Zetalot's #1 legend Combo Midrange
- Last updated Sep 23, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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- 20 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 9000
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/21/2015 (TGT Launch)
- Dbenji
- Registered User
- 4
- 22
- 40
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Standard priest deck with lots of synergies.
Good against any kind of deck. Even freeze and fatigue mage matchups got better with TGT!
Change Deathlords for Thoughtsteals, Death, etc in control heavy meta.
VOD: http://www.twitch.tv/zetalot/v/17068040
All credits to http://www.twitch.tv/zetalot .
Missing both Voljin and Justicar in this deck. Have only enough dust for one which one should I go for first? I'm leaning towards Justicar since I could use it in my CW too.
Also is this deck good against aggro hunters and paladins and secret paladins? They swarm at rank 1, 2 in my server.
Toshley, Emperor, Harrison, Loatheb, Confessor
Tournament medic hands down.
Loatheb, Harrison
When he hit number 1, he had thougthsteal instead of deathlords, but it depends of what you face.
One last thing, its ok againt freeze, not really good, and its not good against fatigue tbh and its not combo, its more control/midrange
It's definitely midrange as the mana costs of cards range from 0 to 9 with best cards and combinations between 3 and 10 mana.
You can call it control as half of the deck is removal or has removal effects in combination with another cards.
I like to call it combo because except Lightbomb, Deathlord and Ysera, every single card in this deck has a strong combination with at least 1 other card. Most of them has with 3-4 though. You can play 5 cards to clear the board, draw 10 cards and OTK your opponent. It's like miracle rogue or patron warri. (That's why I play Thaurissan in my version.)
Deathlord / Thoughtsteal. I hate cards that has the word 'random' on them. Thoughtsteal is the best amongst them though, it's a very good card.
I'm still testing cards like Shadowfiend so decklist changes every week. :D
the heck are you talking about this isn't a combo deck. It's called synergy dude
im at rank 10 atm, facing alot of handlock and patrons :/
You have Lightbomb for Patron and replace Deathlords for handlock.
Alot of people saw this, 32k~ at the time of Legend 1, but i was trying to get an answer on his stream about what i should replace Justicar Trueheart with since i dont own it :(
Toshley, Emperor Thaurissan and Loatheb are safe picks. Harrison if you face a considerable amount of warriors and paladins. (Which is the case now.)