[9/6ASIA LEGEND]banana shaman
- Last updated Sep 6, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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- 22 Minions
- 8 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 2600
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/6/2015 (TGT Launch)
- wissoul
- Registered User
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Put in a second Azure Drake or second Bloodlust. These will not be a replacement for Dr. Boom (he won me at least 2 games with this deck by playing him on turn 7, where those 2 cards mentioned wouldn't have, but Bloodlust in particular is a big late-game win condition spell for this deck. Also consider a Forked Lightning. A Ravenholdt Assassin might be worth testing as a Dr. Boom replacement for the F2P players, because damage burst to the face from turns 7-12 is how you win this deck. Stormwind Champion is another possibility because it synergizes with the swarm-of-buffed-minions-to-the-face concept of this deck, and could be used to activate Nerubian Egg and allow your 0/2 totems to attack.
No Totem Golem and Mukla's Champion over Thunder Bluff Valiant? It's different yes, but better? I don't think so.
Love to see Mukla's Champion get some play though.
I think adding a Onyxia would be a nice finisher
It looks like Shaman zoo.
Those bananas you got here are OP XD ! Nice deck had some fun with it today! Crazy how strong the Mukla's Champion is if you opponent doesn't have removal... Truly cancerous D: ! Anyways here's my gameplay for the deck! ENJOY YOH :D !
I think at the end you should taunted boom/boombot and went face with those 2 then the 1/1 boombot hit the healbot pray for lethal :D
Yeah maybe lol! Idk I guess I shouldn't ever play around lightbomb XD !
Tip: You should (almost) always play Tuskarr Totemic to the left of any minion you have on the board, just in case it procs a Flametongue Totem.
Got it lol
How would enhanco mechano do in this deck ?
I'd recommend 2 haunted creepers, thinking about replacing something for those just not sure what xD
m8 if you don't even have enough dust to make a rare than try arena.
replace Mana Tide Totem with Ancestral Knowledge
Not going to lie, Defender of Argus is really important to this deck, leaving one out hurts the deck, no matter what you replace it with. Maybe try a Lance Carrier for buffing the eggs and totems? Likewise Mana Tide Totem is hugely important for card draw. Maybe try adding a second Azure Drake. Also consider adding a Forked Lightning for early board clear versus aggro.
i just saw the true power of this deck in my most recent match it would take to long to explain everything positive that happened but basically i had 4 minions on board, a 1/1 searing totem, a 3/2 tuskar, a 4,2 nerubian and a 4,3 nerubian. My opponent had 1 northshire cleric on the board and a 2/4 minion (i forget what) and his next turn flooded the board with value minions that should have traded exactly with my board including a 3/5 blackwing corruptor that should have been able to survive from anything on my board and a 2/3 twighlight whelp that should have traded for my 3/2 instead on my next turn i used muklas champion with a coined out hero power allowing for my entire board to live and kill my opponents entire board. Even if he had used holy nova (would have been his second) i wouldnt have been that mad because it would have meant he had to use it on a board of minions that should have already been dead, but he didnt and i won the game easily after that
Keep in mind people that this deck is in the Asia meta, where compared to NA climbing the Asia and Europe latter is ridiculously easy this deck is not very good and wont get you below rank 12 in NA latter.
Closing in on Rank 5, switched out Loatheb and an earth shock for 2 haunted creepers.
thats a good idea i made the deck more effective in NA with switching out a defender of argus for a sludgebelcher and one zombie chow for a healing wave, i love how my comment got three downs those people obviously don't know hearthstone that well, cause all i said was this deck list would not work in NA and you proved my point cause you had to like me change it to reach a lower rank, not to mention anyone that is above noob level knows Asia and Europe are cake compared to NA.
you suffer from autism. I am sorry.
also it's spelt Beelzebub you silly sausage.
fren since you know hearthstone that well, at least tell us whats your best rank before shittalking...rank 10??