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[Legend] Inspiring Deathwing

  • Last updated Sep 30, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 14140
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/21/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Props to Pwnyhof for showing how good Nexus-Champion Saraad and Kodorider can be in Controlwarrior bringing up an awesome deck like that:


After watching a bit of gameplay of his Inspire Warrior I decided to make my own version of it with a few tweaks and one awesome high risk high reward card which I feel is underused but on the other hand is only really strong when it's unexpected. Deathwing. It is a strong card but keep in mind it was and always will be a techcard.

I played this deck every now and than since rank 5 and made the final push from rank 2 with a wooping 9:1 games. Three of this games Deathwing decided the match in my favor.

Now to the deck. The core of CW switched a bit with the arrival of the grand tournament but every CW still always needs to run the following few:

Card Choices:


2x Execute


2x Shield Slam


2x Armorsmith: I like this minion so much, it can build you a board against aggro in the early game, can combo for massive armor gain in the mid and late game and is usually difficult to kill with 4 hp. Be careful when to drop it against patron and priest in the lategame and your fine.


1-2x Fiery War Axe: There is a lot of debate about running only one Winaxe, I think with patron you sometimes can risk running only one. In CW however and especially in this meta you have to run both copies.


1-2 Cruel Taskmaster: Was also a staple in CW. I think 1 is enough though. It lets Armorsmith and Acolyte of Pain trade up with Shreeder and nearly everything below. Kills 1 health minions which can be awesome against facehunter or other fast decks were 2 dmg to face can mean win or lose. Last but not least can proc Grom for a 12 dmg Combo.


2x Death's Bite: You have to run this two, too much value through removal of both a main target and tokens. Also it's needed to proc Grommash Hellscream and Acolyte of Pain.


2x Acolyte of Pain: Your main draw engine. Remember sometimes it's worth it to draw only one card if you get something on the board. Also don't draw to much in the mirror matchup, those usually go to fatigue.


1-2 Brawl: CW used to run only one in the past with a few metas were two were a must. I believe we're back in a meta where we have to use two again. It's also nice in combination with Deathwing because after the second one is played everybody overextends. There is a reason why I called this deck "you can't have a board".


1 Justicar Trueheart/ 1 Shieldmaiden: 2 Shieldmaidens was staple in CW since GvG, with Trueheart doing the job of tank up! way better than Shieldmaiden I think it's only fair to replace 1 Shieldmaiden with her. Going running all three can be discussed but i think the 1:1 way is the way to go, there are more valuable 6 drops.


1x Grommash Hellscream: Wincondition number one in CW. "Unexpected burst from" for up to 12 dmg. It's not really unexpected because everyone knows your running it, but sometimes they just can't do anything about it. I don't run the Alex combo with it. Because I think it's not needed, against control you usually win through outvalueing them, against aggro if you have the time to set something like Weapon+Alex+Grom up you have already won with other cards.

Now that we have the staples out of the way we can discuss the tech choices:

Tech Choices

Shield Block [/card] vs [card]Bash: 2 Shield Blocks were a staple in CW since the beginning of time. Five armour synergizes with Shield Slam and it also draws another card. Bash on the other hand has a build in mini Shield Slam but lacks the card draw. 

So what is better now? The answer is neither, they serve different purposes. I had the most success with running one of both. This slot is however debatable and should be a meta call.


1x Big Game Hunter: Some say warrior has enough removal and doesn't need a BGH, but I think you need atleast one, it strenghens the handlock and secretpala matchup so much, triggering all secretes and killing Dr.6 with BGH is so satisfying.


2x Piloted Shredder: Usually not run in CW but really strong on it's own, also helps a lot to stabilzes earlier and build of a board presence, which is most important in aggro matchups. Also synergizes with Brawl and gives you a minion even if your unlucky.


1x Nexus-Champion Saraad: One of 3 "low cost " removal baits you have in this deck. This one draws you spells. If it lives for more than 1 turn you can usually say gg. This means your opponent has already run out of removal and you can safely drop your bombs. The spells I get are usually quite useful, it gives a bit of unpredictibility and I like not being predictable. In my last game I got a Lightbomb against patron warrior. Didn't even used it because it stands no chance either way.


1x Emperor Thaurissan: The second removal bait, instant value and manareduction. As CW you usually have a few cards in hand at any time.


1x Kodorider: The third and last removal bait. Snowballs even harder than the other two because it builds you a board if you can't remove it. This card is rather unique in CW and does something CW can't do normally. Putting 2 minions on the board for one card.


The inspire cards can be droped on turn 5/6 or 5/6+ 2mana for hero power. Against aggro it sometimes is better to just drop them on the first turn if you really need something on the board. The value they bring doesn't matter if you die before. The + 2 mana option makes them quite flexible.


1x Sylvanas Windrunner: Not as good as it was, but still one of the best legendarys. Play this with Brawl and you always win. This is usually possible if one gets discounted by Emperor.


1x Baron Geddon: Really useful against paladin and other aggro decks. With this and Brawl you don't have to worry if you get a bit behind on board.


1x Ysera: Your second win condition. Lategame legendary with the most value. If you baited out the removal and you get it to live you have won. The spells are too op and you always get Ysera Awakens if you need it (but careful, the same can be said if your opponent plays it.)


This card gets hated so much. Yet it can win you games in way no other card can.

True it can be a dead card in your hand, true you can discard valuable cards, true it can be 1 card removed with "I got a beast in my sights".

But you play it in CW, you have usually a fair bit of time. You don't drop it when you have 5 cards in hand, than you usually have another removal card for your opponents threats.

You don't drop it when you know your oppenent has BGH in his deck and hasn't played it yet.


But when do I drop it then?

You drop it in the lategame, if both Brawls are gone and your opponent starts overextending again. You drop it when all removal is gone or you drop it when all hope is gone and you have no other choice.

He's not an easy card to play, you need to know a lot about this game, the meta, your deck and your opponents deck.

I never got it BGH'ed since I played him, he can you bring back an unwinnable game or you just keep him in hand if you're already winning.

 Card Replacements

Kodorider -> Dr. Boom as they serve the same effect: filling the board and providing a must remove card. I like Kodo more, because BGH.


Justicar Trueheart -> Shieldmaiden: More solid body, but greatly reduces the armorgain.


Nexus-Champion Saraad-> Sludge Belcher, but than you can also run standart CW.


Deathwing can't be replaced, to good card. You can try with Varian Wrynn if you change the deck quite a bit. Another replacement would be Alextrazsa.


Bash <-> Shield Block and vis versa.


Tech cards can also get build in, Harrison Jones, Baron Geddon, Sludge Belcher all depend on the meta.

I'm currently unsure if Harrison is needed or not.


 Exact numbers coming soon.

Strong against: Patron Warrior, Freeze Mage, Facehunter, other CW, Ramp Druid, Dragon Priest, Control Priest, Oil/ Malygos Rogue, Dragonlock

Even: Combo Druid, Handlock, Demonhandlock, Eboladin, Zoo, Mech Mage, Mech Shaman

Weak: Midrange Hunter, Midrange Secret Paladin,


There are a few differences how you mulligan against each class but the general guidlines are:

 Special mentions:

Against Aggro: Fiery War Axe, Armorsmith, Cruel Taskmaster, Bash, Acolyte of Pain and you can keep Death's Bite. Don't keep to much weapons though.

Against Control: Weapons, Piloted Shredder, Acolyte of Pain, Shield Block, Shield Slam

Against Midrange: Same as against aggro but keep Execute also.


You can keep Brawl in the starting hand. You usually need it turn 5. BGH can be useful, if you have faith that you'll have the board on when Dr. 6 comes out. Triggering all secrets and killing Dr.6 in the same turn.


Axe is absolutly needed if they drop Darnassus Aspirant on turn 2. Keep Execute and maybe Piloted Shredders. Always calculate how much dmg they can do with combo and also be aware that double combo is always possible after Emperor and does 22 dmg out of nowhere.


Always keep BGH if you don't know which version it is. BGH's needed against Handlock and Demonlock. Deathwing shines in this matchup. Remember that Twilight Drake isn't that dangerous and your removal is needed for Giants.

Against Zoo you just remove their threats and win usually after a good Brawl turn. If you get Winaxe, otherwise they can drop you too low before Brawl.


Always keep Execute, you can't deal with a Velen's Chosen on a Cleric otherwise. Sylvanas Windrunner and Brawls are awesome in this matchup.


Spawning lots of patrons is easily dealt with and is no danger for high armor numbers but Froathing can still kill you at over 50 hp if you play it wrong.

Usually you can read what your opponent is holding and how you need to play against combopieces in his hand. If  there is a double Froathing don't have more than 1 minion on the board in the lategame.

Only armoring up is perfectly viable strategie. He is on the timer, not you. You get 2-4 armor every turn while just removing what he plays and at some point even Froathing Berserker can't kill you anymore.


Mirror matchup:  This matchup goes to fatigue most of the time, therefore most people find it quite boring. I like this matchups a lot because you can easily test who is the better control player. Drawing 3 cards with one Acolyte for example can strait up lose you the game in the long run.

The warrior which gets more value wins in this case, which will be you with lots of card generators like Saraad, Ysera, Kodorider. Deathwing will usually finish this game at fatigue.