opponent out of spells in the same way, but I find him to be beneficial in a deck like this, plus he gives you more minions (Burly Rockjaw Trogg) that also potential lock your opponent out of spells. If you have anymore questions about the deck regarding how to play, card replacers, etc. then feel free to ask me and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience. Voice your opinions, they will be heard. If you like this deck, please rate and check out my other decks. Please enjoy!

Recently replaced 1 Healing Wave with Hallazeal the Ascended.

Sorry for the absence of posting, I took a break from the game for about 6 months, but  I'm back at it.