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#1 Control/Dragon Warrior (TGT)

  • Last updated Sep 26, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 13260
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/26/2015 (TGT Launch)
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About me and the deck:

Hello there! My name is Australium. I have been playing Hearthstone for about seven months now wich is not that long so I guess that I am pretty new to the scene. Here is the awesome Hybrid Warrior I made after TGT came out. I have played a lot of Control Warrior in the past and some Dragon Warrior when TGT came out but both had their weaknesses. This deck is a combination of both, it has the strength of Control Warrior and the value of Dragon Warrior but none of the weaknesses.

This deck has been working out so well for me. My winrate against hard matchups like Secret Paladin, Druid and Shaman have gone up dramatically since I switched from regular Control Warrior to this list.

The Basics:

First of all, I am going to explain how Control Warrior works. Control Warrior is obviously, an extremely control oriented deck. It has the most big legendarys than any other viable deck on ladder, why Control Warrior has so many legendarys, I will explain later.

Control Warrior is a lot like Handlock, it's a comeback deck. This means that you will often be losing the early game and winning in the end-game because this deck has way more removal, heal and larger minions than most other decks. The difference between the two is that Handlock is way more late game oriented while Control Warrior still has tons of early game minions, spells and weapons. The most important cards in the early game are the four weapons and the Armorsmiths wich you should almost always keep in your starting hand. Bash is also an early game card but the reason that this is in the deck is not only to kill small minions but also to gain more armor for Shield Slam and to be used as direct damage to make Execute work.

At the start of the game, you should only be worried about killing your opponent's minions because if you lose with this deck, it's most often because you got overwhelmed in the early game. In the mid-game however you should be able to regain board control slowly with card's like Death's Bite, Brawl, Sylvanas and [deck]Blackwing Corruptor[/deck]. Once you get to the end-game, it will be easy. You will have card's like Shield Slam to kill giant minions for only one mana wich will allow you to play very huge minions on the same turn and gain insane amounts of tempo wich will lead to you winning the game.

Control Warrior is a very hard and complicated deck to play so if you wan't to get good at it, you should watch people that play Control Warrior on twitch.tv it's also very hard to explain how to play it because it all depends on the situation, sometimes you wan't to play aggresive, sometimes defensive, sometimes you wan't draw a lot of cards and sometimes you don't want to draw any.


Control Warrior has a lot of powerful combo's like Slam into Execute and Shieldmaiden into Shield Slam. It also has some more complicated and bigger combo's like putting your opponent down to 15 health with Alexstrasza and pottentially winning the game next turn by using Grommash Hellscream, you will need to somehow "Enrage" the Grommash Hellscream tho wich shouldn't be to hard with the Slams, Death's Bites, Shield Slams and the Revenge.

I suggest you to take a look at the deck and think about all the possible combo's and power plays that you can use and to watch other people play the deck on twitch.

Early Game:

The early game as Control Warrior can often be very anoying and frustrating because you might get very, very overwhelmed and might think that you will lose. But never give up! There are tons of comeback cards that Control Warrior has wich will help you regain board control (most of the time) against the more tempo based and aggressive decks. You should just try to mulligan for the right cards (see mulligan below) and think about how you can come back.

Mid Game:

The mid game is why I chose to make a hybrid version of Control Warrior and Dragon Warrior. Control warrior has no mid-game, it only has the Sludge Belchers and the removal. Instead, this deck runs a Sludge Belcher and two Blackwing Corruptors wich are extremely strong, I mean, just look at them, they are exactly what Warrior needed.

Late Game:

The Control Warrior's late game is amazing! Just look at all of the high-cost and powerfull minions and at all of the ways that the Control Warrior can remove the opponent's big minions with ease and almost no mana! (Big Game Hunter, Shield Slam and Execute). It should be an easy win if you were able to survive until the late game, unless you're playing against another Control Warrior wich I will get to later on.

Comeback Cards:

This deck runs a lot of comeback cards like the Brawl wich is sometimes, very strong, but sometimes very useless. The Blackwing Corruptors and Death's Bites are another great comeback mechanic but in a different way, they allow you to get a lot of value for very few mana cost but you will trade away a lot of health for getting that extra value wich is often fine because of the hero power, all of the armor gain, the Justicar Trueheart and the Alexstrasza.

The Mirror Matchup:

When you're playing against another Control Warrior, the game will go into fatigue almost every single time so make sure that you gain a ton of value by using very little cards, play Justicar Trueheart as early as possible and to keep Executes and Shield Slams for the big minions. Also make sure to not draw to many card's because that way you will die faster. But in general this deck is pretty good in the mirror because of the Justicar Trueheart, 80% of the time, the Control Warrior with Justicar Trueheart wins the game. (NOTE: Justicar Trueheart gives you a new hero power meaning that you can hero power, Justicar Trueheart and hero power again in one turn.)

Mulligans and Winrates:


55-45: Good matchup, depends mostly on whether or not you survive in the early game and can stabilize afterwards.

Keep: Weapons, Armorsmiths, Slam if you have an Armorsmith or Weapon.


51-49: Very even matchup, Freeze Mage is almost a free win but Tempo and Mech Mage can be hard to come back from.

Keep: Weapons, BashSlam.


60-40: Good matchup, easy to stay in control of the board with the weapons, Brawl often has good value because they have both very weak and very strong minions on the board at the same time. Easy end-game to, only avoid playing Ysera because of Shrinkmeister into Cabal Shadow Priest combo.

Keep: Weapons, Shield Block If you have Shield Slam), Shield Slam If you have Shield Block.


51-49: This deck is slightly better in the mirror matchup because some don't run Justicar Trueheart, simple as that.

Keep: Weapons, Shield Block but only if you have no other Weapon.


40-60: Worst matchup, Druid can take out big minion's early wich you can't deal with yet and you can't really avoid the Druid's combo.

Keep: Weapons, Shield Block If you have Shield Slam, Shield Slam If you have Shield Block, Armorsmith if you have an Execute, Bash if you have no weapon (to deal with the Darnassus Aspirant).


47-53: Another bad matchup, it's hard to deal with the totems. The more aggressive the Shaman, the easier that matchup.

Keep: Weapons, BrawlArmorsmiths, Acolyte of Pain, Bash if you have no other Weapon.


62-38: Good matchup, rogue relies on dealing a certain amount of burst damage to finish off the game wich doesn't work if you have like 40-70 health in the late game.

Keep: Weapons, Armorsmiths, Bash


46-54: Secret Paladin is hard, regular Paladin is a coin flip. It's just to hard to come back from the insane early game they can have. Having a Death's Bite to kill the 1/1's often decides who will win the game.

Keep: Weapons, Armorsmiths, SlamRevenge


46-54: Handlock can be hard but Demon-Zoo is fine. Once again, this is because Control Warrior can't deal with big minions early on. At the time of making this deck, Handlock is popular so I'm going to mulligan for Handlock.

Keep: Shield Block If you have Shield Slam), Shield Slam If you have Shield Block, Death's BiteExecute, Armorsmith but only if you have an execute.


Thanks for reading!

I hope that you learned something about Control Warrior by reading this tutorial! Feel free to ask questions about the deck in the comment section or add me on battle.net to ask me questions directly.

- Australium#1422

