Kolento Legend #1 Druid
- Last updated Sep 27, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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- 17 Minions
- 13 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 4480
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/17/2015 (TGT Launch)

- Kolento
- Pro Player
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The climb is real.
According to him, best deck in the current meta.
Rank #1, he did it boys! :).
Ok, for those, who complain about this deck, YOU just do not know how to play this deck! This deck is awesome. Just learn to play and then you will enjoy it.
I have had no luck with this deck. SO SLOW! I just went 2-10, losing to fatigue warriors, dragon priests, face hunters, everything. The only games I won was when I had God hands with multiple Innervates, Shades, or D. Aspirants. I would save your dust and give this deck a miss.
I have a lot of trouble against most priest. How does this deck hold up?
I tend to have a lot of trouble against Priest (dragon) how does this hold up against it?
Replacement for shade and emperor?
A different deck is the only real replacement for those 2.
Replacement for war?
Is this still good in the current meta?
Boom is just too good for every deck. There can be no other lol
Great list. Some lack what this one has
Whats BGH?
BGH=Big Game Hunter
Beautiful list here, I was using the gnimsh druid to climb from rank 5 to legend, but found it quite hard to do the "last push to legend", so I decided to try this deck, well, 6-0 straight to legend.
What deck you used?
I used this one to reach rank 1 https://i.gyazo.com/234396bb3914175febb0a990c5982d22.png
and this one to push it to legend https://i.gyazo.com/c8ce81162fd3102e02a410efb7d627d7.png
i dont have Shade of Nexx , is there anything i can replace it with ? i have around 800 dust to craft . Thanks in advance :)
It's very, very important. But I would go with Druid of the Saber
Thanks to both of you! Druid of the Saber is one I already have and it will be a good fill-in until I can get the money to buy the other two(?) wings of Nax.
What would you recommend as a temporary swap for Emperor Thaurissan, Gene? (I haven't bought any of the BR wings yet...)
Sounds good...I was thinking of getting Sylvana, anyway. (Seems like there are other decks I want to do that needs it.)
"Really cheap"? That would imply that I could save 700 in the first place!