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S17 Control 100% WinRate

  • Last updated Sep 4, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 15360
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/3/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Hello people, my name is Alex and this is my first deck uploaded to the page. Although it is a noob on the page, I am a very active and extensive experience in the game player. Well, step by commenting on the deck that is giving me brilliant results, for the time being 10-0.

First of all as you know, warrior Control weakens much early game, all we have are our Armorsmith Fiery War Axe and one Cruel Taskmaster you usually use it to get us off to those damn thugs early bird aggro, eg Leper Gnome, thus we took more damage and left on a table to clean 2/2 minimally one more enemy minion. Needless to say I always will play to clean, but also have synergy with your Acolyte or with the Armorsmith. And thanks to the departure of TGT, I got 2 copies of Bash, I love this letter, it goes without saying why.

In mid game is when we began to put strong, Justicar Trueheart is brilliant, giving you a great advantage in armor and a variety of cards that support us a lot and synergy between them as Shieldmaiden warp fine with that Shield Slam and well, Death's Bite, Sylvana

If we can use our resources decently and get to the late game, the game is ours. And we have several ways to do this, we went down to 15 with Alex (of course we will always do so offensively) and the next gromash turn enraged may be the GG, however we have a Ysera is a very good finisher also for the letters is giving us, it can be very dangerous and finally, Varian Wrynn.


Justicar Trueheart x 1 Shield Block but not recommended because Justicar win games by himself.

Harrison Jones x1 Faceless Manipulator This letter is a great surprise for the rival, beside copying his bailiff and at the same time to kill the letter copied with Shield Slam, BG. Also it is entertained to have 2 Ysera in your battlefield.

And I personally like to play x2 Brawl, poquita people expected another after spending your first and surprises.

This is all Chic @ s I hope you like and feel free to vote and comment! Greetings and playing!